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In this case, the Gaussian Copula is used to connect the data that correlates with the time and with other data sets. Most often, practitioners rely only on the linear correlation to describe the degree of dependence between two or more... more
Se presenta una introduccion a conceptos y resultados basicos
sobre copulas, y su utilidad para estudiar y medir dependencia
de variables aleatorias, como consecuencia del Teorema de Sklar
This paper investigates the dependence structure between default risk premium, equity return volatility and jump risk in the equity market before and during the subprime crisis. Using iTraxx CDS index spreads from Japanese and Australian... more
We investigate the dependence structure between major local sukuk (Islamic bonds) yields in three Muslim countries and various stock market conditions as represented by national, regional and global stock market returns and conditional... more
A crescente penetração da geração eólica requer o aprimoramento das ferramentas computacionais que suportam a tomada de decisão na operação e no planejamento de sistemas elétricos. Ciente desta necessidade, o presente trabalho tem por... more
 In this paper, we estimate the dependence structure between international stock markets using copulas. Different relationships that exist in normal and extreme periods were estimated using Clayton copula.  The Inference Functions for... more
In classical mechanics, we have individual particle and invariant density in the phase space. In quantum mechanics, any particle is sensitive in a different way from all other particles, for its position and also to the measure process.... more
New in the probability theory and eventology theory, the concept of Kopula (eventological copula) is introduced. The theorem on the characterization of the sets of events by Kopula is proved, which serves as the eventological pre-image of... more
In this research, we present a nonparametric approach for the estimation of a copula density using different kernel density methods. Different functions were used: Gaussian, Gumbel, Clayton, and Frank copula, and through various... more
We discuss the connection between information and copula theories by showing that a copula can be employed to decompose the information content of a multivariate distribution into marginal and dependence components, with the latter... more
An electoral quick count is a statistical procedure whose main objective is to obtain a relatively small but representative sample of all the polling stations in a certain election, and to measure the uncertainty about the final result... more
ABSTRACT The evidence on the dependence relationship of idiosyncratic risks among public-listed banks is unclear in the presence of bailout event in recent financial crisis. There is suspicion on the effects of bailout regimes on the... more
An electoral quick count is a statistical procedure whose main objective is to obtain a relatively small but representative sample of all the polling stations in a certain election, and to measure the uncertainty about the final result... more
The increasing wind power generation requires the updating of the computational tools that support decision making in the operation and planning of electric power systems. This work describes a methodology to model the spatial... more