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A characteristic element of the Middle La Tène Scordiscan female costume are the various types of iron and bronze belts, which can often be connected with contemporaneous types from the Carpathian Basin. One such form are iron belts of... more
Page 1. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, V, 1, 2006 1 ACTA TERRAE SEPTEMCASTRENSIS V, 1, 2006 Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII) La disseminazione ad Accesso Aperto (autorizzata dal Prof.Univ. Dr ...
Some of the most exquisite European Iron Age jewelry pieces were produced by the " barbarian " tribes on the Balkan peninsula between the 4 th and 1 st century BC. During this period Celtic craftsmen, working in a variety of mediums, drew... more
The City Museum Sisak has obtained a hoard of imitations of the drachms of Apollonia and Dyrrhachium allegedly found in the nearby Odra Sisačka in the early 1980s. The coins are most likely subaerati, poorly executed with no legends on... more
The paper reviews the conventional notion of the straightforward relation between the presence of warrior equipment, its quantity and quality, and the warrior status of the deceased in the area of middle Danube by revising the evidence... more
Two of the five complexes with grave goods found contained incinerated bones, most probably human, while some of the graves contained also wood charcoal. The archaeologists recovered a rich and varied inventory that consists, almost in... more
The paper considers cultural and imaginative construction of the Ister/ Danube, and its implications in the creation of the limes area of the provinces of Moesia and (part of) Pannonia. It discusses how the Danube was used as an element... more
Until 1981, the Late Iron Age in the Croatian-Serbian Danube region was organized using the relative chronology of Jovan Todorović from Belgrade. His division consisted of phases I (pre-Celtic period), II, III, IV, and V (Roman period) –... more
Skordisti~ke ratni~ke sahrane sa kremacijom U ovom radu je analizirana grupa od sto skordisti~kih ratni~kih grobova (uklju-~uju}i i razorene grobove, kao i nalaze ~iji kontekst nije u potpunosti poznat). Lokaliteti na kojima su se... more
In this paper enamel inlayed Celtic brooches from the Middle Tisza Region will be presented and contextualised. Thanks to the intensive metal detecting surveys conducted in recent years, a number of new finds found their way to the museum... more