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Smith, Michael E. n.d. How Can Archaeologists Identify Early Cities: Definitions, Types, and Attributes. In Eurasia at the Dawn of History: Individualization, Urbanization and Social Differentiation, edited by Manuel Fernández-Götz and... more
an article about traditional gymnasiums of Iran (wrestling, acrobatics) and their complex history, linked with Professional corporations, sufism, preindustrial local powers etc.
Markets are key contemporary institutions, yet there is little agreement concerning their history or diversity. To complicate matters, markets have been considered by different academic disciplines that approach the nature of such... more
В монографии на максимально широкой и многообразной источниковой базе, с привлечением большого массива отечественной и зарубежной (в том числе африканской) научной литературы реконструирован ход политической истории Бенина и прослежен... more
Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of... more
This paper examines the patterns of urbanization in Planaltina, one of a number of towns founded during the economic slump in central Brazil in the nineteenth century. Laid out on a rough grid sometime after 1811, this town belies several... more
The aim of this paper is to re-examine the charter which the Bosnian king Stephen Ostoja issued in 1399 to the Commune of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). This donation concerned a narrow strip of coastal area connecting the isthmus of Ston (Punta... more
I wrote this paper in part to put the apartment compounds of Teotihuacan into a comparative framework. Rene Millon used to say that the apartment compounds were a unique form of housing, but I felt the need to establish that fact... more
В монографии выявляется и описывается социоантропологическая модель функционирования древнебенинского общества, раскрывается механизм соотнесения, взаиморегуляции и взаимопроникновения миров социальной и мифологической реальности.... more
The history of the former Kingdom of Benin is a fascinating subject which aroused the interest of many scholars during more than one hundred years. However, today, when Africa unfortunately attracts much less public and professional... more
The urbanization process of the Early Bronze Age (EB) has been discussed extensively, usually at the general/regional level. This paper utilizes the detailed information from Qiryat Ata—an EB IB−II (late 4th−early 3rd millennium BCE)... more
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
In Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, edited by Karen Bescherer Metheny and Mary C. Beaudry, v. 2 (304-306). Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD.
The research aimed at bringing new data to the study of inequality in the distribution of wealth in the long run using the fiscal documentation available to many communities of the Marches region over a period covering the late Middle... more
In Eurasia at the Dawn of History: Urbanization and Social Change, edited by Manuel Fernández-Götz and Dirk Krause, pp. 139–149. Cambridge University Press, New York
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
A madeira era um recurso natural indispensável ao metabolismo dos centros urbanos pré-industriais, tanto como material construtivo quanto como fonte energética. Em razão da baixa relação valor/volume dos produtos madeireiros, a... more
It is the aim of the present paper to examine residential and land use patterns in the ancient Israelite city. These patterns are examined in various Iron Age II cities in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in relation to Sjoberg’s... more
We develop a mechanistic representation of land-atmosphere cycling in a global 3-D ocean-atmosphere model of mercury (GEOS-Chem). The resulting land-ocean-atmosphere model is used to construct preindustrial and present biogeochemical... more
Contents: Chapter 1 Making Ancient Cities: New Perspectives on the Production of Urban Places Kevin D. Fisher (Department of Classical, Near Eastern & Religious Studies, University of British Columbia) Andrew T. Creekmore III... more