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Columns of Felix Romuliana (Serbia)

2023, ASMOSIA XII Proceedings

Felix Romuliana was a retreat villa of the Emperor Galerius at Gamzigrad (Serbia), the remains of which include a fair number of stone fragments belonging to its columnar architecture. In recent years, work has been undertaken with the help of students from the University of Ljubljana to comprehensively analyse the column remains. The material for analysis comprised 83 bases or parts thereof, 227 fragments and three complete shafts, as well as 72 fragments of Ionic and Corinthian capitals recovered during the archaeological excavations undertaken at the site from 1953 onwards. The text focuses on the column remains in marble, white and coloured. The white marbles mostly came from Prokonnesos and Pentelicon, but also from Thasos and Berkovica. Coloured marbles comprising marmor thessalicum, marmor troadense, marmor syenite and pink Berkovica marble (BG) were only used for column shafts and even there rarely.

ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF MARBLE & OTHER STONES IN ANTIQUITY ASMOSIA XII Proceedings of the XII. Asmosia International Conference of 8-14 October 2018, Izmir Dokuz Eylül University, Desem Halls İzmir-Türkiye Edited by Ali Bahadır YAVUZ Burak YOLAÇAN Matthias BRUNO CONTENTS Preface ...................................................................................................................................... vii Applications to specific archaeological questions – use of marble New research on iasian marble, Fede Berti and Diego Peirano ................................................................................................... 3 Lepcis Magna and the Lesbos marble, Fulvia Bianchi, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio and Walter Prochaska ........................... 13 Quarry items from a marble yard at the ancient harbour of Smyrna, Matthias Bruno, Fulvia Bianchi, Donato Attanasio, Akın Ersoy, Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Burak Yolaçan and Hakan Göncü ............................................................................................ 33 Glass imitations of ornamental rocks: substitutes or luxury items? The case of marmor numidicum and its glass skeuomorphs, Miguel Cisneros, Esperanza Ortiz and Juan Á. Paz ................................................................ 45 Local and imported marbles in real and imitation painted revetment at Aphrodisias in Karia, Peter D. De Staebler ................................................................................................................ 55 The Agora of Smyrna: marble and architectural decoration, Akın Ersoy, Fulvia Bianchi, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio, Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Burak Yolaçan, and Hakan Göncü ......................................................................................... 65 Villa del Casale (Piazza Armerina, Sicily): the opera sectilia of the Basilica’s floor and its marbles, Enrico Gallocchio, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Lorella Pellegrino and Patrizio Pensabene .............. 75 Mt. Filfila and marble in Rusicade (Skikda, Algeria) in Roman times, John J. Herrmann Jr., Robert H. Tykot and Annewies Van Den Hoek ...................................... 83 Thasian Hadrians: portraits of the emperor in dolomitic marble from Thasos, John J. Herrmann, Jr. .............................................................................................................. 95 Polychrome marble at Aphrodisias: the interior scheme of the North Stoa of the Place of Palms, Allison B. Kidd and Ben Russell............................................................................................. 105 Exploring the uses of white asiatic marbles at Roman Athens: three statuettes from the Athenian Agora, Brian Martens, Yannis Maniatis and Dimitris Tambakopoulos ............................................ 115 The “Centauri Furietti” in bigio morato marble. New fragments from the Atrio Mistilineo at Hadrian’s Villa, Adalberto Ottati...................................................................................................................... 127 iii The use of greco scritto in Roman Campania: evidence from the Vesuvian area (Murecine, Pompeii, Herculaneum) and the Western Bay of Naples (Cuma), Simona Perna and Rita Scognamiglio ................................................................................... 139 Marble fragments of monumental inscriptions from the Tarraco Circus (Hispania Citerior), Julio C. Ruiz, Pilar Lapuente, Diana Gorostidi and Mauro Brilli ........................................ 151 Provenance identification I: marble Provenance matters: a multi-proxy approach for the determination of white marbles in the Eastern Rhodopes and the Villa Armira, Bulgaria, Vasiliki Anevlavi, Walter Prochaska, Zdravko Dimitrov and Sabine Ladstätter................... 165 Marble at Aeclanum (Italy): new evidence from three public buildings, Martina Astolfi, Ben Russell, Philip Harrison, Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone and Antonio Mesisca ..................................................................................................................... 175 On the presence of white and black Göktepe quarry marbles at Rome and Ostia, Donato Attanasio, Matthias Bruno, Walter Prochaska and Ali Bahadır Yavuz .................... 185 On the nomenclature of the greco scritto marble: Scripta Cursiva vs. Scripta Monumenta, Patricia A. Butz ...................................................................................................................... 195 New data on the phrygian statues from the Basilica Aemilia in the Roman Forum, Francesca Consoli, Sabrina Violante, Emma Cantisani, Susanna Bracci and Donata Magrini ... 203 Columns of Felix Romuliana (Serbia), Bojan Djurić, Walter Prochaska, Nuša Kovačič, Andreja Maver, Špela Okršlar, Luka Škerjanecù and Maja Živić ....................................................................................................................... 217 Serial imports of Troad granite shafts in the large Eastern Mediterranean islands, Eleonora Gasparini, Patrizio Pensabene, Javier A. Domingo and Isabel Roda ................... 235 Yellow-and-white breccia in Cherchel, Algeria: local or imported? John J. Herrmann, Jr., Robert H. Tykot and Annewies van den Hoek....................................... 249 Coloured marble column shafts from some cities of Africa Proconsularis and Byzacena. Quantitative and analytical data, Patrizio Pensabene, Romina Monti and Alessandro D’Alessio ............................................. 