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Development of an accurate precipitation dataset is of primary importance for regional hydrological process studies and water resources management. Here, four regional precipitation products are evaluated for the Heihe River basin (HRB):... more
The Hindukush Karakoram Himalayan mountains contain some of the largest glaciers of the world, and supply melt water from perennial snow and glaciers to the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) upstream of Tarbela dam, which constitutes greater than... more
An Analytic model which describes properly the energy liberated or dissipated by a hurricane is presented. Nowadays exists some kind of information related to the energy liberated by a hurricane, which we can nd with a non safe source at... more
Xülasə. Məqalədə son 100 il ərzində Xəzər dənizində baş verən mühüm gəmi qəzalarının statistikası (təsviri, nəticələri) təhlil edilir. Qəzaların əsasən 3 faktordan asılı olduğu göstərilir (insan,texniki, hidrometeoroloji).... more
Estimation of drought in a certain temporal and spatial scale is crucial in climate change studies. The current study targets on three agricultural areas widespread in Greece, Ardas River Basin in Northeastern Greece, Sperchios River... more
Climate change is one of the alarming global environmental changes likely to have deleterious effects on natural, social, cultural and human systems. The risks associated with it call for a broad spectrum of policy responses and... more
Denser observation data (1 precipitation gauging station per 548km2) were used.Regional trend analysis found increasing precipitation in mountain and coastal.Precipitations are correlated with the decadal Oscillation.The present study... more
Floods are the most frequent of natural disasters, affecting millions of people across the globe every year. The anticipation and forecasting of floods at the global scale is crucial to preparing for severe events and providing early... more
Floods in the western part of Java Island area, including the Jakarta City, Bandung, Sumedang and Garut Regency is the most extreme incident like the incident in 2007. In 2016, flood occurred in March that caused the Citarum river... more
The Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) is a preoperational suite performing daily streamflow simulations to detect severe floods in large river basins. GloFAS defines the severity of a flood event with respect to thresholds estimated... more
Nowadays, as extreme weather increasingly threatens human health and economy, early warning system approaches are critical for timely preparedness and response. Towards the implementation of a multi-model forecasting system for flood... more
The reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is an essential variable in the agrohydrological systems and its estimation on a regional scale is limited to its spatial variability. This study compares two approaches for preparation of spatial... more
Xülasə. Müasir dövrdə iqtisadi cəhətdən sərfəli keçid marşrutlarının seçilməsi və gəminin bu kurslar üzrə təyinat limanına aparılması mühüm əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Xüsusilə okean səfərləri zamanı gəminin iki məntəqə arasında ən qısa məsafə... more
ABSTRACT When evaluating the reliability of an ensemble prediction system, it is common to compare the root-mean-square error of the ensemble mean to the average ensemble spread. While this is indeed good practice, two different and... more
Xülasə. Məqalədə hidrometeoroloji faktorların təsiri nəticəsində dreyf bucağının yaranması məsələsi araşdırılmış və su oturumundan asılı olaraq müxtəlif gəmilər üçün dreyf əmsalının tapılması yolları göstərilmişdir. Аннотация. В статье... more
The estimation of rainfall is very important in increasing the accuracy of the weather forecast. An accurate weather forecast will reduce the impactof disaster risks. Jayapura was chosen as the stufy are because in recent times there was... more
Project Report: To be released in mid March 2014, Executive summary: Working with a changing climate, not against it. Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction: A survey of Lessons Learned for Resilient Adaptation to a Changing Climate
Gridded estimates of precipitation using both satellite and observational station data are regularly used as reference products in the evaluation of basic climate fields and derived indices as simulated by regional climate models (RCMs)... more
Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is one of the most critical parameters in the research on agro-ecological systems. The computational methods for the estimation of PET vary in data demands from very simple (empirically based), requiring... more
Urbanization modifies surface energy and water budgets, and has significant impacts on local and regional hydroclimate. In recent decades, a number of urban canopy models have been developed and implemented into the Weather Research and... more
Abstrak.Hujan ekstrem telah terjadi di Sibolga yang terletak pada koordinat 01°33'15"LU dan 098°53'26" BT pada hari Minggu tanggal 6 Maret 2016. Menurut data observasi stasiun Meteorologi Pinangsori Sibolga tercatat intensitas curah hujan... more
Penggunaan sumber daya air pada akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali dilakukan, bahkan secara besar-besaran tanpa memedulikan dampak buruknya terhadap keberlanjutan lingkungan, hingga dapat dikatakan sudah masuk ke dalam tahap eksploitasi.... more
Accurate precipitation forecasts are required for accurate flood forecasting. The structures of different precipitation forecasting systems are constantly evolving, with improvements in forecasting techniques, increases in spatial and... more
The Hindukush Karakoram Himalayan mountains contain some of the largest glaciers of the world, and supply melt water from perennial snow and glaciers to the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) upstream of Tarbela dam, which constitutes greater than... more