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The bond between human and nature is undeniable, and many studies show that people are in their best mental state when they are in nature and near greenery spaces. This can help them to easily solve much of their inner, and even physical... more
Urkaev V., Pleskach B. Theoretical fundamentals of psychocorrection program for gambling behaviors among college students and empirical data about its efficiency. American journal of fundamental, applied and experimental research.... more
Having subscribed to a definite viewpoint on the nature of language and language use in interpersonal verbal transactions, one can set out to characterize the principles governing the translation process. But due to the highly volatile... more
Abstract. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) holds as principal objectives, as they were outlined in the Treaty of Rome, the following: increase productivity, by promoting technical innovation and ensuring optimum use of... more
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the good corporate governance practices on the financial reporting quality of Jordanian listed companies. Specifically, we focus on the board’s independence, board’s... more
The theoretical tools which are useful for the analysis of legal institutes include models of institutions, models of the application of rules, and models of relations between normative systems. The author analyses the European institute... more
Purpose This paper aims to develop and present a new planning framework of social marketing, known as consumer research, segmentation, design of the social programme, implementation, evaluation and sustainability (CSD-IES).... more
Chromosome dynamics are recognized to be intimately linked to genomic transactions, yet the physical principles governing spatial fluctuations of chromatin are still a matter of debate. Using high-throughput single-particle tracking, we... more
Over the last two decades competition amongst organisations including financial institutions has increased tremendously. The value of information is critical to competition in different organisations. In addition, the management of cost... more
This paper is an encyclopaedia entry about the topic of 'Proportionality – Measuring Impacts on Fundamental Rights', in which is briefly addressed the connection between balancing, proportionality and principles; the incommensurability... more
O artigo analisa o impacto da introdução, pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015, de parâmetros para que se possa avaliar a adequada fundamentação de uma decisão judicial sobre a aplicação dos princípios contratuais, mais especificamente,... more
This book is one of the most significant and erudite attempts to give an insight into the amazing works of bohemian writer, Samuel Beckett. The main concern of the book is to provide reader with a significant perception of the play.... more
One of the most significant discussions of philosophy in general and Islamic philosophy in particular is the topic of the soul, and among them, one of the most important, albeit most challenging, discussions of the subject is the relation... more
... recent research suggests that this needs to reduce by two-thirds to 1.8 global hectares to meet 'one planet living' objectives; moreover that ... City/Region/River ... Whilst space does not permit a debate about what... more
Anglo governance systems rely of a number of controls to align shareholder and boards of director’ s interests. In general they are referred to as market control, regulatory control, and political and cultural control. Agency theory... more
La finalidad de este articulo es doble: probar la carencia de una definicion convencional, doctrinal y jurisprudencial de los principios generales del derecho internacional, carencia que fue y continua siendo uno de los muy graves... more
IT Governance, framework, principles, objectives, ISO 38500, ITG4U, Higher Education, universities. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Background This paper starts with a general introduction to the concept of IT Governance, including some of the... more
In this paper I aim to offer a unified interpretation of Aristotle’s methodology understood as a procedure which is part of his hybrid empiricism in which the double face of phainomena — observed facts and common opinions — is an integral... more
Türkiye’de 1930’lardan itibaren cumhuriyet ilke ve inkılâplarının yerleştirilmesi için sanattan ve sanatçılardan yararlanılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu süreçte sanatçılardan çeşitli vesilelerle katkı yapmaları beklenmiştir. Bu vesilelerden biri... more
Com este artigo, procura-se oferecer um quadro geral sobre a questão da principiologia ambiental no con-texto constitucional e a relação existente perante o consumo da sociedade contemporânea. Dessa forma, pretende tornar as pessoas e os... more
Information Integration is one of the core problems in distributed databases, cooperative information systems, and data warehousing, which are key areas in the software development industry. Two critical factors for the design and... more
This work focuses on the principle of legality and the various other maxims regarding the rights of the accused under Islamic criminal justice system. Its main findings are: that the principle of legality (mabda’ al-Ibahat) is the most... more
In 1999, the multidisciplinary Tavistock group prepared a generic statement of ethical principles to govern health care systems. This paper elaborates on these principles in two directions. First, it develops a set of quality standards,... more