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This chapter explores how Mixed Reality (MR) allows the magic of virtuality to escape the confines of the computer and enter our lives to potentially change the way we play, work, train, learn and even shop. Case studies demonstrate how... more
Organizador: Ronaldo Corrêa Gomes Junior O livro apresenta o estado da arte da Pesquisa Narrativa em ensino e aprendizagem de línguas. Estudiosos brasileiros de diversas universidades do país apresentam um panorama teórico-metodológico... more
The aim of written expression studies is to have students explain their knowledge, feelings, ideas and imaginations in a correct and effective manner. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of story map on story... more
Venticinque anni fa moriva lo scrittore napoletano Andrea Giovene dei duchi di Girasole (Napoli, 1904; Sant'Agata dei Goti, 1995), membro di una famiglia di antica nobiltà. Egli scrisse una voluminosa opera narrativa intitolata... more
"Paul Jean" suit le parcours d’un personnage dans sa quête désabusée de l’autre et du monde social qui l’entoure : ne trouvant que soi et sa finitude. La relation du personnage à l’altérité revient à interroger le sens qui se trouve en... more
Kisah Laeli merupakan bagian dari volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan, sebagai salah satu hasil dari penelitian etnografis terperinci yang diterbitkan melalui proses penelaahan sejawat (atau peer review). Volume kisah perjalanan hidup... more
it is an attempt to teach principles of negotiation through storytelling. the idea is to make students learn subconsciously and it is believed that retention of such learning is permanent. it is inspired by Hindu text called 'Panchatantra'.
“Theory? What does this have to do with anything we’re doing?” Sound familiar? Students may not always verbalize this, but they often think it, especially in courses where the emphasis is on the development of technical skills and the... more
“Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

–Shams al-Din Abu’Abdallah Muhammad ibn’Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Lawati al-Tanji IBN BATTUTA
Cuento corto. El tiempo sin tu existencia es un agonizante presente que trae consigo un coqueteo mortal.
An article on Guru Poornima, celebrated with respects to Rishi Vedavyasa.
Διπλωματική Εργασία στο Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα «ΚΟΡΑΗΣ» του Τμήματος Φιλολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του ΕΚΠΑ: «Λαογραφικές Σπουδές: Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές του Λαϊκού Πολιτισμού»
Una serie di lezioni introduttive all'archeologia tenute da studiosi consolidati e giovani ricercatori su come le scienze archeologiche aiutano ad avere uno sguardo più da vicino alle storie passate. Le lezioni sono aperte a chiunque... more
Navarathri is celebrated in India and Hindus all over the world. They worshipp Goddess Parvati in her powerful 9 forms during these 9 days. Here is the story of the 5th divine form called SKANDA MATA. Read the story and illustrations... more
Relato das recordações pessoais da participação na ´resistência´ militar ao golpe de Estado nos dias subsequentes ao 11 de setembro de 1973, no Chile
Many Persian classical historiographers try, directly or indirectly, to show their objectivism and impartiality to the audiences. Among them, the "author/narrator" of Saljuqnama does not clearly claim such a statement within the text,... more
As a follow-up to Goffman’s work of resurgence following a stigma, this article shows how mastering the « the story of oneself » of people with skin stigmas operates this resurgence. Thus, it attracts the attention of researchers in... more
Nel XX secolo si è assisto all’avvento di due nuove forme governo, mai viste nel passato: i totalitarismi che non sono semplici poteri assoluti e non somigliano a nessun assolutismo e a nessuna dittatura in quanto esercitano il potere... more
Es un programa para guardar datos
A method of composing and analyzing stories, here in the form of dramas, is given which combines elements of chinese five-phase and feng shui theory and the enneagram. While feng shui is thought of in terms of interior design, it also... more
La “Scuola di Milano” nei primi vent’anni del dopoguerra, ebbe grande importanza nella vita culturale italiana. Un ritratto a tutto tondo del cenacolo culturale raccolto attorno ad Antonio Banfi, con i suoi tanti e famosi allievi: Paci,... more
This study present SocialStories-a system based on incremental clustering for streaming tweets, for identifying fine-grained stories within a broader trending topic on Twitter. The contributions include a novel tf-metric, called the... more
When I was invited to speak at an Islamic finance event in Abuja, the headquarters of Jaiz Bank, I was wondering if I would get the chance to meet that visionary leader, and industry veteran, who played an instrumental role in introducing... more
Given at TEDxGuelphU in November 2013, this is a talk about stories, about pens and swords, and the people and communities who wield them. About the power they can have for change, as well as needing to be cautious about the stories we’re... more
Disney was a genius in building happy endings- but the original stories of those pieces of art were actually, for lack of better word, gruesome.
Book chapter in:
Grow Small, Think Beautiful: Ideas for a Sustainable World from Schumacher College
Resumen: A inicios de los setentas, descubrí Bahía Ballena en el Golfo de Nicoya. Primero a campo traviesa, a bordo de un aguerrido jeep que domó pastizales y polvaredas, y luego hacinado en botes chiquitos y feos que anclaban en el... more
Did the events we are going to tell you about really take place in history? It is hard to be sure. If they really did happen, then they have undoubtedly made their contribution to the collective formation of social culture and ethics. On... more
Presents a story told to the author by a woman with severe psychosis. This story is embedded within the author's own narrative of his journey toward a career in clinical psychology. Discusses the ways in which we construct our realities,... more
What is going on in a therapeutic setting when one person tells a story to another? Is it really as it appears to be, with the story being told in order to communicate some information, either affective or factual? Or is this way of... more