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Die Darstellung römischer Landgüter in antiken Primärquellen im Vergleich.
An excavation by the University of Berne in summer 2017 led to a closer examination of the cult district of Studen-Petinesca, Gumpboden. The stone construction phase of Tempel 1 dates in the second half of the 1st century AD. Under the... more
Na području antičke luke u Zatonu kraj Nina pronađena je pri hidroarheološkim istraživanjima velika količina keramičkoga materijala, među kojim autor izdvaja i obrađuje dva zoomorfna reci-pijenta. Interdisciplinarnim radom autor nastoji... more
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
Bronzegiessen, Schmieden und Weben unter einem Dach Die Insula 50 am Südostrand von Augusta Raurica wurde 1969 und 1981/82 ausgegraben. Die Auswertung der Befunde und Funde aus der Nordwestecke dieser Insula ermöglichen einen Einblick... more
In a PhD-project at the University of Basel (CH) the completely excavated Insula 30 of the roman city Augusta Raurica (Augst/Kaiseraugst, CH) is in the focus of an archaeological interpretation. For the first time in Augusta Raurica this... more
The syncretism typical for the Romans was thus reflected also in architecture. One of the diverse architectural elements applied was a so-called Syrian arch. A typical feature of buildings with the Syrian arch is the distinctive... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
This study provides an overview and multi-level
analysis of ceiling décor based mainly on the
stucco fragments of the oecus tetrastylus found in
the so-called House of Augustus on the Palatine
Im Zuge der Masterthesis des Verfassers am Department für Bauen und Umwelt, Zentrum für Baukulturelles Erbe der Donauuniversität Krems, konnten im Süden der Filialkirche hl. Johannes der Täufer, in St. Johann im Mauerthale die bisher... more
Das Legionslager war das alles beherrschende Bauwerk im römischen Mainz. Damit begann die Geschichte des römischen Mainz. Das Legionslager erhob sich auf einem 40 m hohen Plateau über den Rhein und war an drei Seiten durch Steilabhänge... more
The so-called „Bouleuerion Court“ is located in the city center of Aphrodisias immediately to the south of the Temple of Aphrodite. It encloses the city’s Bouleuterion which was built around 200 A.D. This article covers the history of... more
Introduction. 1. Une scène de sacrifice. 2. Écrire la mémoire d’Antioche. 3. Apamée, site archéologique d’importance. 4. Importance et originalité d’une mosaïque inédite. Pour aller plus loin (bibliographie). Découverte lors de fouilles... more
The fact that private fountains surpass public fountains greatly in number is one of the conclusions of this paper, which also concerns the delivered quantity of water. The private fountains, and the revelation of their non-domestic... more
There is a rather dense network of Roman (indicated) amphitheatres in the Eastern Adriatic seaboard which testify to the civilizational level of individual Roman cities. However, a relatively small number of these Roman cities have been... more
In den Jahren 1982–1987 wurden auf der Flur Kaiseraugst-Schmidmatt die Ruinen eines kaiserzeitlichen Gebäudes mit Innenhof (Schmidmatt 1) sowie ein Hallenbau (Schmidmatt 2) freigelegt. Der Fundplatz Kaiseraugst-Schmidmatt zwischen Ober-... more
Feuer hatte im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit eine große Bedeutung und war für die Menschen immer präsent: als Wärmequelle in Form von Kaminen, Öfen oder Fußbodenheizungen und als zentraler Bestandteil der Küche; als Gefahr, der... more
Estudio sobre las estancias subterráneas localizadas en Hispania cuya finalidad, en la mayoría de los casos estuvo destinado al uso y disfrute del dominus y su familia para soportar los rigores estivales. Las aestiva loca, como las... more
Resumen e historia de este trabajo.- Una de las novedades que expuse en mi tesis doctoral sobre La Epigrafía Romana de Itálica (UCM, 23 de junio de 1983) fue consecuencia de tratar yo de descubrir cuál había podido ser la planta de la... more
The paper discusses the hydraulic engineering and water management of the civil town of Carnuntum (Roman province of Pannonia – Austria). The actual state of research, which is primarily based on excavation results, is presented.... more
Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibérica 1. Infelizmente, a maioria destes estabelecimentos foram destruídos ou grandemente danificados durante o renascimento do termalismo... more
Das Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Archäologische Prospektion und Virtuelle Archäologie führte im Zuge des »ArchPro Carnuntum«-Projekts eine geophysikalische Prospektion der archäologischen Landschaft von Carnuntum durch. Die Messdaten... more
In the late 2nd and the 1st century BC, Carthago Nova (Hispania citerior) underwent a major process of urban development, including the adoption of a monumental architectural style intended to convey a well-defined meaning. As a... more
In the Roman Period, the empire had given great importance to the construction of roads and bridges, since it had to provide fast access to the remote states in order to control the wide geography it was dominant in. The determination and... more
A study is made of Román remains located beside the Alhama River near the city of Gracurris (Alfaro, La Rioja). The site had already been plundered in ancient times so it was incomplete when uncovered, and a large number of the... more
The architectural monuments and the urban development of the Syrian metropolis of Damascus are analyzed for first time on a broad collection of Greek and Latin literary sources. This information reveals a detailed picture of... more
The fight of Aeneas and his family from Troy does not seem to have attracted the attention of African mosaicists nor that of their colleges from the entire Roman Empire. Today we only recognize a single artwork, more specifcally, an... more
In dieser Arbeit klassifiziert der Autor kronologisch und topographisch das Phänomen der antiken Naumachie und richtet das Augenmerk dabei besonders auf deren Entstehung und Entwicklung durch die Jahrhunderte. Besondere... more