257 Asiatic coloured marbles in Roman architecture in Arles (France), Delphine Remeau .................................................................................................................. 273 Multimethod marble identification for three Augustan inscriptions in Emporiae (NE Hispania), Isabel Rodà, Pilar Lapuente, Diana Gorostidi and Philippe Blanc ...................................... 291 The provenance of coloured marbles and granites used for column shafts preserved at Byrsa (Carthage, Tunisia), Ameur Younes and Lorenzo Lazzarini ................................................................................... 301 Provenance identification II: other stones Porphyrite pebbles of the Adda river (Italy) in comparison with porfido serpentino, Roberto Bugini and Luisa Folli .............................................................................................. 321 New data on the stone furniture of the early christian church at Bilice in the Roman province of Dalmatia, Mirja Jarak and Ana Maričić................................................................................................. 327 iv On the provenace, use and distribution of granito verde a erbetta. New investigations on its occurence and petrographic and geochemical properties, Vilma Ruppiene, Tatjana Mirjam Gluhak and Hartwig Löhr ................................................ 337 New petrologic and geochemical methods to determine local provenance of non-marble building stone used in the sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace, Greece, William B. Size, Bonna D. Wescoat and Michael Page ......................................................... 355 Advances in provenance techniques, methodologies and databases Polished stone slabs and opus sectile tiles from the Promontory Palace at Caesarea Maritima, Frankie Snyder, Barbara Burrell and Kathryn Gleason........................................................ 375 Quarries and geology: quarrying techniques, organisation, transport of stones, new quarries, stone carving and dressing, hazards to and preservation of quarries Stone quarry sites at Kourion in Cyprus: new archaeological and geological data, Martina Astolfi ....................................................................................................................... 389 The “portasanta-like” marble from the Akçakaya quarry on the Limontepe near Izmir, Hakan Göncü, Burak Yolaçan, Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Akın Ersoy, Donato Attanasio and Matthias Bruno....................................................................................................................... 397 The Roman marble quarry zone of Spitzelofen, Austria. Mapping, finds and excavation, Stephan Karl ........................................................................................................................... 407 The extraction technique with square-head wedges at Thasos (Greece), Tony Koželj and Manuela Wurch-Koželj ............................................................................... 421 The ancient quarries of coastal southern Mysia and Mount Pindasos (Madra), Hüseyin Murat Özgen and Ertunç Denktaş............................................................................ 429 Insights into the serial production of marble relief slabs in 2nd century Attika: additional technical observations on the reliefs from Piraeus, Arne Reinhardt ....................................................................................................................... 441 The unknown “pavonazzetto-like” marble quarry of Tirazli (Smyrna), Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio, Akın Ersoy, Burak Yolaçan and Hakan Göncü.......................................................................................................................... 451 Stone properties, weathering effects and restoration, as related to diagnosis problems, matching of stone fragments and authenticity Investigation of weathering and surface depositions on cycladic marble figurines, Vasiliki Anevlavi and Yannis Maniatis................................................................................... 463 Geology, petrography, geomechanical properties, antique quarries and utilizations of Hereke Puddingstone (breccia di Hereke): a forgotten ancient decorative stone in Istanbul (Constantinople), O. Serkan Angı and Yılmaz Mahmutoğlu ............................................................................... 475 Terracina (Italy). An Oriental “Barbarian” statue discovered in the Roman Theatre, Nicoletta Cassieri ................................................................................................................... 485 Sandstone as building and decorative stone at Bolskan-Osca-Wasqua-Huesca (northeast Spain), José Antonio Cuchí, Pilar Lapuente and Luis Auque ............................................................ 497 v Pigments and paintings on marble The painted reproduction of porfido rosso and porfido serpentino (14th-15th centuries), Roberto Bugini and Luisa Folli .............................................................................................. 507 Celadonite from Smyrna (Izmir - Türkiye): did Vitruvius get right? Mümtaz Çolak, Hamdallah A. Béarat and İbrahim Gündoğan ............................................. 517 Aspects of gilding in Roman marble sarcophagi Eliana Siotto ........................................................................................................................... 529 vi COLUMNS OF FELIX ROMULIANA (SERBIA) Bojan Djurić1, Walter Prochaska2, Nuša Kovačič1, Andreja Maver4, Špela Okršlar1, Luka Škerjanec1 and Maja Živić3 1 2 University of Ljubljana, Department of Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Leoben, Austria 3 National Museum Zaječar, Zaječar, Serbia 4 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract Felix Romuliana was a retreat villa of the Emperor Galerius at Gamzigrad (Serbia), the remains of which include a fair number of stone fragments belonging to its columnar architecture. In recent years, work has been undertaken with the help of students from the University of Ljubljana to comprehensively analyse the column remains. The material for analysis comprised 83 bases or parts thereof, 227 fragments and three complete shafts, as well as 72 fragments of Ionic and Corinthian capitals recovered during the archaeological excavations undertaken at the site from 1953 onwards. The text below focuses on the column remains in marble, white and coloured. The white marbles mostly came from Prokonnesos and Pentelicon, but also from Thasos