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Everyone knows Singapore as the Lion City and the story behind of a Palembang prince, Sang Nila Utama, sighting a lion on this island that was first published 200 years ago in John Leyden's translation of the Malay classic Sejarah Melayu.... more
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
This paper deals with the historiographic reflections on the civilizations of Southeast Asia, written by some Italian scholars who explored this area in the second half of the Nineteenth century. These texts were translations of... more
Datu Utto belonged to the old ruling family of Buayan, the most prestigious in Sa-Raya. According to Saleeby, at some unspecified time in the recent past there had been a split in the Buayan Sultanate after the death of Sultan Maytum.... more
The mid-first millennium CE represents a crucial period in the emergence of early polities in Southeast Asia. However, disagreement remains between archaeologists and art historians as to the precise dating of this shift from prehistory... more
This paper deals with the historiographic reflections on the civilizations of Southeast Asia, written by some Italian scholars who explored this area in the second half of the Nineteenth century. These texts were translations of... more
Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS; Oriental University, 2019. — 244 pp., ill. The book is a collection of essays dealing with various aspects of Southeast Asian and Cambodian epigraphy and state formation. The first essay shows... more
This is the first of two articles that examines how knowledge about Singapore and its Straits circulated within European literary circles between 1511 and 1819. The present exposé surveys close to three centuries worth of references to... more
Who were the agents of cultural change in pre-colonial Southeast Asia? Scholars have identified such diverse characters as Brahmins journeying from South Asia, European sea captains looking down at indigenous Asians from the decks of... more
This article examines the creation of Gunung Leuser Wildlife Reserve in the highlands of Aceh, Indonesia within the context of the Dutch-Aceh War in the early twentieth century, arguing that conservation was used as a form of... more
The UN and Australian government organised a vote, by which, in 1984, Cocos Malays chose to become Australians.
This volume cross-examines the stability of heritage as a concept. It interrogates the past which materialises through multi-layered narratives on monuments and other objects that sustain cultural diversity. It seeks to understand how... more
Religious experience is a dimension of human experience which deals with the interpretation of concrete events according to evaluative categories. This is rooted in the essence of religion itself whose task is to provide an... more
Việt Nam thế kỷ XVII: Những góc nhìn từ bên ngoài là tác phẩm được hai nhà Việt Nam học là Olga Dror và K. W. Taylor đã dày công tìm hiểu và có những chú giải kỹ lưỡng, cùng phần giới thiệu hàm súc cho hai tác phẩm quan trọng trong công... more
This is an informed, well-researched, well-written, and thought-provoking work. By any measure, this is a fine volume worthy of a home on the shelf of any scholar working on Asian migrants, refugee issues, or contemporary Burma generally.
"Oh foglia appassita del Fiume Mekong ed altre poesie" Antologia poetica di Htilar Sitthu (U Soe Nyunt) Libera traduzione di Htilar Sitthu, 1988 "O withered leaf from the River Mekong and other poems" Innwa Pub. House, VII edizione.... more
Beginning in the early 1950s there were tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese who chose to ‘return’ to the People’s Republic of China (prc). Until fairly recently, little attention has been given to the approximately 600,000 ethnic Chinese... more
Assessments of Singapore’s history invariably revolve around Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival in 1819. Before this date – we’ve been earlier told – “nothing very much appears to have happened in Singapore”. Pre-1819 Singapore was a sleepy,... more
Recent research by the author (Charney 2017 and 2020, forthcoming) on the precolonial Myanmar army has emphasized the importance of villagers and village ways of combat in larger campaigns that that are normally understood through... more
2nd research paper for HIS334- Peasants, Rebels and Leviathan: Modern Southeast Asian History (Murdoch University) In what ways did Western imperialism change Southeast Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries? This paper examines the... more
Contents: 专题论文 宋代潮州陶瓷之路   ——以笔架山窑瓷器生产与外销为中心【黄 挺】/3 日本出土的宋代潮州窑产品与相关问题   ——以福冈市博多遗址群出土为主【田中克子】/20 潮瓷下南洋:19世纪以来潮瓷与东南亚潮人陶瓷业【李炳炎】/32 海洋、宗教与女性研究   ——以近代潮汕地区的信教妇女为例【蔡香玉】/54 “海洋亚洲”的废婢运动... more
Urbanization is driving Southeast Asia’s economies, moving vast numbers of people to urban centers at a pace unheard of in the West. As impressive as these cities are, they bring with them massive problems in terms of sanitation,... more
Interview with American veteran Stuart Steinberg about his experiences as an ordnance disposal expert during the Vietnam War.
The Great Influenza Pandemic of the 20th century seems to have reemerged after 102 years through COVID-19. The deadliest plague of the last century has claimed approximately 50 million lives worldwide or one-third of the global... more
This book analyses the processes of social and economic change in Brunei Darussalam. Drawing on recent studies undertaken by both locally based scholars and senior researchers from outside the state, the book explores the underlying... more
An excerpt from Charlie Samuya Veric’s forthcoming book titled, Children of the Postcolony, the sampler provides a glimpse of the main arguments concerning the need to reconstruct the intellectual origins of Philippine Studies as a... more
«Путешествие» Ибн Баттуты занимает особое место среди средневековых арабских источников по истории малайского мира. Это одно из немногих арабских свидетельств о регионе, основанных на рассказах очевидца. В 1345-1347 гг. Ибн Баттута... more
North and South Vietnamese youth had very different experiences of growing up during the Vietnamese War. This book gives a unique perspective on the conflict through the prism of adult–youth relations. By studying these relations,... more
Western historians have focused on a series of supposed “lost moments” when America could have changed the character of Ho Chi Minh and the post-colonial Vietnamese state. Foremost among these is the “Wilsonian Moment” during the... more
An 8 page essay which looks over and analyses the close relationship that the Korean Koryŏ Dynasty had with Medieval China, especially the Song Dynasty. Examples of war alliances, religions, artworks, politics, and education are analyzed... more
FOR THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS, THAI GOVERNMENTS have consistently stressed the homogeneity of the peoples of Thailand. Unlike its Southeast Asian neighbors, modern Thailand has never had an official discourse on multiculturalism. The... more
Công Luận Nguyễn. Nationalist in the Viet Nam Wars: Memoirs of a Victim Turned
Soldier. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.
Reviewed- H-War, November 2012
... Collapse and Regeneration from Funan to Angkor The history of the Khmer civilization is characterized by cycles of fragmen-tation, collapse, and reorganization. ... When the Thai army sacked the capital of Angkor in ad 1432, they... more
This is the 1st part of a whole essay explaining debated historical details about Dharmakirti's life, his philosophical works, and his thoughts, being a first complete account on him in Bahasa Indonesia.