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Hospital de Todos-os-Santos [All Saints Hospital] received since 1504 - the year the Regimento [rules of procedure] were approved - the abandoned or orphaned children of the city. Minors were placed in the Hospital wheel so this... more
This study analyses the high-risk situations facing children and young people during the 18th and the 19th centuries. They were various and different from those of today. Different as well were the perception of risk, and the way in which... more
Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, the first female educational institute, founded under Catherine II, had also a branch for non-noble girls who were supposed to become teachers. By no means, this institution could solve the problems of... more
In a world dominated by poverty, a central characteristic has been the plight of orphans and abandoned children. Over the centuries, State, Church and individuals have all attempted to tackle the issue, but can we trace any change over... more
The historiography of central and northern Italy produced several studies on the care of abandoned children, thanks to the good condition of the sources. Instead, the historiographical framework of the Sicilian cities is extremely poor.... more
"The «Human Material». Notes on Teaching Obstetrics and Midwifery, Vaccination and Baby Food Testing in the Foundling Hospital of Milan from the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century". From the end of the Eighteenth century, pregnant... more
Il contributo studia il sistema onomastico in uso nelle "ruote" dei diversi enti preposti all'assistenza ai trovatelli (o "esposti") nella Torino fra la metà del XVIII secolo e il 1927, sulla base della documentazione custodita... more
Abbandonato in una cesta per via della persecuzione dei maschi ebrei ordinata dal Faraone d'Egitto, Mosè viene trovato in un afoso giorno estivo sulla riva del fiume proprio dalla figlia del Faraone, che essendo sterile e desiderosa di... more
[RO] Rezumat. Confruntată cu primele eforturi de modernizare, societatea românească din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea a încercat să-și prezerve mecanismele culturale tradiționale, atitudinile și cutumele pe care și-a clădit... more
Peter Lake, 'The “Political Thought” of the “Monarchical Republic of Elizabeth I,” Discovered and Anatomized' Beverly Lemire, ' “Men of the World”: British Mariners, Consumer Practice, and Material Culture in an Era of Global Trade, c.... more
"Maintenance, marriages and dowries of Milanese female foundlings in early modern Lombardy (Italy)" Around the middle of the Seventeenth century, the General Hospital of Milan, for economic reasons, changed its welfare policy for... more
As Rodas dos Expostos de exposição livre foram encerradas em Portugal entre finais dos anos 1860 e 1888 (e não em 1867, como se continua a ler), sendo substituídas por Hospícios distritais de admissão justificada. Em Coimbra aboliu-se em... more
Women were the mainstay of assistance to foundlings, but not always this obvious reality is emphasized. This article focuses on them, trying to figure out who were the wet nurses of the Wheel’s Foundlings of Coimbra. To this institution... more
Monografia que tem como objetivo geral efetuar uma caraterização institucional e orgânico-funcional das entidades que, na cidade de Lisboa, entre os primeiros anos de Quinhentos, até ao último quartel do século XVIII, tiveram como... more
«Indicibile peso» per i bilanci, infermiere ribelli, serve fuggitive, spose da dotare, ma anche abili tessitrici ed esperte levatrici, le migliaia di figliole affidate all'Ospedale Maggiore milanese costituirono una variabile decisiva... more
ENGLISH The social discussion regarding foundlings and baby corpses regularly refers to the numerous baby hatches provided by Dutch churches and convents in the distant past. This is one of the most important arguments in the public... more
Abbandonato in una cesta per via della persecuzione dei maschi ebrei ordinata dal Faraone d'Egitto, Mosè viene trovato in un afoso giorno estivo sulla riva del fiume proprio dalla figlia del Faraone, che essendo sterile e desiderosa di... more
Este estudo debruça-se sobre dois procedimentos administrativos de índole repressora/assistencial: as intimações às mulheres grávidas não casadas e os subsídios de lactação a mães solteiras. Se estes últimos têm suscitado alguma atenção... more
Public health and social reforms in Portugal (1780–1805) presents an innovative analysis of a unique period for social and public health policy in Portuguese history. With a firm basis in archival research, the book examines a... more
Between the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth centuries, Milanese foundlings with physical and intellectual impairments or «insanity» were assisted by the Hospital of San Vincenzo in Prato, administrated by the Ospedale Maggiore, a general... more
It is undeniable that the rise of the novel was an international phenomenon. In spite of the developments and movements related to national contexts, the rise and subsequent triumph of a new form of narration to which Ian Watt dedicated... more
A lo largo del siglo XIX, las altas cifras de mortalidad de expósitos pusieron en evidencia la necesidad de emprender una serie de reformas dirigidas a mejorar las condiciones sanitarias de las inclusas y la implementación de medidas de... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a evolução da assistência aos expostos em Leiria, durante o século XIX, tendo como estudo-caso o município de Porto de Mós. É conhecido que este fenómeno adquiriu contornos peculiares em... more
ENGLISH The post-war political and public debate on the foundling issue concentrates on whether or not to provide special arrangements for children (such as baby hatches) and mothers (such as anonymous births). In this article, I explore... more
Petite enfance en danger : le rôle ambigu des nourrices dans l'ancienne société italienne/Infants in danger : the ambiguous role of wet-nurses in Early Modern Italy
Met de opening van de eerste particuliere vondelingenkamers in Nederland eind 2014 hebben onder meer politiek, media en maatschappij naast inzicht in juridische kaders een groeiende behoefte aan bredere relevante informatie over het... more
Our results highlight the scant importance assigned to foundlings in Spanish society during the Ancien Régime. They also indicate that legal and regulatory factors are more relevant to explain the evolution of abandonment in the mid and... more
[EN] The Care for Foundlings in Eighteenth-Century Vilnius This article examines the phenomenon of child abandonment and the patterns of care for foundlings in eighteenth-century Vilnius. Western European social historians have produced... more