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RESUMEN El presente trabajo intenta mostrar la importancia del Esquematismo Trascendental Kantiano para el programa de " Ser y Tiempo ". El hilo conductor de la argumentación es el siguiente: La pregunta por el sentido del ser interroga... more
Spielfilme sind im DaF-Unterricht, wie auch im muttersprachlichen Deutschunterricht, ein beliebtes Medium der Auseinandersetzung mit der DDR. Doch während dies bis vor fünfzehn Jahren vor allem anhand von Filmen aus der DDR erfolg-te,... more
Schema theory provides a theoretic framework which can explain how youth can make meaning out of their war time experiences. By processing traumatic experiences, previously held schemas pre-war (which are no longer valid) can be... more
Among emotions, surprise has been extensively studied in psychology. In linguistics, surprise, like other emotions, has mainly been studied through the syntactic patterns involving surprise lexemes. However, little has been done so far to... more
The thesis is that Civil Procedure teachers should give more attention to the subject's landmark cases. Law teachers' common sense and cognitive scientists' schema theory lend support to that thesis. The pedagogic implications... more
Perceptions of media characters are important determinants of the enjoyment of media content, especially with regard to narrative media forms. Affective disposition theory (ADT) states that "enjoyment of media content is a function of a... more
[first page preview provided as pdf only; link to open access book provided] This chapter argues for the necessity of a cognitive and holistic approach to autofiction—an approach that considers textual signposts in combination with the... more
The academic study of digital fiction has recently undergone a significant paradigm shift. Research has moved from a “first wave” of pure theoretical debate to a “second wave” of narratological, stylistic, and semiotic analysis. While the... more
Iako je veza ranih maladaptivnih shema i brojnih psihopatoloških ispoljavanja potvrđena, i dalje ne postoji dovoljan broj istraživanja koja ispituju mehanizme preko kojih se ona ostvaruje. Cilj studije je bio ispitati da li je psihološka... more
A kognitív irányzat felemelkedésével a séma a pszichológia egyik központi fogalma lett. A kognitív kutatások fő áramlatai mellett a legkülönbözőbb területeken (pl. szociálpszichológia, mozgáselmélet) elterjedt, valamiféle komplex... more
Öz Mükemmeliyetçilik, klinik anlamda kişinin işlevselliğinde önemli düzeyde sıkıntıya ve bozulmalara yol açan, aşırı yüksek standartlara sahip olma eğilimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada şikâyetlerinin odağı mükemmeliyetçilik olan... more
Öz Bu çalışmada DSM-5 tanı kriterleri açısından yaygın kaygı bozukluğu tanısına uyum gösteren 35 yaşındaki bir erkek danışanın öncelikli problem olarak gördüğü öfke probleminin şema terapi yaklaşımı ile nasıl ele alındığı anlatılmaktadır.... more
درباره اهمیت طرحواره درمانی در زندگی انسان و رفع تله های شخصیتی چه می دانید؟ آیا تا به حال برای حل کردن مشکلات خود، از یکی از روش های روان درمانی استفاده کرده اید؟ چقدر با شیوه ی طرحواره درمانی آشنایی دارید؟ آیا متوجه الگوهای تکراری در... more
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more
This study tested the relationships between Young’s (1990, 2003) model of EarlyMaladaptive Schemas (EMSs), negative life events occurring over the past 4 months,depressive symptoms, and anxious symptoms. We also replicated a design... more
There are many models of reading and many theoretical understandings. Increasingly these different approaches are engaging one another. In 1988 when Theories of Reading in Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Study was first published that was... more
This paper is done in order to describe the main role of context towards comprehension and learning progress. Related to first of hypotheses of methodology and proficiency, “students must have opportunities to practice language in various... more
This article traces a brief history of a schema from Corelli to Mozart, here designated the Fonte-Romanesca, in order to clarify certain foundational principles in schema theory's conception of a model, particularly as it relates to the... more
Topics and harmonic schemata powerfully interact in the late-eighteenth-century communicative channel. This article illustrates both a categorial and pragmatic interfacing of the two domains in Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony, where a... more
Wenn das Thema der Komplexe in den Mittelpunkt rückt, fällt auf, dass Vorstellungen in Psychologie, Psychoanalyse, Analytischer Psychologie und Verhaltenstherapie in ähnliche Richtungen zielen, was in der jungianischen Literatur bereits... more
Over the past decade or so, historically informed theory, pedagogy, and (more recently) composition have emerged fully as outgrowths of the historically informed performance (HIP) movement, for which Bach’s music has been instrumental. In... more
This essay explores the relationship between the " sacred hymn topic " (McKee 2007) and the voice-leading pattern known as the Romanesca schema (Gjerdingen 2007). Specifically, I argue that in the late-eighteenth century composers... more
This article re-examines the concept of a ‘schema’ in light of a new body of empirical evidence regarding the culture and cognition of key in the eighteenth century. The schema concept in music, which originated in the work of Leonard B.... more
My dissertation, which is currently in progress, attempts to reconstruct the compositional pedagogy of Johann Sebastian Bach using historical sources. In the course of my research I have come across four manuscript sources linked to Bach.... more
In attempting to determine how Johann Sebastian Bach taught composition, this article draws on recent archival discoveries to claim that it was not the ornamented, vocal Choralgesänge, but the simpler, thoroughbass-centered Choralbuch... more
Educators should become aware of ways to tap potential knowledge gained by learners who are already familiar with another language. Reading has been called a passive activity but in fact involves the reader in much the same way as... more
This article investigates the problem of historical modes of listening through the lens of recent research in schema theory and historically-informed music cognition (Gjerdingen 1988; 2007; Byros 2009). Substantial empirical evidence now... more
The following essay argues that Caplin, Gjerdingen, and Hepokoski and Darcy explicitly and implicitly borrow ideas from the works of Heinrich Schenker while simultaneously relegating Schenkerian concepts, making anti-Schenkerian protests,... more