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In 2012, in the village Davidovac situated in south Serbia, 9.5 km south-west from Vranje, archaeological investigations were conducted on the site Crkviste. The remains of the smaller bronze-age settlement were discovered, above which a... more
The several decades long rescue excavations of the ancient city of Viminacium have brought to light a large number of finds with very varied functions. In this paper, we will focus our attention on the remains of agricultural tools. They... more
This paper discusses early Christian baptistries in the territory of northern Illyricum, which are dated to the period from the 4th to the beginning of the 7th century. The analysis of architectural shapes, positions and decorative... more
A small inscribed statuette base, found in Pincum (Veliko Gradiste), and belonging to the antiquities collector Imre Pongr?cz, was rediscovered recently in the deposits of the Banat Museum. This fact put in a new light all that we have... more
During the archaeological excavations performed in 1969/70 at the northern necropolis of Sirmium, around the Basilica of St Synerotes, a few sepulchral slabs with inscriptions and symbols of Early Christian character were discovered. The... more
A fragmentary marble inscription, preserved in the Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica, seems to mention the basilica of St. Anastasia: [In dom]o beati[ssimae dominae nost]re Anast[asiae. This monument provides epigraphic evidence on the... more
During the excavation in 2002, in trench 24A in Mediana, a head fragment of a sculpture was discovered, belonging to a life-sized, or possibly slightly larger, sculpture. Analysis of this head indicates that it is of Aesculapius.... more
Throughout 2010 and 2011, a systematic nine month archaeological exploration was conducted on the north-eastern, northwestern and south-eastern parts of the villa with peristyle, as well as the area in front of the museum building (see... more
During the archaeological investigation of the villa with peristyle in Mediana in 2011, a marble head, which may have been the head of a goddess, was discovered. Her face and the treatment of her hair show that it may represent a replica... more
U clanku je obradjen novac pronadjen u nekoliko celina prilikom iskopavanja izvan bedema palate u Romulijani. Novac iz grobnice iskopane 2005. godine onaj koji je bio citljiv, pripada 3. veku, ali to ne znaci i da je grobnica iz tog... more
Throughout 2010 and 2011, a systematic nine month archaeological exploration was conducted on the north-eastern, northwestern and south-eastern parts of the villa with peristyle, as well as the area in front of the museum building (see... more
The earliest balsamaria to appear in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods are ceramic and seldom over 10 cm in height. On the Southern Necropolis of Viminacium (sites Vise grobalja and Pecine) 21 vessels of this type have been found.... more
The belt sets of the VTERE FELIX type that were characteristic of the letter-shaped fittings of the mentioned message were in use during the second half of the II and first half of III century. Soldiers, who are considered to be the... more
The remains of an early Christian church were discovered, by chance, during the leveling of the terrain in Otilovici near Pljevlja where there were two monuments, or pyramidal cipi. At the same time, the older Roman necropolis was totally... more
Systematic archaeological excavations at the multicultural site of Foeni-S?la? in the Romanian Banat conducted during the first half of the 1990s uncovered evidence that the site was inhabited during the Early Neolithic, Copper, Bronze,... more
The accessibility of public facilities and the availability of their content represent a moral imperative and an obligation to society. Unhindered movement and the participation in public and cultural life is a legal obligation under the... more
Zelena glavica je naziv ilirske kultne gradine iz bronce koja je, silom prilika, u kasnom željeznom dobu postala utvrda. Nalazi se na rubu Crvenog jezera zapadno od grada Imotskog. Istu su, nakon pada Delmiona (Imotskog) zauzeli Rimljani.... more
The prosopomorphic vessels from Moesia Superior had the form of beakers varying in outline but similar in size. They were wheel-thrown, mould-made or manufactured by using a combination of wheel-throwing and mould-made appliqu?s. Given... more
The earliest balsamaria to appear in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods are ceramic and seldom over 10 cm in height. On the Southern Necropolis of Viminacium (sites Vise grobalja and Pecine) 21 vessels of this type have been found.... more
The paper brings the results of archaeological excavations of Mound 28 at the Paulje necropolis, conducted in the autumn of 2019, along with the excavations of two adjacent mounds. All of the aforementioned mounds were partially damaged... more
The stone artefacts from Sirmium, held at the Museum of Srem, were sampled and analyzed in order to establish an archaeological database connected with Roman quarries and possible transport routes along the Sava and Danube Rivers. Of the... more
Although the artefacts belonging to the so-called Danubian Horsemen cult have been scientifically examined from various standpoints, the definitive answers to the question of their nature have not yet been reached. One of the key reasons... more
The author discusses the silver and gold jewelry in the collection of Mr Milutin Misic from Belgrade, which includes several fragmented silver "Scharnier" fibulae, silver beads, two silver rings, and a golden appliqu?. The... more
During 2005 and 2008, a team from Republic Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute carried out preservative, sondage, archaeological and revision exploration of the Church of Holy Virgin in Gradac monastery. The 2005 exploration aim was... more
The locality of Mihajlov ponor on Miroc was discovered at the end of 2004. On that occasion, more than thirty stone constructions were observed, with a diameter from four to 12 m and a height of up to 1.3 m. The majority of these... more
Im Laufe arch?ologischer Ausgrabungen 1977 kamen in Sremska Mitrovica, auf der Fundstelle Nr. 56, in einem Geb?ude, dessen Grundriss und Typ nicht festgestellt werden konnten, neben anderen Funden auch mehrere Fragmente an Stuckdekoration... more
A small inscribed statuette base, found in Pincum (Veliko Gradiste), and belonging to the antiquities collector Imre Pongr?cz, was rediscovered recently in the deposits of the Banat Museum. This fact put in a new light all that we have... more
Felix Romuliana was a retreat villa of the Emperor Galerius at Gamzigrad (Serbia), the remains of which include a fair number of stone fragments belonging to its columnar architecture. In recent years, work has been undertaken with the... more
During 2005 and 2008, a team from Republic Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute carried out preservative, sondage, archaeological and revision exploration of the Church of Holy Virgin in Gradac monastery. The 2005 exploration aim was... more
The locality of Mihajlov ponor on Miroc was discovered at the end of 2004. On that occasion, more than thirty stone constructions were observed, with a diameter from four to 12 m and a height of up to 1.3 m. The majority of these... more
This paper presents the results of the mineralogical and chemical analysis made on crystalline schist that covers most of Leaota Mountains. The relief developed on schist substratum must be specific to those mountains, covering, by far,... more