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In this paper, I examine the current situation of a gender responsive approach to the male prison estate. In no way do I intend to draw attention away from the vital work of a gender responsive approach to working with women and girls in... more
Half of a debate Forum in The Pragmatist, with me arguing, from a minarchist (minimalist government) perspective, for public safety, restitution (to both victims and taxpayers) via rehabilitative gainful employment (with entrepreneurs... more
Policies regarding masturbation among incarcerated men vary throughout the United States. To describe the state of these policies, a systematic review of prison masturbation policies was conducted. The review revealed that masturbation... more
Antiprison activists have often turned the federal court system to reduce the violence of the carceral state. However, such reform attempts have too often had the unintended conse‑ quence of fortifying the penal system. In this article, I... more
Abstract Using scholarly research, the plight of children of incarcerated individuals, namely incarcerated mothers, is focused upon. Questions addressing stigmatization issues, psychological implications, sociological factors, and... more
New York City’s Rikers jail complex is gripped by a crisis of legitimacy. Following a series of investigations, it has been denounced as a major symbol of criminal justice dysfunction, with calls for its closure and replacement with new... more
As mass incarceration and the racial and socio-economic injustices that fuel it continues to plague the U.S., contemporary religious scholarship has become increasingly aware of and responsive to these problems through a variety of... more
Policies regarding masturbation among incarcerated men vary throughout the United States. To describe the state of these policies, a systematic review of prison masturbation policies was conducted. The review revealed that masturbation... more
The journey towards achieving ideal custodial conditions for our inmates in Nigeria has remained intractable and as old as the prison system itself. A juxtaposition of the present state of our prisons in Nigeria with what obtains in other... more
The United States is in the midst of a public health crisis: Every year, well over 24,000 Americans die from opioid overdose. This staggering death toll is equivalent to a weekly jumbo jet crash. After a decade of rapid growth, overdose... more
В статье рассматривается противоречивый процесс принятия нового прогрессивного Уголовного кодекса в Великом княжестве Финляндском в конце 19 века. На примере которого, можно проследить как развитие политической активности общества, так и... more
It's no use wondering whether people are trying to re-institute slavery.  They already have.  It's worse than before.
Fueled by a "moral panic" that evolved through the 1990s and into the mid-2000s, the war on "sex offenders" paralleled the war on drugs and was slated to eventually replace it as the drug war seemed to wane in popularity and success.... more
As part of a Gender & Security Toolkit Coordinated by ODIHR, DCAF and UN Women, Omar wrote the guidance document on places of deprivation of liberty and gender. The Toolkit sets out in more detail why it is important to integrate a... more
This article analyses processes of international policy transfer and diffusion in an understudied aspect of security sector reform: prisons. It looks at how Latin American countries, especially Brazil, have responded to a growing security... more
Depuis la naissance de la prison pénale, la pensée, les débats et les tentatives de réformes touchant à la condition pénitentiaire, la répression et la prévention du crime sont en perpétuel mouvement, mais toujours d'actualité 1. D'où... more
Recent suggestions have been made that theology may have more to offer on matters related to the subjects of punishment, corrections, and rehabilitation than has often been acknowledged in the scholarly literature. This essay sets out to... more
Direct brain intervention based mental capacity restoration techniques — for instance, psycho-active drugs — are sometimes used in criminal cases to promote the aims of justice. For instance, they might be used to restore a person’s... more
dagli stati generali dell’esecuzione penale al varo della legge delega per la riforma dell’ordinamento penitenziario: quale futuro per il lavoro carcerario? L'articolo ricostruisce il processo di riforma del lavoro penitenziario avviato... more
iv Epigraph v Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review 9 Chapter 3: Methods and Methodology 26 Chapter 4: Political Opportunities Amidst the Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex .... 34 Chapter 5: The Angola Special Civics... more
This article explores the early years of the campaign for ‘ordinary’, not politically-aligned, prisoners’ rights in Ireland. It argues that this campaign has often been overshadowed by the activities of ‘political prisoners’, who only... more
Lance and I defend Johnny Cash's positions on prison reform and capital punishment. Prisons should be reformative, not retributive, and capital punishment should be abolished.
Selon le discours officiel en Turquie, le gouvernement a entrepris une série de réformes dans le champ pénitentiaire en vue d’harmoniser le cadre juridique et les conditions matérielles de détention avec les standards et les normes... more
Although the Philippines’ Revised Penal Code is touted as one of its most enduring pieces of legislation, its vaunted permanence is matched by a series of seemingly ceaseless attempts to have it overhauled. The recurring reason given in... more
On the 3rd November 2016 the Conservative government published its white paper on prison reform.  This document is evidence to the Justice Committee on Prison Reform following the publication of the white paper.
A mid-twentieth century prisoners’ rights revolution gave American prisoners unprecedented access to courts for exercising newly elaborated constitutional rights. The result was a tide of litigation brought by inmates and subsequent... more
La réforme carcérale annoncée en 2000 avait deux objectifs affichés : des raisons humanitaires (améliorer les conditions de détention) et sécuritaires (rétablir l’autorité de l’État dans les établissements) ; elle consistait... more
The present study analyzes the effectiveness of a culturally relevant prison rehabilitation program carried out with 41 inmates at a California jail. The aspect of prison rehabilitation has not received enough attention by researchers... more
The Ukrainian prison and probation policy (1991 – 2020): generalization of modulations and assessment of key indicators
This book explains the existence of illicit markets throughout human history and provides recommendations to governments. Organized criminal networks increased in strength after the enforcement of prohibition, eventually challenging the... more
Drawing on objects from across the Center’s collections, this exhibition focuses on the experience of prisoners in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the structures that confined them. Featuring iconic representations of life... more
W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Philadelphia Negro continues to inform the contemporary disciplines of sociology, geography, and criminology. This essay explores how Du Bois’s study of the social and geographical organization of Philadelphia’s black... more
An independent inquiry into the use of physical restraint, solitary confinement and forcible strip searching of children in prisons, secure training centres and local authority secure children’s home
Submission to the Justice Committee on behalf of People Against Prisons Aotearoa on the Corrections Amendment Bill. Submitted 17 May 2018.
In my conversations with Todd Lester at FreeDimensional, I suggested that the exploration of the complex questions confronting arts residencies in conflict areas might benefit from discussions that are rooted in stories. I felt that... more
The article is focused on the problem of establishing prison inspections in Ukraine according to recommendations of the European Prison Rules and other international prison standards. This problem becomes topical due to the future... more