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Na wstępie omówiono trzy podstawowe formy organizacji materii muzycznej, zastosowane w "Orgelbüchlein" Johanna Sebastiana Bacha: chorał melodyczny (najbardziej reprezentatywny i w związku z tym nazwany chorałem typu Orgelbüchlein),... more
La fuga en Re menor BWV 851 se caracteriza por presentar al sujeto un amplio número de veces y de maneras distintas, tales como invertido y stretto. El sujeto tiene una duración de dos compases y cuenta con tres valores rítmicos... more
Musik ist eine Manifestation der grundlegenden menschlichen Fähigkeit, mittels Zeichen zu denken, zu fühlen und zu handeln. Die Musiksemiotik hat das Ziel, diese Fähigkeit und ihre Manifestationen wissenschaftlich zu beschreiben und zu... more
Présentation Douzième volet de l’intégrale Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) pour clavier, le second volume du Clavier bien tempéré est présenté en deux récitals, chaque fois au clavecin, à savoir les préludes et fugues 1 à 12 (BWV 870... more
Questo libro è il risultato di due anni di lavoro trascorsi nell'intervistare quindici chitarristi conosciuti nel corso di questi sette anni di attività come blogger per il mio Blog Chitarra e Dintorni. Poter frequentare musicisti come... more
Resumo: Este artigo propõe um rápido mergulho nas práticas musicais em torno do cravo a partir do século XIX, na França, Inglaterra e Alemanha, indicando como os pianistas, em muitos casos inspirados pela música de Bach, foram... more
Preface Three centuries later, the debate still rages concerning which instrument –or instruments– Johann Sebastian Bach had in mind when he composed his 6ème Suitte a Violoncello Solo senza Basso, BWV 1012. On the one hand, we know that... more
This paper presents a corpus study that identifies the number of statistically distinct modes used in sacred and secular genres from 1400–1750. Corpora used for the study include Masses, motets, and secular songs from the Franco-Flemish... more
Is Italy a Bach-loving country? Starting from this question, Borghesi recounts the stages, protagonists and features of the Italian reception of J. S. Bach. The author reconstructs the musicological debate around the German composer,... more
Fifths and major thirds beat rate characteristics of famous historical temperaments are analysed. It appears that beat rate characteristics might be the actual determining factors for Baroque temperaments, mainly because beat rates are of... more
Ieder jaar klinkt in de weken voor Pasen overal de Matthäus-Passion van de Duitse componist Johann Sebastian Bach. In honderden kerken en concertzalen in Nederland wordt de passie uitgevoerd door professionele en amateurmusici, een... more
Introduction The present edition offers an arrangement for Recorder of the Trio for Flauto Trav., Violino & Basso Wq. 143 by CPE Bach (1714-1788). As is customary in such adaptations, with the transposition of a minor 3nd up, from B... more
The four notes forming the name 'Bach' occupies the exact center of the 56 notes harpsichord keyboards that Bach knew and used. This extraordinary fact seems to have escaped so far, but Bach himself can hardly fail to notice. If, as is... more
God died centuries before Nietzsche's madman exclaimed that "you and I have killed him": This colossal event was dramatized when artists started to focus on the moment of the death of the Lord and his dead body after the crucifixion and... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of Bach’s music using the interpretive framework of symbolism. According to Anthony Newman, musical symbolism contains both auditory symbols such as melody, harmony, rhythm,... more
Een zoektocht naar de muzikaal-retorische kenmerken in de Cantate 82 van J. S. Bach.
Дипломната ми работа, защитена през 1999 г. в катедра "История и теория на културата", философски факултет, Софийски университет.
Este material é um pequeno resultado de anos de estudos, práticas e pesquisas aprofundadas sobre a relação entre música e dança dos séculos XVII e XVIII , no contexto cortesão europeu, e aplicados aos estudos das Partitas da obra para... more
Bach’ın ölümünden Beethoven’in ölümüne dek süren muhteşem dönem.
Until a few decades ago, J.S. Bach’s Toccatas and Fantasias for harpsichord and organ were performed strictly measured, rubato being only applied minimally in some cadences. Then the performers of early keyboards became aware of Baroque... more
Spunti sugli ultimi anni di J. S. Bach
Kütahya Güzel Sanatlar Derneği
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı
10-11-12 Mayıs 2018
The organ music of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-1784) has thus far received considerable attention, above all visible in the form of no less than four so-called complete editions (Biggs/Weston 1947; Brandts-Buys c1955; De Nys c1960;... more
Each of the eighteenth-century dance forms has a characteristic rate and type of harmonic progression. Established at the outset of the dance, they determine the listener’s sense of meter. While Bach sets up certain metric expectation in... more
Liner notes of my recording "J.S. Bach: Sonatas and Partitas BWV 1001-1006," published by Brilliant Classics on November 1, 2016. The uploaded pdf file of my notes was created by Chandos Records (
Read online to see the complete examples: ABSTRACT: This article provides the first English translation of a little-known manuscript treatise by the central-German composer... more
Since 2000s instructive editions have progressively been recognized as a compelling source for studies in music history, performance history, ​and textual bibliography. Herein the attention is focused on four instructive editions of J. S.... more
Propuesta de análisis siguiendo los presupuestos teóricos de la retórica musical aplicados a la sonata BWV 1030 para flauta y clave. Escrita por un gran conocedor de la Retórica, disciplina que estudió en la escuela, J.S. Bach emplea... more