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Wprowadzenie do pop psychedelii - hybrydy sztuki, mody i marketingu, która stała się popularna pod koniec lat 60. na skutek absorpcji kultury psychedelicznej przez mainstream. Omówienie reprezentacji w filmie autorskim, filmie gatunkowym,... more
During the 1960s Roger Corman produced a series of adaptations based on the literature of Edgar Allan Poe, known commonly as his Poe cycle. They were B-films but they were also prestige pictures, flagship films for production company... more
5000 word essay in: W. Hughes, D. Punter & A. Smith eds, Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic 2 vols. (London: Wiley-Blackwell 2012). (Other entries: David Cronenberg; Hammer Films; W.H. Ainsworth; Thomas De Quincey; John Polidori;... more
At 91 years of age, Roger Corman has been called everything from the King of the Bs to the Pope of Pop Culture, has had a career spanning seven decades and has made over 400 films. Known primarily for exploitation fare, Corman’s output... more
Aus: Thomas Hecken / Marcus S. Kleiner (Hrsg.): Handbuch Popkultur, Metzler Verlag Stuttgart 2017, S. 147-152 48. B-Movie Unter einem B-Movie versteht man heute einen günstig produzierten Film (low budget), der meist in... more
The Lovecraftian Poe: Essays on Influence, Reception, Interpretation, and Transformation. Ed. Sean Moreland. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2017. 163-77.
The mid-1950s were eager for a Gothic revival. The cycle of Science Fiction creature features was petering out, increasingly the province of no-budget off-Hollywood productions. Audiences and critics were nostalgic not just for horror... more
Recent discussions of ‘paracinema’ have highlighted the re-appraisal of so-called ‘cinematic trash’. This article addresses the theme of ‘badfilm’ by contrasting films from two of the most well-known purveyors of ‘cinematic trash’: Roger... more
Introduction à la journée d'études : "L’ellipse et l’excès, une poétique de la matière et du récit dans le cinéma fantastique".
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 17-18 novembre 2015.
Artykuł nt. wzajemnych wpływów amerykańskiego kina eksploatacji i kina autorskiego. Tekst objaśnia wpływ okultyzmu Aleistera Crowleya na kino eksperymentalne Kennetha Angera, które "zapowiedziało" pojawienie się niskobudżetowych... more
"American House of Horror". An essay examines an image of a cabin in the woods as a core trope of American Gothic. Brief English summary on the last page.
Luźny esej filmowy, poruszający temat renesansu kina eksploatacji (exploitation revival), obnażający bezradność polskich krytyków wobec tych dzieł i tłumaczący powody, dla których "tradycyjne" kategorie filmoznawcze są nieadekwatne do ich... more
Lo scopo di questa tesi è di presentare una panoramica dei vari genere horror negli Stati Uniti a partire dagli anni Cinquanta tramite la figura del regista e produttore Roger Corman. Il periodo preso in esame coincide infatti con... more
Como os demais gêneros cinematográficos, o horror mantém fortes relações com a história da arte. São diversos os filmes que, por exemplo, apresentam releituras de obras, fazem uso de citações plásticas ou mesmo utilizam-se da própria obra... more
La trayectoria cinematográfica de Roger Corman ha estado sistemáticamente reducida a los condicionantes industriales del marco en el que se desarrolló: las producciones de bajo presupuesto, obviando, con ello, el apasionante sustrato de... more
This paper deals with a Corman's movie : The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent. We analyse the vision of the Middle-Ages in this B-movie.