and Berkovica. Coloured marbles comprising marmor thessalicum, marmor troadense, marmor syenite and pink Berkovica marble (BG) were only used for column shafts and even there rarely. Keywords: Felix Romuliana, Roman columns, white and coloured marbles. Introduction The “retreat palace” 1 or villa of the Emperor C. Galerius Valerius Maximianus (c. 260 – 311), named Felix Romuliana and located near the present-day village of Gamzigrad (Zaječar, Serbia) (Fig. 1), was built over a short period between 293 and 311 2. Its remains consist of monumental fortification walls with towers and two main gates (East and West), lower parts of the buildings in the interior, as well as architectural elements that are considerably less well-preserved 3. Once extremely rich in imported white and coloured marbles, used in two residential complexes, three temples and baths for architectural members (columns, entablatures, door frames etc.) and a range of opera sectilia, the villa was almost completely stripped of its marble, which was used most probably for the production of lime 4 and possibly cannon balls 5. Archaeological excavations have been taking place at Felix Romuliana since 1953 6, unearthing numerous fragments of architectural elements that have not previously been studied in detail 7. In spite of a high level of fragmentation, they are of importance in the 1 Duval 1997, 148; Bülow 2011. According to Vasić Č. 1995; Vasić Č. 1997, 149, it was constructed between 303 and 310. For different opinions, see Vasić M. 2007 and Bülow 2016. 3 For a detailed description, see Bülow et al. 2009; Srejović et al. 1978; Srejović 1985; Čanak-Medić, StojkovićPavelka 2011. 4 Breitner notes that several limekilns were presumably found west of the Temple of Jupiter; Bülow et al. 2009, 137. 5 See Greenhalgh 2005, 19-21. 6 For the history of research, see Živić 2010. 7 A catalogue of the surviving column shafts, bases and capitals from Palace D1 and several other elements from other parts of the villa is published in Čanak-Medić 1978, 177-218. The fragments of architectural elements unearthed during later excavations are summarily presented in Srejović 1983, 88-92. Breitner published a brief analysis of the architectural decoration of the villa in Bülow et al. 2009, 136-142. 2 217 Figure 1: Location of Felix Romuliana in the province of Dacia Ripensis. general context of the Late Roman imperial architecture (Palaces of Diocletian in Split, of Galerius in Thessaloniki and Sofia, imperial palace in Sremska Mitrovica etc.), but even more so in their well-defined and very short period of use. The great majority of the architectural elements was excavated in Palace D1 and the Temple of Jupiter (Fig. 2). That said, it is only possible to more precisely locate those fragments that either bear the number of the square grid in which they were excavated or were published with these data 8. The markings inscribed on the fragments have alas faded on many of the fragments stored in the open. Figure 2: Plan of the retreat villa after Bülow et al. 2009. Destruction and reuse The shape of the fragments reveals the most effective manner of breaking up large pieces of marble for reuse. For the column bases, the first step was to break off the projecting parts of the square plinths, as well as of both tori; the remaining core was then broken up into smaller pieces. For the Ionic and Corinthian capitals, the volutes and parts of the abacus were 8 Čanak-Medić 1978. 218 detached first; the resulting core was broken up further, first vertically and then horizontally. The shafts of white marble were first broken up horizontally into short pieces, usually less than a metre long. These were cleft into segments as you would with a tree trunk (Fig. 3). The long triangular-sectioned pieces were finally broken up into short pieces. The shafts of other marbles (marmor troadense, marmor thessalicum, marmor syenite) were only broken into short cylinders and not cleft lengthwise. One, of marmor troadense, shows the early stage of producing a spherical object, possibly a cannon ball or a stone vessel. Seven almost complete Attic column bases have been discovered in addition to numerous fragments (76 in total). Six are preserved at more than half their original size (8%), twelve are not larger than one quarter (16%) and 58 are medium-sized to small fragments (76%). Only three column shafts survive to their complete length, unintentionally broken widthwise. The remaining 68 shaft parts survive as variously large fragments 9. Figure 3: Fragment forms of column shafts and bases. Spatial distribution In addition to three complete column shafts and seven more or less complete bases, there were 220 fragments of different sizes recorded at the site that belonged to different parts of columns. The total number of all column parts (base, shaft, capital) 10 is made up of three numerically almost identical groups (37% bases, 31% shafts, 32% capitals) that correspond with the three elements of a column and corroborate the representative nature of the surviving fragments in spite of the high degree of fragmentation. Unfortunately, only 59 fragments and complete parts (26%) have a precise findspot within the villa. Their spatial distribution suggests that the process of fragmentation largely took place where the fragments originally stood, though some degree of fragment migration within the site is also to be expected. The markings on the 83 recorded bases or their parts show that 27 (32.5%) can be located as to their position within the site’s square grid. Of the 71 recorded shafts or their parts, 22 (31%) can be located in this way, as well as six (13.6%) of the 44 Ionic capitals and 9 10 57% in the size of 10–40 cm, 20% of 41–80 cm and 23% of 81–197 cm. 83 (37%) whole complete and fragmented bases, 74 (31%) whole and fragmented column shafts, 44 (19%) fragments of Ionic capitals and 29 (13%) of Corinthian capitals. 