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More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
Seminar series New Work on Roman Religion We are pleased to invite you to the Seminar series New Work on Roman Religion, organised by Claudia Beltrão (UNIRIO) and Giorgio Ferri (Sapienza Università di Roma), as one of the instalments of... more
Esta obra está conformada por varios estudios que abordan las prácticas rituales y los objetos litúrgicos empleados, entre otros pueblos, por egipcios, hebreos, fenicios, íberos, griegos y romanos. A partir de nuevos enfoques... more
There is no need to go to Stonehenge in Great Britain, to Abu Simbel in Egypt or to Chichen Itza in Mexico to see the magic light effects of Solstice and Equinox. They exist also in Italy, in Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli, and still function.... more
Tesi di laurea
AA 2001-2002, relatore Giampiero Pianu, correlatore Attilio Mastino
In medicine, water plays an essential role, due to its obvious and widely exploited properties in therapeutics, also based on hygiene and practice of the baths. As regards the religious sphere, its action is based mainly on three levels:... more
Il processo di definizione templare dal rito augurale alla caratterizzazione architettonica.
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
The text aims to analyze, through the analysis of archaeological data, the problem of ownership and change of ownership in the houses of Pompeii. The study of private building has often highlighted changes in the spatial organization of a... more
Il saggio esamina il tema del c.d. cinctus Gabinus, un particolare modo di indossare la toga che, stando al dettato di alcune fonti e agli studi, costituirebbe una tenuta connessa alle attività rituali e belliche. Secondo alcuni, si... more
How does the pagan élite of Rome react to the laws that gradually limited the traditional religion and imposed the Christian faith? Was it an armed resistance or a painless process? The case study to better understand the topic will be an... more
According to the rules that govern Roman religion, a white sacrificial animal is offered to a celestial or earth god, while infernal divinities receive a black one. Moreover, each deity is pleased by the immolation of an animal belonging... more
This article presents a program of research on ancient religion that draws on the concept of “lived religion”. For antiquity, we use the term to denote an approach which focus on the individual appropriation of traditions and... more
The term devotio strictly speaking indicates the Roman religious ritual whereby during a battle the general could sacrifice himself or a legionary of his army to the gods of the underworld (a so-called devotio ducis, closely linked to the... more
The analysis of historical sources, onomastics data, and the festive calendar, shows that the most archaic Roman kingship was structured in the form of a diarchy between a lifelong priest-king (rex sacrorum) and a temporary warrior-king... more
According to the rules that govern Roman religion, a white sacrificial animal is offered to a celestial or earth god, while infernal divinities receive a black one. Moreover, each deity is pleased by the immolation of an animal belonging... more
Among the rituals of Roman religion performed in war, the most striking one was probably the devotio. When a battle was about to be lost and there were no more military resources left, the Roman general could decide to consecrate himself... more
Il Quadrato Magico denominato SATOR è forse la più famosa ed enigmatica iscrizione latina, la cui struttura palindroma ha da secoli stimolato l’interesse degli studiosi. Nel saggio il significato perduto delle parole iscritte nel... more
Nascita ed arrivo in Italia del culto di Esculapio. Diffusione del culto nella Venetia et Histria e considerazioni sulla grande statua di Feltre.
The aim of the article is to cast a light on the nature of the cult of Mithras in Central Italy, focusing on the administrative division of Roman Etruria. Indeed, the Regio VII has emerged as a privileged territory to explore different... more
Secondo Cicerone la summa vis di ritmi e suoni, unita a poesia e canto, è capace di influenzare lo stato d’animo; tale forza intensissima non fu trascurata neanche dai Romani fin dall’età più arcaica, come provano i versi dei Salii, i... more
In questo articolo parleremo di tre monumenti romani dell’epoca dell'imperatore Adriano (117-138 d.C.): la VILLA ADRIANA a Tivoli vicino a Roma, il MAUSOLEO DI ADRIANO a Roma (l’attuale Castel Sant’Angelo) ed infine il PANTHEON (sempre a... more
The term "Flamines" (< flamen), of uncertain etymology, refers to the priests, each of whom was in charge of the worship of a particular Roman deity. They were divided into the Flamines Maiores, who supervised the ceremonies of the... more
All’interno dell’arcaico feriale romano, le festività di Anna Perenna e Minerva risultano indissolubilmente collegate da un complesso sistema mitologico e cultuale, finalizzate alla celebrazione dei riti di passaggio femminili al... more
The common idea that the curiae were divisions of the people created after the foundation of the city and strictly related to the gentes, is mostly due to the etymology cūria < *ko-wir-ia. However, the sources represent the curiae as... more
✅ Il 14 maggio alle ore 16:30 Marina De Franceschini e Giuseppe Veneziano presenteranno il loro ultimo libro PANTHEON. ARCHITETTURA E LUCE, in italiano e in inglese. Per saperne di più vedi il nostro libro su Rirella Editrice:... more
""The author analyses the mythological subjects known from the funerary paintings of the Near East. He is interested principally in the meaning and the message which these representations conveyed. He studies the interpretative problems... more