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The celebrated work of Yau and Yau solved the nonlinear filtering problem in theory in the following manner. They reduced the problem of solving the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai equation in real-time to the off-time solution of a Kolmogorov... more
QM Demystified A Self Teaching Guide by David McMahon. I purchased this book in 2007. Read chapter 1 and 2 in that year. Did not get past chapter 2, but did complete chapter 2. May had gotten busy with other things, most probably found... more
All'interno del lavoro viene mostrato come la rotazione di Wick e il formalismo del tempo immaginario permettano in maniera semplice di identificare lo stato fondamentale di un sistema quantistico. Vengono poi sviluppate due tecniche di... more
“The Schrödinger equation and the Dirac equation are wrong because length can not be smaller than Planck length and time can not be smaller than Planck time.” Adrian Ferent “To quantize the energy operator, the wave function must be... more
Tinjau sebuah partikel dengan massa m, yang dibatasi bergerak sepanjang sumbu-x, yang mengalami gaya tertentu F(x,t) (Gambar 1.1). Dalam mekanika klasik programnya adalah menentukan kedudukan partikel itu pada suatu saat: x(t). Setelah... more
The nature of the hydrogen bond is studied in the context of the Spacetime Wave Theory. The usual description of a covalent bond is: a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known... more
Why does time reversal involve two operations, a temporal reflection and the operation of complex conjugation in quantum mechanics? Why is it that time reversal preserves position and reverses momentum and spin? This puzzle of time... more
We illustrate a simple derivation of the Schrodinger equation, which requires only knowledge of the electromagnetic wave equation and the basics of Einstein's special theory of relativity. We do this by extending the wave equation for... more
I propose a model wherein a system is represented by a finite sequence of natural numbers. These numbers are thought of as population numbers in statistical ensemble formed as a sample with replacement of entities (microstates) from some... more
Quantum Mechanics is often used by philosophers of mind to develop a non mechanist approach to the cognitive domain. In this paper we propose the inverse: we show that the mechanist or computationalist hypothesis in philosophy of mind can... more
El problema de la medición en la mecánica cuántica es que la partícula cuántica en el curso de la evolución, como la describe la ecuación lineal de Schrodinger, existe en todos sus estados posibles, pero en la medición, la partícula... more
The solutions of the Schrödinger with more general exponential screened coulomb (MGESC), Yukawa potential (YP) and the sum of the mixed potential (MGESCY) have been presented using the Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov Method (pNUM). The bound... more
This article is concerned with an extensive study of a infinite-dimensional Lie algebra sv, introduced in (14) in the context of non-equilibrium statistical physics, containing as subalgebras both the Lie algebra of invariance of the free... more
“Maxwell’s equations are wrong because length can not be smaller than Planck length and time can not be smaller than Planck time” Adrian Ferent “Maxwell’s equations are wrong, because the Electric field E and the Magnetic field B are not... more
L'oggetto principale della prova finale è la teoria degli operatori m-dissipativi su spazi di Banach. Nella tesi si analizzano alcune proprietà di tale classe di operatori. Il caso più studiato in letteratura è quello degli operatori... more
Lagrargian formalism was utilized in this work to obtain Schrödinger, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation for frictional medium. Fortunately these equations are typical to that obtained by others. These equations were solved for lasing and... more
In this paper, wavelets and fuzzy support vector machines are used to automated detect and classify power quality (PQ) disturbances. Electric power quality is an aspect of power engineering that has been with us since the inception of... more
we have obtained the analytical solution of Schrödinger wave equation with Mie – type potential using factorization method. We have also obtained energy eigenvalues of our potential and the corresponding wave function using an ansatz and... more
The effective mass one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation for the generalized Morse potential is solved by using Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Energy eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions are computed analytically. The results are... more
Abstract-We use the method of multiple scales borrowed from perturbation theory to derive a new time-domain transfer function of the nonlinear fiber-optic wave-division multiplexing (WDM) communications channel. The obtained channel... more