219 four (13.8%) of the Corinthian capitals. All of the spatially determinable fragments and whole parts come from two investigated complexes: Palace D1 and the templum cum porticibus dedicated to Jupiter. A single column is known to have originated from the interior of the baths located in the SE corner of the villa. The palace is known to have yielded seven column bases (of the type without plinth), three shafts, two Ionic and two Corinthian capitals. The north, south and east porticoes of the temple and the temple itself revealed 20 bases, 18 column shafts, four Ionic and two Corinthian capitals. Bases The column bases 11 used in different architectural contexts at Felix Romuliana are without exception of the “Greek” Attic-Ionic type 12 with the upper torus in line with the scotia's upper fillet, with or without plinth 13. They are generally similar to the bases used in two other Tetrarchic palaces – Diocletian's Palace in Split 14 and Galerius' Palace in Thessaloniki 15, where only the “Greek” Attic-Ionic type was used. The bases from the Tetrarchic palace in Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia) have not yet been published. Two large groups of column bases stand out for their size (Fig. 4). The first (B3) measure 62 cm in lower diameter and 52-53 cm in the diameter of the upper torus. They include fourteen bases without (B3a; base height of 17 cm) and ten bases with plinths (B3b; base height of 18-19 cm). They bear a round dowel hole at the centre of the upper torus bedding surface, some have two additional rectangular dowel holes, one on either side of the round hole. The resting surface bears two eccentric and rectangular dowel holes. The seven spatially determinable base fragments show that the bases of this group were used in Palace D1. Two other fragments without plinth have a reconstructed lower diameter of 66 cm and the upper diameter of 55 cm; they most likely belong to Group B3a. The second group (B4) consists of 23 bases with plinths, measuring 70-74 cm in plinth length, 60-62 cm in upper torus diameter and 25-29 cm in height (one base is 33 cm high). Seven better-preserved bases have a round dowel hole at the centre of the bedding surface and a square hole at the centre of the resting surface. Complete or fragmented iron dowels encased in lead survive in five of the holes. The bases of this group do not appear to have been finished, one is only half finished 16. Five of the fragments of this group have been found in the area of the Temple of Jupiter, hence we may ascribe the group as a whole to this architectural complex. Five core fragments of the column bases without plinth measure 22-23 cm in height and roughly 78 cm in the reconstructed lower torus diameter. They bear a square dowel hole at the centre of the bedding surface. To these we can add two more fragments of a similarlysized lower torus, recovered from the area of Palace D1; they are likely the bases of the same group (B4). 11 For the terminology of column bases, see Ginouvès 1992, 70-74, and Wesenberg 1994. Vitruvius (III 5, 1-3) states the proportions of the Attic bases. Much has been written on this subject from the 18th century onwards, Stuart, Revett 1762-1794; for the summary of the research, see Dirschedl 2013, 285. The Late Antique and Early Byzantine column bases have not often been discussed as a specific category of architectural elements; on the subject, see the synthetic article by Joachim Kramer 1970, with earlier references. 13 It would appear that the Ionic-Attic bases without plinth are specific to the architecture of Felix Romuliana, as they are unknown in either the palace of Galerius in Thessaloniki, those of Diocletian in Split and Izmit, or the imperial palace at Sremska Mitrovica. 14 Hebrard, Zeiller 1911; Mirnik 1990; Mcnally 1996. 15 Demadiou 2015. 16 See Asgari 1992. 12 220 The two largest bases from the site, without plinths (B5), also come from the palace, and measure 95 cm in their lower diameter and 82 cm in the upper torus diameter (base height of 26 cm), as does a small base without plinth (B2) with a lower diameter of 49 cm and an upper torus diameter of 39 cm (base height of 15 cm). In size, it is similar to a base with plinth (B1) that measures 46 cm in plinth width and 33 cm in upper torus diameter (base height 17.5 cm). The smallest column base (B0) from the site is fragmentary and has a 40 cm wide plinth. The findspot of both of the two small bases is unknown. The column bases from the palace are all smoothly finished. In contrast, the bases from the temple appear unfinished; most are roughly dressed with a toothed chisel and at least one appears at the quarry production level. Their sizes vary by several centimetres in all groups, particularly in those from the temple complex. Figure 4: Forms and groups of coloumn bases. Shafts Column shafts (Fig. 5) are almost all of white Prokonnesos marble, but some also of Thasos and Pentelikon marbles; fragments of coloured marbles are rare. The column shafts of Prokonnesos marble are of two kinds. Most (31) terminate above in an astragal moulding, below in a flare. Some (9) terminate above and below in the same, but inverse flare, with the fillet slightly conical in some cases. Only three shafts survive to a complete length. One comes from Atrium H of Palace D1 and is 415 cm, i.e. 14 pedes high 17 (lower fillet diameter 57 cm, astragal diameter 52.5 cm) 18; it is not completely finished. One comes from the temple complex and is 398 cm or 13.5 pedes high (lower fillet diameter 54 cm, astragal diameter 45 cm). The third comes from the baths and is 355 cm or 12 pedes high (lower fillet diameter 46 cm, astragal diameter 39 17 18 Čanak-Medić 1978, 104, 207, Fig. 197; published height of 414 cm. Because of the specific fragmentation of the moulded shaft terminals, it was in most cases only possible to reliably reconstruct the diameter at the astragal or lower fillet. The reconstructed height is based on the average (smaller) diameter above the flare. 221 cm). The first two terminate above in an astragal and fillet moulding, the third one in a fillet 19. All share a classic canonical 1:8 ratio between lower shaft diameter and height 20. The diameters of the upper and lower parts of the column shafts vary slightly within individual size groups, making it very difficult to reconstruct the original size from fragments, particularly small ones. The surface finish also varies, from rough with a toothed chisel to smooth. Most shaft fragments (37) belong to the group with the astragal diameter of 48–52 cm and the lower fillet diameter of ca. 58 cm. Some of them are smoothly dressed, others finished with a toothed chisel. Thirteen fragments were found in the temple complex. The only three known pieces recovered from the palace also fall into this group; the shaft from Atrium F is finished, i.e. smoothed 21, not so the two shafts from Atrium H 22. The completely surviving shaft found in the temple complex, with the astragal diameter of 44–45 cm and the lower fillet diameter of 54 cm, is apparently unlike any other shaft fragment from the site. Figure 5: Form and size of coloumn shafts. The column shafts that terminate above in a fillet include five with a maximum upper diameter of 48–50 cm. One of them was found in the temple area, hence we may ascribe the group as a whole to this architectural complex. One complete column shaft and two fragments, with a maximum upper diameter of 39 cm and the lower fillet diameter of 46 cm, come from the bath complex. The findspots for one fragment with maximum upper diameter of 31 cm and for two others with lower fillet diameter of 34 cm, are unknown. Ten of the coloured column shaft fragments belong to three shafts of marmor thessalicum. Their astragal diameter varies from 60 to 62 cm, the lower fillet diameter from 64 to 67 cm; the reconstructed height of these shafts is 17 pedes or 503 cm. The only column shaft of marmor troadense measures 43.5 cm in astragal diameter and 12 pedes oz. 355 cm in reconstructed height. The lower part of the shaft of pink Berkovica marble has a lower fillet diameter of 27 cm and a height of 6 pedes or 177 cm. The 520 and 420 cm of column shaft length as published in Srejović 1983, 48, Fig. 44, cannot be confirmed. Wilson 2000, 150-151. 