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Snow is composed of small crystalline ice particles consisting of multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds. This review paper highlights the scope and nature of the research work done in North West Himalayan region. Spectral... more
The Hindukush Karakoram Himalayan mountains contain some of the largest glaciers of the world, and supply melt water from perennial snow and glaciers to the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) upstream of Tarbela dam, which constitutes greater than... more
Nowadays, daily life intensively depends on public services. Increasing population and urbanization take humans away from environment which may lead to chaos in usage of city lands. Consequently, human is in trouble using public services... more
In present study, an attempt has been made to understand the spatial distribution pattern of suitability of groundwater quality for domestic use in Hisar district of Haryana state, India by using Geographical Information System (GIS)... more
Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud centered platform for temporal and spatial geoprocessing and analysis on global challenges that require more computation power and involve large geospatial datasets. In GEE, the user analyses are... more
Семененко А.А. О прародине индоиранцев (ариев) // Власть и общество: история взаимоотношений. Материалы Десятой региональной научной конференции (г. Воронеж, 19 марта 2016 г.) / под общ. ред. В.Н. Глазьева. — Воронеж: "ИСТОКИ", 2016. — С.... more
Cold regions, including high-latitude and high-altitude landscapes, are experiencing profound environmental changes driven by global warming. With the advance of earth observation technology, remote sensing has become increasingly... more
Academic inquiry into the phenomenon of nation-building has found that such undertakings become more fruitful when emphasis is placed on the seeking ‘unity in diversity’, rather than on assimilation and amalgamation which create discord... more
This work provides an overview of various methods for estimating snow cover and properties in high mountains using remote sensing techniques involving microwaves. Satellite based remote sensing with its characteristics such as synoptic... more
Soil resources of the Earth are vital for preserving life on this planet due to their unique ecosystem services. Etymologically, humus, human, and humble share, for a good reason, the same root. These resources are, however, limited and... more
Groundwater quality is gradually deteriorating due to agricultural activities and its evaluation is there for eneeded before use. The aim of this study was to evaluate groundwater quality for use in the foundry industry using water... more
"This research paper compares the result of Object based and Pixel based classification techniques for glacier change detection on Landsat Thematic mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imageries. The objective of this study is... more
The high mountain environment of the Hunza Valley in the Karakoram is characterised by significant potential energy, extended glaciation and related events that tend to threaten habitations and settlements. The village oasis of Pasu is... more
Cold regions, including high-latitude and high-altitude landscapes, are experiencing profound environmental changes driven by global warming. With the advance of earth observation technology, remote sensing has become increasingly... more
The Hindukush Karakoram Himalayan mountains contain some of the largest glaciers of the world, and supply melt water from perennial snow and glaciers to the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) upstream of Tarbela dam, which constitutes greater than... more
Fire is a phenomenon occurs in most parts of the world and causes severe financial losses and sometimes, irreparable damages. Many parameters are involved in the occurrence of a fire; some of which are constant over time (at least in a... more
The orbital and the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) models are the two most commonly used models to compute a three-dimensional coordinates from an image stereo-pair. But it is still confusing that with the identical user provided... more
The stimulus for the present paper was provided by two epigrams referring to wine-making and wine consumption in a cold climate, where wine vases had been broken by frost. Since these texts date from the fourth and the ninth century... more
Las glaciaciones cuaternarias han dejado registro en diversos espacios geográficos de la corteza terrestre. Esto no ha sido una excepción en los Andes Centrales de Argentina y Chile, donde enormes valles labrados por la erosión glacial y... more
RESUMEN La utilización de imágenes satelitales permite recolectar información en sitios remotos, abarcando una gran superficie de análisis y monitoreando visualmente áreas de difícil acceso, lo cual implicaría un gran costo tanto en... more
My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in... more
In this study, we have developed a new thermal snow index viz. S3 thermal snow index (S3TSI) and determined its relationship with two existing thermal snow indices (i.e., normalized difference snow thermal index (NDSTI) and normalized... more
It is so important to be aware of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of changes for the environment, land use planning and sustainable development. Detecting the changes in the condition of an issue is done by time difference... more
The present research was conducted to determine the sensitivity of needle-leaved species compared to broad-leaved in causing a natural fire in Golestan province. Vegetation and moisture stresses of plants were studied in both needle and... more
Moraine-dammed lakes are normally formed near glacier terminus. These lakes can burst due to excessive melting and can cause floods in the valleys. Many such floods have been reported in the Himalayas and other parts of the World. In... more
The temporal monitoring of any glacier is important for observing the effects of changing climate. This study reports the decadal changes in Siachen glacier. Analysis was carried out on decadal basis by processing and analyzing Landsat... more
Snow cover characteristics play a vital role in hydrological and climatological analyses. Snow characteristics have been retrieved using different techniques but no study has been conducted hitherto to determine its relationship with snow... more
The Glacial Archaeology in the Austrian Alps (GAAA) project represents pioneer work being first of its kind in Austria. Due to the urgency of losing culturally significant archaeological sites in the region, the GAAA project seeks to... more
The hydrograph separation method, previously proposed to quantify base flow, seasonal snowmelt, and glacial melt components in river flows within Upper Indus basin underestimates glacial melt component. This is particularly limiting for... more
The present investigation was conducted to analyze the temporal patterns of snow cover area% (SCA%), air temperature, snowfall and river discharge in parts of Chenab basin, western Himalayas. The relationship of mean SCA% with mean air... more
Terrain variables are the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of snow cover. This paper aims to find a relationship between snow-cover area (SCA) and topographic variables (elevation, slope and aspect), using MODIS Terra data... more
Snow is the part of atmosphere in the climate system of the earth and its physical parameters play an important role in hydrological and climate models. The present study explained that the imaging spectroscopy to produce the snow cover... more
Final Technical Report on Himalayan Glacier monitoring a joint project of Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Changes in the extent of glaciers and rates of glacier termini retreat in the eastern Terskey–Alatoo Range, the Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia have been evaluated using the remote sensing techniques. Changes in the extent of 335... more
With climate change, modelling has suggested that increased inaccessibility of forage through snow may endanger some populations of arctic ungulates; however, contemporaneous data on snow-cover conditions, other ecological factors and... more
The Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region holds the largest mass of ice in Central Asia and is highly vulnerable to global climate change, experiencing significant warming (0.21 ± 0.08 °C/decade) over the past few decades. Accurate monitoring... more
The primary objectives of this study are to identify glacier cover, detect changes of glacier from 1978 to 2017 in Bhutan, and identification of vulnerable zone based on glacier changes. Landsat images and remote sensing (RS) techniques,... more