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RESUMEN A partir de una mirada panorámica a la acción pública estatal colombiana relativa a las mujeres, el artículo pretende describir y analizar la forma en la cual la problemática de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado entra a... more
'State feminism' is a concept that refers to the integration of feminists and feminist issues into the state apparatus. Yet, while the feminist movement must regularly contend with an antifeminist counter‐movement, it is worth considering... more
First Ladies and the Paradox of Representation: Case Studies from Egypt, 1956 – 2011 This research paper is founded on a comparative analysis between two models of “first ladies” of Egypt since the establishment of the... more
Influenced by the leftist ideals of the Naya Kashmir manifesto, the post-partition state governments in Kashmir sought to empower its women. Scholarly work on this period covers how it was a particularly liberating moment for Kashmir’s... more
This article argues that the concept of 'state feminism' no longer adequately captures the complexity of emerging feminist engagements with new forms of governance. It suggests that 'market feminism' offers a new conceptual framework from... more
Neste estudo, é analisado o modo como a Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego tem vindo, em Portugal, a cumprir o seu mandato enquanto mecanismo oficial de promoção da igualdade de mulheres e homens assente numa lógica... more
This article explores how resistance and power are intertwined within the field of mainstream Swedish feminism, by an- alyzing some of its more visible expressions and strategies. These feminist resistance strategies could be described as... more
At this chapter we will present the main pathways in which the political thought of democracy and gender get though from the 18th century. We used as a methodological way the review of some literature about modern political theory and... more
The post-authoritarian democratisation process in the Philippines saw the rise of “state feminism” that emphasised gender mainstreaming in government development planning. Various international development agencies, particularly the... more
[English abstract bellow] Le «féminisme d’État» est un concept qui désigne l’intégration de féministes et d’enjeux féministes dans l’appareil étatique. Or si le mouvement féministe fait régulièrement face à un contre-mouvement... more
Résumé Le « féminisme d’État » est un concept qui désigne l’intégration de féministes et d’enjeux féministes dans l’appareil étatique. Or si le mouvement féministe fait régulièrement face à un contre-mouvement antiféministe, il est... more
APSTRAKT: Analiza kojom ću se baviti u ovom radu, kretaće se u okviru shvatanja odnosa roda i politike kao dinamičnog i promenljivog uticaja ženskog pokreta na kreiranje javnih politika i njihovu institucionalizaciju. Naime, kroz... more
This article introduces the concept of women's cause field ( espace de la cause des femmes in French), which refers to the relational structure of groups mostly devoted to the advancement of women in a variety of social settings, cutting... more
Desde 1983 con la vuelta a la democracia hasta 2021, la agencia de política para las mujeres en Argentina muestra una trayectoria institucional no lineal. Utilizando una tipología de agencias propuesta por la teoría de Feminismo de... more
Kaji selidik ini berhasrat untuk menjelaskan kedudukan Pusat Kepimpinan Wanita Tun Fatimah Hashim (PKWTFH) dalam kerangka state feminism versi Malaysia. Ianya menawarkan sudut pandang terhadap PKWTFH yang berada dalam ekosistem pembelaan... more
RÉSUMÉ : Comme d’autres institutions socialistes ayant perduré lors des réformes vers l’économie de marché en Chine, la Fédération natio- nale des femmes de Chine (FNFC ou FF pour parler de ses branches locales), unique organisation de... more
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de minha tese de doutorado, defendida em 2012. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo era avaliar em que medida as demandas dos movimentos feministas são traduzidas em ações na política institucional,... more
This paper is a short summary of “Women Challenging Gender Norms and Patriarchal Values in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Across the South Caucasus”, a research report co-authored by Milena Abrahamyan, Parvana Mammadova and... more
Over the past several decades, scholarship on women's movements, feminism, and the state has brought renewed attention to the study of protest politics by questioning its frontier with dominant institutions. This article takes this... more
In 'Changing State Feminism', edited by Joyce Outshoorn and Johanna Kantola.
This dissertation investigates women’s groups in Bahrain and their negotiations vis-à-vis the state by analysing data from interviews with women active in civil society groups in the country. Through the perspective of women’s movements... more
The 20th century witnessed the emergence of individual women as political actors, women as a category of political and social actors, and women (or “the woman question”) as a theme for political action across North Africa. This history is... more
Morocco’s feminist movement has reached multiple milestones throughout its history of adaptation and coexistence with political and social transformations. The Monarchy played a key role in directing the transformations that affected this... more
With the inception of the war in Syria, women have participated in the shaping of competing state projects in the country. Parties to the conflict have recruited them as fighters (e.g., “lionesses of Asad”), comrades (e.g., women on... more
The 20th century witnessed the emergence of individual women as political actors, women as a category of political and social actors, and women (or “the woman question”) as a theme for political action across North Africa. This history is... more
This article aims to critically engage with Nasser regime’s policies toward women, as well as with its ideological stances regarding gender roles in the Egyptian society. It will do so by casting light on the contradictory effects that... more
Esta proposta de comunicação oral tem como objetivo apresentar uma investigação pós-doutoral em desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto 50 Anos de Feminismo (1965-2015): Novos Paradigmas, Desafios Futuros-Argentina, Brasil e Chile, uma... more
O artigo enviado a este " II Simpósio Gênero e Políticas Públicas " apresenta uma pesquisa em curso sobre as relações entre feminismo militante e policy making. Esta tem como objetivo avaliar, comparativamente ao Brasil e à Argentina, em... more
The 1950s are often derided in the scholarship as a period of welfarist policies, which reinforced women's role in the family and entrenched women's economic dependence. This paper examines the Central Social Welfare Board, and, in... more
The Soviet Union as a colonial power in Central Asia decided to step up against the perceived traditional marginalisation of women. It intended to create an equal society for men and women, and treated women as important allies in the... more
En el texto se argumenta que el feminismo tiene problemas con el estudio del estado. El feminismo tuvo un alto en el debate sobre el estado cuando existió una dicotomía del adentro y el afuera entre las feministas liberales y las... more
I began this study with the desire to examine how women were depicted in Egyptian films and why Egyptian film was important. I chose to conduct my research through film since Egyptian films have been notoriously known across the Arab... more