21 Čanak-Medić 1978, 208, fig. 199. 22 Čanak-Medić 1978, 207, fig. 197. The only completely surviving column shaft, found broken in two upon discovery, has a round central dowel hole on the bedding surface and a similar but smaller and eccentricallypositioned hole beside it, and no pour channel. 19 20 222 The fragmentary red porphyry shafts have different diameters (52 cm, 40 cm, 30 cm), indicating that they belonged to several columns. At least one was roughly 14 pedes high. The two fragments of pink Aswan granite measure 51–52 cm in diameter, with the likely height being 14 pedes or 414 cm. Ionic and Corinthian capitals The 72 fragments of white marble capitals comprise 43 from Ionic (Fig. 6) and 29 from Corinthian capitals (Fig. 7). Two of the Ionic examples, recovered in Palace D1, have an echinus base diameter of 41–42 cm 23. The Ionic capitals from the temple complex have an echinus base diameter 49–50 cm 24. The fragmentary conservation of the capitals of Felix Romuliana does not always allow their exact typological identification. The most relevant or best-preserved fragments belong to normal Corinthian capitals of the Asiatic type. Figure 6: Fragment of Ionic capitals. The Corinthian capitals are formally highly varied and belong to different types within the proposed classifications 25; practically no two large pieces are the same. They vary much less in size. Seven or eight capitals are approximately of the same size, with a preserved or estimated height of 60-61 cm and a lower diameter of 47-50 cm 26. As such, they would correspond with the largest size group of column shafts made of Prokonnesos marble. Two of these capitals were found in the temple complex and are made of Prokonnesos marble 27, while two others of Prokonnesos marble were presumably recovered from Palace D1 28. Two of the capitals of Prokonnesos marble have a decorated abacus. On one, the decoration is clearly visible and consists of a cable pattern above and a pattern of water plant leaves with a midrib below. The same abacus moulding decoration is found on several fragments of similarly sized abaci; these were possibly chipped off the same or similar capitals during the process of breaking up for reuse. The abacus decoration on the second capital is poorly visible, particularly the upper pattern; the lower pattern may be either water leaves without a midrib or a hollow tongue. There are several small abacus fragments with a similar decoration, consisting of a cable pattern and water plant leaves without the midrib. Formal variations continue on the helices. One capital has moulded unsymmetric helices; all other helices are 23 They would correspond with 11 pedes or 355 cm high column shafts, but no such fragments have been identified among the surviving remains from the site. 24 For such Ionic capitals, see Beykan 2012. 25 E.g. Pensabene 1986; Fischer 1992. 26 Breitner 2011, 146, writes of a series of five Corinthian capitals from the large temple, but does not specify them. 27 One published in Breitner 2011, 146, fig. 4, the other in Srejović 1983, 49, fig. 44. 28 One excavated in 1961 in Atrium F of Palace I, Čanak-Medić 1978, cat. no. 51, 208-209, the other found by chance in 1958, Čanak-Medić 1978, cat. no. 63, 214. 223 unmoulded, on one capital the unmoulded helices are connected with a short bar. The capitals further show differences in the shape of the leaves. They are arranged in two tiers on most fragments, with four folioles in the lower lobe and five in the medial lobe where visible; the leaves are either contiguous or separate. All fragments bear cauliculi in the shape of simple triangular knobs. One capital, found by chance in the temple complex, is smaller and measures 50 cm in height 29. An even smaller capital (height 37 cm; lower diameter 34.5 cm), 30 from the palace complex (either Palace D1 or D3), has a single tier of contiguous, almost crammed leaves showing unusually low relief towards the bottom, with three folioles in the lower lobe and four in the medial lobe, as well as upturned leaves instead of helices. This capital is made of Prokonnesos marble. Apart from the formal diversity, the Corinthian capitals from Felix Romuliana show a differentiated use of stone, with Proconnesian, Thasian and Pentelic 31 marbles used alongside local limestone. It is a diversity known from other sites as well, notably the Palace of Diocletian in Split 32 and Sirmium 33. The three sites also share the bulk of construction activities in the Tetrarchic period and a number of different forms of Asiatic capitals, with parallels across the Mediterranean. Provenance analysis of the white marbles in Romuliana’s architecture The marble analysis involved a total of 90 fragments of architectural elements (83) and veneer slabs (7). For geological reasons, the wider area around Romuliana is lacking in marble. The macroscopic analysis of the marble fragments and the general petrographic characteristics and isotopic composition of the white marble samples points to prokonnesian, pentelic and thasian marbles. These were selected as reference groups and examined using a multivariate discrimination analysis based on the results of the isotope analysis, the trace element analysis of the structure bound trace elements and the chemical analysis of microinclusions 34. Figure 7: Fragments of Corinthian capitals. Čanak-Medić 1978, 214, fig. 214. Čanak-Medić 1978, cat. no. 63, 217. 31 Two fragments of unknown findspots have been identified as made of Pentelic marble. One is a piece of the abacus, the other of the lower kalathos, but neither can be determined as to their form. 32 Mcnally 1996; Matetić 2009. 33 Jeremić 1995; Maver et al. 2009 34 For the methods used, see Prochaska, Attanasio 2020. 