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Quentin Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica, seguido de "La bola de billar" de I. Asimov. Santiago: Roneo, 2020. Traducción y notas de Meillassoux por Jean-Paul Grasset B. Prólogo de Jean-Paul Grasset B. y Mario Teodoro... more
Speculative Realism (SR) has often been characterised as a heterogeneous group of thinkers, united almost exclusively in their commitment to the critique of what Quentin Meillassoux terms ‘correlationism’ or what Graham Harman calls the... more
One could argue that the greatest challenge for the philosophy of education today is to stake its claim amidst the increasing prominence and competitive nature of evidence-based and profit-motivated theories of education. On one side of... more
Este trabalho consiste em apresentar, analisar e criticar, a partir do sistema filosófico de Quentin Meillassoux, apresentado em seu principal livro: Après la finitude: Essais sur nécessité de la contingence, e desenvolvido em seu seminal... more
Qu’est-ce que le corps humain ? A la fois la plus familière et la plus méconnue des choses, le corps est au centre de l’expérience mais représente également le lieu d’une préhistoire antérieure à toute expérience. Étrange et inconnu, cet... more
From one of his earliest essays and throughout much of his engagements with Heidegger in particular, Derrida had sought to attend to what he once called “the question about the possibility of the question.” Derrida’s was an attempt to... more
In the work of Eduardo Kac, Tissue Culture & Art, Niki Sperou and Pinar Yoldas, bio art appears to participate in a philosophical framework that suggests that the critique of science can only take place outside of science, a position... more
Understanding the exact nature of Deleuze’s debt to Kant, forms a large part of contemporary Deleuzian scholarship, a project made all the more urgent since the publishing of Meillassoux’s critique of correlationism in 2007. These... more
The main thesis of this paper is that the philosophical response to the Anthropocene entails employing rather a transcendental than an empirical or practical approach. In response to new attacks on transcendental philosophy by speculative... more
In this paper, I relativize the widespread representation of the generalized relativism of 1970s philosophy. I will show how the group of thinkers of this period often referred to as the 'French Theory' movement is not always defined by... more
„Ta pusta moja małżowina / pomnik na łóżku” – pisał w jednym ze swoich wierszy Białoszewski, opisując odciśniętą w pościeli wklęsłą rzeźbę, jaką pozostawia po sobie każdego poranka. Unieobecnienie samego siebie pozwalało mu uczynić... more
Monografia filosófica onde estabeleço as diretrizes centrais de minha meta-metafísica que orienta minhas pesquisas de doutorado. Ademais, como um primeiro "case study", avaliamos a obra Après la Finitude de Quentin Meillassoux, além de... more
Ar įmanoma pasaulį išlaisvinti iš žmogaus diktato? Kokiais būdais galime tikrovę apmąstyti, išmokus tiek metafizikos, tiek XX a. postmodernizmo pamokas? Galiausiai, ar užčiuopti tam, kas iš tiesų egzistuoja, mums visada pakanka tik... more
In his 2016 work entitled Dante's Broken Hammer, Graham Harman first coins the term "onto-taxonomy", and proclaims it to be the main nemesis of his "object-oriented" approach to philosophy. The term has however rarely appeared in the... more
The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context... more
Artigo publicado sobre o simpósio online em homenagem ao lançamento do "Indexicalism: Realism and the Metaphysics of Paradox", do professor HIlan Bensusan. O volume completo pode ser encontrado aqui:... more
What happens when symbolic and biological meet up? How can mental and material resonate? What is the transition from synaptic to cultural and vice versa? Or rather, what does it mean for us—plastic beings— to arrive at a point where we... more
Tradução minha com Rafaela Silva Borges do texto "O Tempo sem o Tornar-se", do filósofo francês Quentin Meillassoux. *Translation exclusively for academic purposes only* Tradução exclusivamente para fins acadêmicos* Pode ser... more
Twenty-first-century philosophy has been drawn into a false opposition between speculation and critique. Nathan Brown shows that the key to overcoming this antinomy is a re-engagement with the relation between rationalism and empiricism.... more
One of the developments in recent literature on speculative realism has been Levi Bryant’s work on MOO (Machine-Oriented ontology), which is a particular type of the more general Object-Oriented philosophy. Given that in Bryant’s account... more
El presente artículo examina la recuperación de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze en los tiempos recientes. En particular, analiza las continuidades y discontinuidades entre su pensamiento y el denominado “giro realista” en la filosofía... more
Dans "Le Transcendantal : réceptions et mutations d'une notion kantienne", dir. C. Bouriau, A. Feneuil et Y. Meessen, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2018, p. 151-160. Est-il possible de revendiquer le réalisme en philosophie... more
The world, as a unifying nexus of significance , is inherently precarious and constitutively destined toward its own unraveling. Our fascination with a future end of the world masks our realization that the world as common and unified... more
Wiersze Choińskiego składają się na jedno wielkie międzygatunkowe powstanie przedmiotów, organicznych i nieorganicznych resztek, kamieni, zwierząt, roślin i grzybów, które występują nie tyle przeciw stosowanej przez człowieka przemocy,... more
This article reconsiders Stiegler’s account of the emergence of the human species in light of research in the field of transgenerational epigenetics. Stiegler traces this emergence to the appearance of technical artefacts allowing for the... more
Though most neomaterialists share a commitment to the Copernican decentring of humans from the world stage, there is disagreement on the purposes of such an endeavour. The polemic stems from a fundamental discrepancy about what the return... more
Resumen: En este artículo se cuestiona si el arte, y el objeto estético en general (lo bello), puede ser pensado desde la perspectiva de la nueva corriente filosófica del realismo especulativo. El asunto es enfocado bajo una doble... more
This thesis discusses the philosophical foundations of the Laws of Form, a work by George Spencer-Brown, and its relevance in systems theory, as well as its understanding by the re-nowned sociologist Niklas Luhmann and explores its... more
This article introduces the question of algorithmic catastrophe by reinterpreting Paul Virilio's concept of the original accident. Virilio finds Aristotle’s conflation of the double meaning of accident—as 1) predicate of substance and 2)... more
Quentin Meillassoux, Después de la finitud. Ensayo sobre la necesidad de la contingencia, traducción de Margarita Martínez, Ed., Caja Negra, 2015, 208 págs.
Divulgo a versão depositada de minha tese de doutoramento no PPGFIL/UnB. O título completo é "Primeiro esboço de um tratado de metametafísica: introdução ao realismo complexo", trabalho orientado pelo professor Hilan Bensusan. Esta tese... more
This book attempts to ascertain the conceptual stakes of the analytic continental divide by examining the work of F.H. Bradley and connecting aspects of his work to contemporary philosophy.
The aim of this paper is threefold. First, we examine the Sellarsian concept of the (myth of the) categorial Given, focus on its wide application and suggest that it can be applied to those post-Kantian philosophical views, currently... more