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Dal 1824 al 1869 funziona a Savigliano, presso l’ingresso dell’ospedale Santissima Annunziata, la «ruota» destinata a ricevere i piccini indesiderati, abbandonati dai genitori all’atto della loro nascita. In tutto 1.345, in poco più di... more
The attitude of the ruling class in the Republic of Genoa towards abandoned children is revelaed through its charitable interaction with the Hospital of Pammatone. The Ricordi manuscript written by the Genoan patrician Andrea Spinola... more
Page 1. Reviews 29 The second part of the book contains statistics of the number of people registered in a parish, the number of marriages, baptisms, communions, confes-sions, income collected per parish, and even the quantity of... more
Mostra documentaria sulle vicende storiche dell'Ospedale Serbelloni di Gorgonzola nel 170esimo anniversario della posa della prima pietra