29 30 224 The isotope diagram (Fig. 8) shows that the compositional fields of the Prokonnesos and Thasos samples overlap to a considerable degree, while those of the Pentelic and Berkovica marbles are clearly separated. The majority of the samples plot into the Prokonnesos/Thasos area preventing a clear separation and assignment of the samples on that basis alone. A group of seven slab and veneer samples, as well as one column base, characterised by a very light O-isotopic composition, falls well outside these fields and a corresponding equivalent of quarry samples. A similar isotopic composition to these fragments has been observed in the architectural pieces of pink marble from Felix Romuliana. The source of this marble is in Moesia Superior, near present-day Berkovica in the vicinity of Montana (Bulgaria) 35. Figure 8: Isotope diagram of the white marble samples from Felix Romuliana. The values for prokonnesian, thasian and pentelic marbles are presented as statistical 90% probability ellipses. The overlap of the former two prevents a clear assignment of individual samples (Graph: W. Prochaska). To overcome the problem of overlapping data, a multivariate discrimination analysis was performed using the Statistika and SPSS software packages. The best discrimination between the marble populations and the best reassignment was achieved when using the Mg, Fe, Mn, DS, Li/Na, Cl/Na, K/Na, Br/Na, I/Na, δ18O‰, δ13C‰ variables (Tab. 1). The table clearly shows the improvement in the attainable discrimination and a very high degree of separation of the datasets, with almost no uncertainties left. Figure 9: The bivariate diagram with the two most powerful canonical factors of the multivariate calculation (Graph: W. Prochaska). The bivariate diagram (Fig. 9) with the two most powerful canonical factors of the multivariate calculation shows that the compositional fields of the considered marble provenance areas are largely separated when considering a larger number of variables. It has to be borne in mind, however, that the graphic display is only an approximation because a 35 See Prochaska, Živić 2018. 225 multidimensional system cannot be displayed in a bivariate diagram. The correct degree (numerical data) of assigning a given sample to a certain population can only be achieved by a mathematical, statistical calculation. The white and coloured marbles of Felix Romuliana Analyses 36 show that three intact column shafts and fragments of others from Atria F and H of Palace D1 were made of Prokonnesos and Thasos marbles. Of the numerous other shaft fragments made of white marbles and coming from the area of the Jupiter temple with porticoes, most were made of Proconnesos marble. The shaft fragments analysed from this group include one of thasian marble. The findspot for the shaft fragment of Pentelicon marble is unknown. Of the coloured marbles, ten fragments with unknown findspots belong to three shafts of marmor thessalicum. Three belong to a single shaft of marmor troadense, two fragments are of marmor syenite. Three shaft fragments are of lapis porphyrites; one of these was used as an inlay to repair a damaged shaft and was found in the floor of the East Gate, while another fragment shows part of a cavity prepared for repair. Also found were two fragments of smaller column shafts of pink Berkovica marble 37. For one the original position is unknown, while the other was reused as a stoup in the Early Byzantine complex southeast of the Temple of Jupiter. The macroscopic analysis of the marble used for column bases, confirmed by chemical, as well as 18 O and 13C stable isotope analyses, shows that those without plinths used in Palace D1 were made of Pentelic marble. The bases with plinths from the large temple are all made of Prokonessos marble. The bases with plinths of pentelic marble most likely come from Palace D1, as do those of thasian marble. One large base with plinth was made of white Berkovica marble. The Ionic capitals and their fragments recovered in Palace D1 are of pentelic, those from the temple area of prokonnesian, some also of grey thasian marble. The Corinthian capitals are made of prokonnesian (16 fragments), thasian (2) and pentelic marbles (3). Conclusion The intensive destruction and reuse has left the columns that once adorned the luxurious architecture in Felix Romuliana in a very poor state of conservation. The bestpreserved of the elements found during the decades of investigation of the site are column bases. Their measurements suggest at least five different groups: B1 46/33 cm (1 piece), B2 49-39 cm (1), B3 62/53 cm (24), B4 74/58-60 cm (30) and B5 95/82 cm (2), which may help us in reconstructing the different sizes of the columns. Groups B3 and B4 come in two variants, either with or without plinth. The bases of Group B3 are linked to Palace D1 and made of Pentelic marble, those of Group B4 are linked to the Temple of Jupiter and made of prokonnesian marble. Some of the latter survive in quarry condition. The column shafts corresponding to the B4 bases are those of white Proconnesos marble as well as of red porphyry and pink Aswan granite, measuring 58/48 cm in diameter and 415 cm or 14 pedes in height, which is consistent with the classic canonical 1:8 ratio 38. The white marble column shafts originate from both Palace D1 and the Temple of Jupiter, and show a predominance of a standardised column size. The B3 bases cannot positively be associated with any of the 36 Analyses by Walter Prochaska. Defined by Walter Prochaska. 38 Wilson 2000, 150-151. 37 226 column shaft fragments, but possibly with two Ionic capitals 39. Badly damaged fragments of a shaft made of thasian marble found in Atrium F of Palace D1 could correspond to these Ionic columns37. It is also not possible to tie any of the column shaft fragments to the B1 40 and B5 bases 41. The B2 bases may correspond with only two shaft fragments 42. Most Ionic and Corinthian capitals correspond with the B4 bases and associated column shafts. The surface finish of some shafts and even more so the bases suggests that parts of the excavated temple complex were not completely finished at the time of Galerius’ death. The column shafts from Atrium H of Palace D1 indicate that this part of the palace was also not fully finished. The results of the marble analyses have shown the predominant use of two white marbles for bases and shafts: pentelic (but also thasian) in Palace D1 and prokonessian in the temple complex. The recovered Corinthian and Ionic capitals were mainly made of prokonessian alongside thasian and pentelic marbles. One base with plinth made of white Berkovica marble also confirms the use of this regional marble for architectural elements 43. Together with several other architectural