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This paper discusses Raphael's transformation of the villa all'antica through his vision for a Villa Medici on the Monte Mario, today known as Villa Madama. Although Raphael's plans for Giulio de Medici's villa were never realized,... more
The report covers archaeological geophysics over an area covering half a mile around the farm, and features Roman and mediaeval buildings and landscapes.
Abstract: The Roman villa of S. Rocco Francolise (Ce) is located in the northern part of Campania in the Ager Calenus. This last was the fertile agricultural hinterland of the Roman town of Cales, famous for its wealth of fine tableware... more
This paper deals with the House of Leukaktios, which has been discovered during Polish excavations at Ptolemais, Libya, in 2001– 2007. The house has almost completely preserved mosaic pavements and the plan of Graeco-Roman type with an... more
An introduction to the roman villa of Schieren (Luxembourg). Established on a steep slope of the right bank of the river Alzette, and consisting of a main building and secondary buildings of symmetrical, axial disposition, the... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
with Stefano De Caro and Adele Lagi. In Città vesuviane, in I luoghi dell’arte, edited by Pietro Giovanni Guzzo and Gianluca Tagliamonte, 142-155. Rome: Treccani, 2013.
A study on the system of subterranean service corridors which were dug in the tufa rock under the Accademia Esplanade in Hadrian's Villa. A first long corridor linked the buildings of Roccabruna and Accademia. Another network of... more
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
Na najdišču Školarice pri Spodnjih Škofijah je bil izkopan obsežen arhitekturni kompleks rimske vile rustike z bivalnim in gospodarskim delom. Poslopja so bila zgrajena v sredini 1. stoletja in so bila do sredine 5. stoletja, ko je... more
The aim of this essay is to illustrate how the architecture of the imperial otium villas reflects the change in the concept of imperial power which occurred during the second half of the first century CE. In order to do so, we have to... more
La villa romaine d’Orbe-Boscéaz acquiert son caractère palatial entre 161 et 180 de notre ère, lorsqu’est édifiée la vaste pars urbana à deux péristyles, avec son remarquable ensemble de mosaïques. Peu modifié au cours du temps, ce... more
Soutenance d'habilitation le 28 septembre 2020 à Nanterre avec un dossier de 2400 pages (Garant Frédéric Hurlet, professeur d'histoire romaine à Nanterre). Un mémoire de synthèse concernant les logiques du parcours personnel de recherche... more
The South Etruria survey results indicated a much denser concentration of settlement in the southern part of the survey area, closer to Rome. It seems clear that the proximity of Rome encouraged settlement here, and it is frequently... more
This article attempts to shed light on the phenomenon of volumetric reconstructions, which the first part of it reflects a state of art in this field at the international level, leaving the second part devoted to the explanation of a... more
Introduction. 1. Une scène de sacrifice. 2. Écrire la mémoire d’Antioche. 3. Apamée, site archéologique d’importance. 4. Importance et originalité d’une mosaïque inédite. Pour aller plus loin (bibliographie). Découverte lors de fouilles... more
In 1995, during the construction works of parallel roads alongside the Athens–Lamia National Highway (Fig. 2), below the modern village of Akraiphnion (103rd km), the 9th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities unearthed part of... more
Les recherches menées sur l’oppidum de La Sioutat (Gers) depuis 2006 éclairent d’un jour nouveau la fin de la Protohistoire dans cette partie du sud-ouest de la France. Occupé dès le VIe s. av. n. ère, le site connait une période de... more
A large maritime villa of Roman turned into a small urban center that studies want to give the general Pompey opponent of Julius Caesar.
Dieser Beitrag präsentiert den Neufund eines Rennofens aus dem letzten Viertel des 2. Jahrhundert/frühen 3. Jahrhunderts bei einer ländlichen Siedlungsstelle in Mainz-Kastel. Es handelt sich um einen der seltenen Nachweise für... more
As P. Davis correctly remarks, Difficult as it is to reconstruct the essential forms of many ancient buildings, there have been only limited attempts to penetrate their metaphorical role. Indeed, in the absence of the architect’s direct... more
The Boiotian villae rusticae of Roman times are distributed in four broad regions: in northwestern Boiotia (Chaironeia), along the northeastern and south-southwestern coasts of the Copaϊs (Akraiphia, Aliartos), in central (Thebes,... more
Les investigations menées par la section Archéologie cantonale du canton de Vaud au Sud du domaine d'Yvonand-Mordagne ont permis d'apporter un nouvel éclairage sur l'évolution architecturale de ce vaste établissement rural. L'étude des... more