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Cosa succederebbe se i cristiani di varie confessioni unissero gli sforzi per soccorrere il Cristo sofferente negli oppressi? C’è un principio biblico, teologico ed antropologico capace di fornire una base solida ad un modello efficace di... more
"Objectives: The theory of salutogenics has a basis in the empirical testing and ideas of Antonovsky, which state that health outcomes improve when a sense of coherence is fostered. A sense of coherence in turn, depends... more
Blo bzang lies in his unclean bed, looking at WeChat moments on his broken-screen phone. He sees Rab brtan's photos of traveling to Mtsho sngon po (Qinghai Lake) with his fiancé, driving a blue BMW, and eating in an opulent Western-style... more
Masallar, insanlık tarihinin ürünü olan edebiyatın içerisinde çok önemli bir yer kaplar. Binlerce yıl öncesinde saklı kalan bir olay, masallar sayesinde günümüze ulaşabilir. Bunun yanında masallar günümüze ulaşırken geçirdiği değişimlerle... more
A Pizzo (VV) un gruppo scultorio identico al quadro di Jouvenet "La Pèche Miraculeuse"
When we are asked who we are, we often answer in stories. Let us take a look at an example, namely at the answer given to that very question by John the Baptist as told to us by the John the Evangelist 1. The Evangelist has the Baptist... more
داستان کوتاه سایه پیش‌تر به همت دوستان در شماره دهم سال۱۳۹۹، در .مجله نقطه‌بند به چاپ رسیده است.
19 ottobre alle ore 17:52 · 6 minuti per la lettura · Modifica nota Estratto della recente delibera di Giunta n.27/2020 L'immagine che vedete all'inizio di questa nota riporta un particolare dell'ultima delibera di Giunta del Comune di... more
De redacteuren van deze bundel organiseerden een op 16/17 maart 1989 gehouden internationaal colloquium over Literatuur en psychoanalyse aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daarmee werd een begin gemaakt met de intensivering van de... more
Mark Russell is the author of two books, God Is Disappointed in You and Apocrypha Now, as well as several comic book series including The Flintstones, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Second Coming, and Wonder Twins. He lives... more
Olivia Wood is a video game writer, narrative designer, and editor, specializing in interactive narrative. She works for Failbetter Games in London, UK. Her credits include Sunless Skies (writer, narrative designer and editor), Sunless... more
At the closing of last year's international meeting of our community of practice (the Un/ Told Unconference in London, 2017) we were issued the challenge to ask ourselves difficult questions and to seek more ways to bring more diverse... more
FEVER DREAMS, volume one of possibly more, cheaply bound and even more cheaply produced, an outlet for graduate students & bored assistant or adjunct professors & wordplay enthusi-asts & peripheral dilettantes, an exercise in type layout... more
این مقاله، نقدی است بر آخرین مجموعه داستانیِ صمد طاهری با نام «زخم شیر». در این مقاله سعی کرده‌ام که همانطور که در عنوان آن نوشته بودم تنها به مقوله «بررسی امر وجدانی» و مضمون تکرار شونده عذاب وجدان در آن بپردازم. بنظر نگارنده این... more
The given article deals with the comparative study of well-known Kirgiz writer Chinghiz Aytmatov`s story “Oq Kema” (White ship) and famous Uzbek writer Erkin A’zam`s “Javob” (Answer). In the article the typological similarities and... more
the moral story for children and you that teach about life.. this story is based on the fable that the moral still easily understand by the child and gives a moral for adult also.
This thesis an epistemological experiment in knowing the past atmospherically. It seeks to address the question of how we might go about recovering, from the historical record, something as hazy, fleeting and potentially intangible as an... more
Oleh @sorayawahaha Aku mulai lebih sering memakai kerudung sejak memasuki bangku sekolah menengah pertama. Itupun karena aku masuk sekolah Tsanawiyah, jadi mau bagaimana pun ya memang harus memakai kerudung. Aku berpikir perempuan memang... more
Bedtime Stories For Toddlers
bedtime stories for toddlers
The Fable of the Pig and the Sheep
3 Fable animal story
2 Stories To Read [The Need and Desires] [The Pot of the WIt] short stories, stories for kids, short stories for kids, moral stories, children's books, storyline online, story books for kids, kids books online, storyline online, kids... more
On the face of it Jim Steinman’s Bat Out of Hell The Musical (BOOHTM) is the love story of Strat and Raven, who fall in love, are separated by tragedy and misunderstanding and who ultimately reunite in a classic ‘they lived happily ever... more
Anecdotal accounts and human behaviour have always fascinated the author from an early age.The book is a compilation of such stories, having diverse backdrops and complexity in terms of various characters. Life, as we know it, in neither... more
Il nostro Crocifisso e la Pasqua a Galermo.
Le origini del casale di Galermo oggi chiamato San Giovanni Galermo frazione di Catania e la storia di Frate Umile.
ISBN: 978-605-84572-9-4 Cover: Akmal Nur (Honored worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan) Aktarılan Hikâyeler (Translated Stories): 1. Rüzgârlı Gece (M.Yuldashev) 2. İrem Bağı (M.Yuldashev) 3.... more
Until Galileo said that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics, human knowledge was considered to be something that was stored and captured by words . Today it is an assumption of both scientific and popular common... more
Nel 1612, il Governatore spagnolo dello Stato di Milano, Marchese Mendoza della Hionosa, riceve da sua maestà ispanica l'ordine di invadere il Piemonte, per anticipare l'avanzata del Duca di Savoia e diffidarlo dalle sue pretese sul... more
The current social and economic uncertainties have posed particular challenges for students and lecturers in contemporary Higher Education (HE). Academics and students in universities have responded to the challenges by reconceptualising... more
Aristotelian Time, in terms of both its important role in dramatic Tragedy (Poetics) and its definition as a linear process in relation to movement between one space and another (Physics), has long been a significant basis for everyday... more
A call for expansion of the definition of information design begs consideration in light of a plethora of inadequate definitions already in existence for this complex discipline of identifiable transdisciplinarity. For exploration of the... more
As educators, we write about how we teach and how our students learn, but often there are some things missing from these accounts. These ‘somethings’ are the animations and agitations that attend most deep learning. These are not easy to... more
« Sempre a dire “mafia qua”, “mafia là”… Ma che cos’è questa mafia ? Dov’è ? » Cette réplique du personnage de don Cesare Manzella dans le film I cento passi, reflète le flou – savamment entretenu – qui existait dans l’après-guerre autour... more
International audienceMalgré l'intérêt croissant dont il a fait l'objet ces vingt dernières années, le roman du XVIe siècle n'occupe qu'une petite place dans le panorama actuel de la recherche. La variété et le nombre de... more
Many philosophers are very sanguine about the cognitive contributions of fiction to science and philosophy. I focus on a case study: Ichikawa and Jarvis\u2019s account of thought experiments in terms of everyday fictional stories. As far... more
While frequent readers are often stereotyped as socially awkward, this may only be true of non-Wction readers and not readers of Wction. Comprehending characters in a narrative Wction appears to parallel the comprehension of peers in the... more