fragments of the same marble, two small column shafts of Berkovica pink marble are the little of what remains of an unknown building (or its part). Other coloured marbles cannot reliably be linked to any of the known buildings or complexes despite some reconstruction attempts that link the shafts made of marmor thessalicum to the Temple of Jupiter 44. The considerable diversity of columns in both size and material reflects the architectural complexity of Galerius’ villa on the one hand, and opens the possibility of an at least partial use of spoliated elements in the villa on the other. Some of the bases without plinth for example, made of pentelic marble, show damage and repair prior to being built into the villa (Fig. 10), which would suggest they were removed from their original setting and reused in Romuliana. The column shafts of pentelic marble could also belong to this presumably reused group of elements. In contrast, the unfinished state of several bases of Prokonnesos marble 45 (Fig. 11) and their half-finished products, coupled with the unfinished state of numerous column shafts is irrefutable evidence of these column elements being used in their quarry state. The Ionic capitals of Prokonnesos marble associated with the latter are poorly preserved, but nevertheless show a fairly high degree of formal homogeneity; the Corinthian capitals made of grey prokonnesian are formally diverse, but more or less the same size. The forms of the bases indicate deliberate differences in the design of at least two buildings (Palace D1 and the Temple of Jupiter). Inasmuch as we can discern from the publications, these features distinguish Felix Romuliana from the known architectural complexes of the same category – Galerius’ Palace in Thessaloniki 46, Diocletian’s Palace in Split 47 and the imperial palace in Sremska Mitrovica 48, none of which yielded bases without a plinth. The white marbles used in Romuliana all came from quarries in the eastern Mediterranean with the exception of the regional quarry at Berkovica. The products of prokonnesian marble undoubtedly came directly from the quarry, possibly also those of 39 The column shafts would be 355 cm or 12 pedes high. The corresponding column shaft is 237 cm or 8 pedes high. 41 The corresponding column shaft is 622 cm or 21 pedes high. 42 The shafts would be 296 cm or 10 pedes high. 43 White, grey and coloured marble from Berkovica was mostly used for slabs and opus sectile floors. See Djurić, Prochaska 2021. 44 Čanak-Medić, Stojković-Pavelka 2010, 82, fig. 45. 45 These are closely comparable with the bases from the palace of Galerius in Thessaloniki; Demanidou 2015. 46 Demanidou 2015. 47 Hébrard, Zeiller 1911. 48 Jeremić 2016. 40 227 thasian; the same is less certain for the products of pentelic marble. What is certain is that all these quarries lie close to the presumed supply route that led across the sea to the mouth of the Danube. With the exception of the two coloured marbles from Egypt (red porphyry and pink granite), the quarries of other coloured marbles (marmor thesalicum, marmor troadense) were also located close to this route that continued up the Danube to the likely reloading point. Figure 10: Fragment of a column base of Pentelic Figure 11: Fragment of a column base of Prokonnesos marble, without plinth and with clamp holes. marble in quarry condition. Although it is possible that half-finished products were being transported up the Danube to the confluence with the Timok and up the Timok to the immediate vicinity of Felix Romuliana, it seems logistically more likely that cargo was reloaded in Ratiaria (modern Arčar, BG) on the Danube and from there transported on land to the construction site. The marble from Berkovica was also transported on land, via Montana (civitas Montanensium) and along the same road from Ratiaria49. The products of the white and coloured marbles from Berkovica recovered at Felix Romuliana also indicate that workshops from the stonemasonry centre at Montana 50, geographically closest to Romuliana of all major centres, may have played a significant role in finishing the architectural elements at the villa. 49 50 See Lemke 2016. See Ivanov, Luka 2015, 252-254. 228 229 Lab no. 5475 5945 5956 5962 5965 5969 5981 5986 5988 5963 5940 5987 5994 8480 8481 8482 5941 5947 8465 5966 5992 5995 5942 5943 5948 5949 5950 5952 5954 5955 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5968 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 Sample no. FRM 074 FRM 211 FRM 226 FRM 232 FRM 235 FRM 240 FRM 252 FRM 258 FRM 260 FRM 233 FRM 206 FRM 259 FRM 267 FRM 268 FRM 269 FRM 302 FRM 207 FRM 215 FRM 007 FRM 236 FRM 264 FRM 270 FRM 208 FRM 209 FRM 218 FRM 219 FRM 220 FRM 222 FRM 224 FRM 225 FRM 227 FRM 228 FRM 229 FRM 230 FRM 231 FRM 239 FRM 241 FRM 242 FRM 243 FRM 244 FRM 245 Artifact Quarry Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Corinthian capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Penteli Penteli Penteli Thasos Thasos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Absolute probability 53,5 68,8 40,1 72,3 84,4 76,0 13,8 4,9 64,4 0,0 7,7 96,6 45,3 96,3 51,0 65,8 29,2 41,0 0,1 67,3 70,8 92,7 51,9 58,0 82,6 89,4 68,7 49,1 88,2 96,0 51,4 77,1 92,1 87,5 97,8 96,4 91,2 99,6 62,9 42,6 75,7 DS MgCO3 9262 3025 866 1180 1416 1681 1483 955 2957 2854 2234 1210 979 9781 11059 2500 3948 10104 15605 1867 1100 4056 3142 3017 4466 2550 1696 2167 1977 2845 2962 4293 2028 5429 4076 4067 2389 2304 3250 2622 2817 1,00 1,27 0,44 1,11 1,08 1,14 5,68 0,70 0,80 5,57 0,89 0,87 0,70 0,99 1,60 2,93 1,17 1,06 1,27 0,76 0,49 1,06 2,01 2,03 4,62 2,70 1,41 1,39 1,85 1,52 1,44 1,66 0,94 4,51 1,29 1,29 1,42 0,88 1,26 1,53 1,47 Fe ppm 48 49 84 75 75 108 110 46 49 244 74 106 55 111 76 104 274 274 469 49 57 75 231 186 99 106 41 64 95 61 102 65 61 171 50 80 77 59 67 80 51 Mn ppm 16 10 35 33 11 11 12 17 11 17 31 51 47 24 45 36 60 53 74 40 27 16 13 11 10 11 10 9 14 10 11 10 9 18 8 17 15 10 10 13 10 Sr ppm 151 154 155 198 144 144 303 143 139 684 247 247 191 172 124 160 161 168 187 189 243 204 234 137 160 145 143 203 280 175 257 236 187 196 168 184 159 157 145 249 177 Li/Na Cl/Na K/Na Br/Na I/Na SO4/Na δ18O ‰ δ13C ‰ 0,053 0,116 0,559 0,866 0,405 0,374 0,986 0,285 0,076 0,385 1,375 1,028 0,574 0,12 0,794 1,371 1,222 0,915 1,159 0,302 0,677 0,869 1,131 1,125 0,283 0,134 0,124 0,206 0,649 0,264 0,325 1,135 0,280 1,322 0,164 0,521 0,259 0,111 0,290 0,762 0,283 1068 1061 647 826 1288 1974 956 922 1444 456 1378 1102 612 88 346 1176 1998 2589 4764 1390 951 1384 1336 1488 1408 1790 886 1401 1775 1220 1251 1317 1505 1937 1313 1420 1693 1581 1645 1152 1341 537 506 555 462 397 319 404 440 259 564 2072 440 308 40 63 457 340 102 149 1374 