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A commentary on the Synodal Way of the Catholic Dioceses in Germany, its conditions, goals, pitfalls and limitations. A response to Prof. Heinrich Beck.
Catholic diocesan synods have been profoundly changed after Vatican II, especially by the ecclesiology of communion and by the importance given to the People of God. They are processes, not just regular onetime events (1). The nearly 800... more
The Church of the East, even if it was outside the Byzantine Empire and did not take part in the Christological discussions and controversies there, could not be silent. Our analysis of the Christological statements and professions of... more
“Questions of power and its exercise in the Church are real and need to be resolved, but we must not let them become a distraction from the more fundamental questions of truth, fidelity, and apostolic mission, to which all authority in... more
«Єпископ Київської Церкви» — праця, метою якої є показати, яким повинен бути єпископ цієї Церкви на підставі документів, прийнятих самими ж єпископами на різних синодах 1589-1891 рр. З того виходить цікава канонічна праця, яка доводить,... more
""Le document présente une liste des synodes diocésains célébrés ou en cours depuis 1965. Cette 5e édition intègre aussi les « parasynodes » (assemblées diocésaines extraordinaire relevant de la même synodalité) et les conciles... more
Les pages web consacrées par quatre diocèses français à leur synode diocésain en cours à la fin de l’année 2005 se révèlent particulièrement significatives et permettent de mieux cerner la question de la présence de l'Eglise catholique... more
Considérant le sujet de l’éducation huguenote au temps de l’interdit confessionnel, cette enquête interroge l’articulation entre principes d’instruction et modalités de résistance réformées afin de cerner la spécificité d’une éducation... more
french: Dans l’Église catholique actuelle, les conciles provinciaux, régionaux et nationaux font figure de parent pauvre, tant comme évènements concrets de la vie ecclésiale que comme objet d’étude des ecclésiologues et canonistes. La... more
Synodal activity usually required great organizational and diplomatic skills, theological knowledge, as well as a lot of patience and effort. These assumptions were also manifested by the Nitra Bishop Anton (1492-1500) through the... more
Political, religious, and socio-economic changes during the Ottoman presence, the struggle for thrones, frequent military strikes, the spread of new religious ideas, and the loss of the spirituality and the worshippers affected the... more
This concise work reflects on Pope Francis' guide to "discernment" and to "our obligations to each other," as Francis develops those concepts in "Fratelli Tutti" and "Let Us Dream." It demonstrates his "bottom-up" approach to... more
У цій публікації представлено канони, які повині стати частиною джерел права Української Греко-Католицької Церкви. Матеріали стосуються теми семінарії, кандидатів на свячення, нижчих служителів, дияконів, парафій, протопресвітерів,... more
In the 16th century, there were many confessional and social changes, due to which the position of the Catholic Church seemed to have been shaken and lost many believers and priests. Being faced with the pressure of the spreading... more