445 216 583 578 240 261 452 326 475 235 239 258 405 234 134 122 246 207 511 329 167 1,1 3,1 5,7 3,2 3,9 5,1 12,6 5,7 3,8 3,7 4,2 3,0 0,6 0,6 1,4 4,1 2,8 4,1 4,6 1,1 3,0 10,3 8,3 5,7 6,4 8,2 3,8 11,9 10,2 4,3 14,9 7,3 8,8 10,9 8,5 6,7 5,7 7,5 7,6 13,4 7,8 7,8 15,9 18,3 32,4 8,5 10,1 72,1 45,0 9,3 17,1 19,5 31,6 32,1 4,2 5,2 20,8 2,2 1,8 2,5 22,1 98,2 24,7 53,0 9,2 11,0 10,2 19,3 51,8 35,8 22,5 68,9 16,8 22,2 31,5 30,3 32,0 12,6 21,3 30,6 35,5 23,3 81,1 1349,5 3192,9 2542,6 1355,8 671,9 6831,0 18180,8 1026,4 1212,8 593,8 6009,8 15225,1 4091,7 4078,6 2303,7 115,7 71,0 179,3 1038,5 38586,7 6529,6 1669,8 1233,2 784,9 1242,1 1597,2 1092,2 3962,8 2694,4 1514,3 1519,8 963,2 550,2 809,7 333,1 908,8 1142,1 952,6 2331,3 1243,1 -2,37 -0,91 -2,08 -1,33 -1,21 -1,32 -1,21 -1,63 -0,96 -1,92 -3,00 -2,95 -0,47 -2,02 -1,50 -2,08 -5,38 -5,12 -5,50 -0,71 -0,70 -1,64 -1,23 -1,50 -1,30 -1,64 -1,28 -1,31 -1,99 -1,67 -1,50 -3,53 -2,06 -3,36 -2,10 -2,87 -1,66 -2,20 -3,38 -1,18 -1,04 3,40 3,28 3,17 3,94 3,26 3,15 2,90 3,48 3,48 2,57 3,58 3,69 3,82 3,46 3,84 2,17 2,73 2,79 2,75 3,84 3,84 2,53 3,09 2,69 3,52 3,72 3,44 1,58 3,15 3,08 2,63 3,04 2,56 2,77 3,36 3,19 3,22 2,80 2,95 2,89 3,57 Table 1: Median contents of the analyzed variables. Stable isotopes are presented in the usual δ quotation. The results of the fluid analyses are normalized to Na*1000. DS (dissolved solids in ppb) is the sum of the main ions (Na, K, and Cl in ppb) of the leaching procedure. Trace element contents are given in pp. 229 230 Lab no. 5975 5977 5978 5979 5980 5982 5983 5984 5985 5989 5991 5993 5463 5464 5944 5946 5967 5976 5951 5953 5470 5939 8474 8476 8477 8475 5469 8478 5964 8466 8467 8470 8471 5459 5460 5461 5462 5467 5468 8472 8473 8469 5465 Sample no. FRM 246 FRM 248 FRM 249 FRM 250 FRM 251 FRM 253 FRM 255 FRM 256 FRM 257 FRM 261 FRM 263 FRM 265 FRM 061 FRM 062 FRM 210 FRM 214 FRM 237 FRM 247 FRM 221 FRM 223 FRM 069 FRM 189 FRM 162 FRM 192 FRM 194 FRM 177 FRM 068 FRM 295 FRM 234 FRM 087 FRM 096 FRM 100 FRM 103 FRM 057 FRM 058 FRM 059 FRM 060 FRM 066 FRM 067 FRM 104 FRM 106 FRM 098 FRM 063 Artifact Quarry Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital Ionic capital column shaft column shaft column shaft column shaft column shaft column shaft column shaft column shaft column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base column base slab Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Thasos Thasos Thasos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Penteli Thasos Thasos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Proconnesos Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Penteli Berkovica Berkovica Absolute probability 97,4 67,1 42,8 76,2 99,6 85,1 77,7 82,3 22,4 74,6 65,2 56,7 84,3 42,8 46,5 41,5 80,1 47,6 58,8 67,6 47,0 76,9 80,0 50,8 2,9 12,4 48,6 0,0 86,7 59,3 4,1 47,4 37,1 90,7 86,7 53,5 98,0 14,2 0,5 72,7 56,1 94,7 0,4 DS MgCO3 2704 1781 2609 5137 3014 2470 3927 2991 3607 2908 3630 2141 11222 13166 8938 8878 11140 6163 1444 1001 1130 5229 7634 3857 17033 4993 9370 3103 1947 2761 3792 4178 12327 7568 5913 4449 7214 12333 30458 17268 20186 4862 2582 1,57 0,85 6,25 1,22 2,51 1,67 2,04 2,01 1,07 0,79 1,30 0,91 1,52 1,28 1,40 1,30 1,93 1,42 1,15 0,69 1,25 2,20 2,65 9,19 3,80 1,80 1,87 0,88 1,49 1,77 0,68 3,35 14,90 1,02 1,16 0,97 1,22 1,13 3,01 3,62 2,43 0,57 0,50 Fe ppm 80 49 42 53 99 77 221 75 55 66 85 72 300 287 344 129 349 63 71 42 89 73 106 116 193 1024 78 840 54 136 100 528 76 153 316 279 327 385 1119 650 415 1977 889 Table 1: (continued). 230 Mn ppm 12 10 10 10 30 16 19 16 16 10 18 11 61 158 219 93 180 19 28 15 17 8 21 12 15 89 22 67 9 20 22 55 92 45 99 70 115 178 150 168 137 112 83 Sr ppm 143 143 209 133 158 153 203 145 126 144 153 171 177 160 194 265 159 177 165 184 191 249 171 224 468 221 204 168 197 179 366 230 164 155 199 174 197 184 154 182 247 168 143 Li/Na Cl/Na K/Na Br/Na I/Na SO4/Na δ18O ‰ δ13C ‰ 0,733 0,246 0,209 0,045 0,303 0,169 1,180 0,161 0,207 0,433 0,549 0,468 0,547 1,195 1,272 1,119 1,744 0,596 0,627 0,221 0,329 0,289 1,799 0,397 1,197 1,190 0,629 2,289 0,216 1,114 0,348 0,743 0,483 1,209 1,178 0,858 1,334 1,161 1,683 0,924 0,780 3,683 0,762 1485 1085 1676 1139 1286 1759 1471 1738 1659 1237 1274 1107 2000 2057 2564 2374 2127 1542 1384 1449 989 1178 1393 1578 1054 1787 1333 1356 1292 1327 473 1416 1452 2113 2129 1882 2063 2282 2164 2037 2128 1904 1388 246 257 263 125 271 258 193 301 1006 404 196 227 215 558 110 117 93 117 437 656 419 387 203 358 171 271 123 1339 243 341 286 823 167 136 230 338 169 135 166 300 131 1458 557 4,6 6,7 6,0 6,7 2,8 5,0 8,4 4,9 8,7 7,0 7,9 9,2 3,6 3,3 5,5 4,6 4,6 5,4 5,7 4,8 8,7 4,7 4,1 7,6 4,9 3,0 4,7 3,4 3,7 7,1 0,4 3,9 2,4 2,8 4,9 3,2 3,9 5,2 3,2 4,0 3,9 2,8 2,8 7,3 18,4 14,2 23,4 6,2 8,4 52,2 8,5 15,2 13,6 33,9 26,7 2,7 2,0 3,2 3,4 2,4 52,1 62,0 64,9 20,6 16,5 11,4 28,2 16,3 3,8 57,0 30,2 11,3 55,0 1,1 5,1 10,9 2,2 3,3 3,2 3,6 5,3 2,5 3,3 2,9 1,1 3,7 642,7 554,8 1866,7 752,4 2253,2 1070,1 1619,8 9732,2 1468,2 8081,3 1531,6 7028,9 4362,5 114,1 73,8 88,6 90,7 1113,5 500,7 568,4 3894,6 668,6 10298,9 1891,9 1628,9 2609,7 34,2 542,5 424,2 4053,6 3172,5 348,6 3728,2 121,9 188,5 179,3 140,3 92,2 168,4 8349,4 1256,6 1492,6 247,8 -1,75 -0,85 -1,18 -1,00 -2,14 -2,18 -2,68 -1,91 -3,26 -1,31 -1,03 -0,78 -6,11 -7,97 -8,73 -8,98 -7,48 -0,30 -0,45 -1,08 -1,48 -3,35 -2,46 -2,64 -2,14 -6,59 -0,39 -4,06 -1,92 -2,25 -4,51 -3,19 -0,91 -6,70 -7,15 -6,49 -6,95 -3,63 -5,48 -7,18 -7,12 -12,21 -10,41 2,95 2,85 3,13 2,87 3,01 3,76 2,52 3,73 2,94 2,83 3,19 2,45 2,64 2,61 2,90 3,12 2,76 2,46 2,96 3,92 2,38 2,67 3,49 2,48 2,58 2,57 2,69 2,64 3,75 3,41 2,94 2,41 3,08 2,69 2,77 2,68 2,88 2,48 4,31 2,87 3,01 0,83 0,70 Lab no. 5466 5471 5476 5477 5479 5480 Sample no. FRM 064 FRM 070 FRM 075 FRM 076 FRM 078 FRM 079 Artifact Quarry slab slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Berkovica Berkovica Berkovica Berkovica Berkovica Berkovica Absolute probability 0,8 2,4 7,0 22,7 78,2 8,0 DS MgCO3 1829 2193 2246 3526 7552 2461 0,55 0,95 0,54 0,40 0,53 0,36 Fe ppm 899 2199 3187 1693 2154 949 Mn ppm 81 313 99 152 70 122 Sr ppm 156 229 150 135 126 122 Li/Na Cl/Na K/Na Br/Na I/Na SO4/Na δ18O ‰ δ13C ‰ 0,475 3,065 0,502 0,311 0,727 0,933 1042 868 937 1505 1495 1572 700 704 979 609 804 971 3,4 2,7 2,1 3,0 1,2 2,1 6,5 9,8 2,5 0,7 0,6 3,7 571,2 115,0 322,8 100,5 56,6 122,5 -9,81 -6,27 -12,03 -12,48 -10,46 -12,24 0,60 0,03 0,72 0,40 0,23 0,97 Table 1: Median contents of the analyzed variables. Stable isotopes are presented in the usual δ quotation. The results of the fluid analyses are normalized to Na*1000. DS (dissolved solids in ppb) is the sum of the main ions (Na, K, and Cl in ppb) of the leaching procedure. 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