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Benin City before 1897: A Town Map and a Map of the Palace Area with Description

The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the ordinary citizens, craftsmen, various specialist groups and many chiefs. The palace quarter Ogbe, once separated from Orenokhua by a broad avenue, contained (and still contains) the royal palace, the harem, mausoleums for deceased rulers and the quarters of the once numerous court retainers with different functions who worked for the royal household. The town is completely surrounded by a wall- and ditch system made of earth. Joining this innermost system to the north-west is another similar rampart enclosing, however, a much larger area. It contains the residences of important chiefs and their retainers. Those residences could even be quite large villages. The reflections of both traditional and sosial system and philosophy of life of the Bini in th...

Ethnographisch'ArchAoIogischeZeiBchrifr I 42.lahrgarlg '";- > Hett4 2001 Abhsndlung L.Bin City before 1897: I bwn map and a map of the palace area with description (Lautertal), r:::R M. RorsE AurNR.RE$(Rusringronl & l" -: M. Bo\DAIEN{.,(Moscow) ::iognphic work in view ot rhe dev€lopmertand th€ exiendof th€ tormer -::om oi Beninhasb€enpubtish€d ah€adysomerlm€agolRoE$& RosFl. :1-:ver, iiwas ielt by !h€ aLrthors ofthe !rcsentarrictetharsncha workwouLd :. cofoplete witlort a ro{n mapoI B€ninCtty,includinga mapoi ur€patac€ ::3r. u $ r€rnarkabLe thar th€ g€neratou inesof rh€ totrn haverot changed = pastcenluri€smtilth€ b€ginningof th€ 1970s.The town is djvidedinto : :arisj r.€.to th€ north Orenoktuaandto ihe solrthOgbe.Or€nokhua onc€ :=d the quar!€rsoi rhe ordinarycitiz€nsjcralrsmen, variousspecialisi gro|ps : rany chieis. Th€palace quar!€r ogb€,onc€s€parated fromorenolhuabya :.: avenu€, contajned landsriltconralnsltheroyalpalace, ft€ harem, rnausoleurns r:ceas€drulersand the quartersoi the onc€lumerouscour!retaine$wjth ::?ntiunctions whoworkedior th€royathousehold. Tnelownis cornpleiety r:lrded by a wall.andditchsysrem madeof €arth.Joining ihis inn€rmost ::!r t0 ft€ nothw€st 's anorhersimilarrampadenclosing, however,a nuch _ a , a . l r. o . o i , l e - aa.e.ol -pora r e a a d . . o . r a d i l a r .. r o . € coLrldevenbe quitelafg€villages.Th€ reil€crions of borhtradftional :r system andphilosophy oi tif€of th€ Bini in the]| capitatcty's ptanningard ::i arealsotaced in rh€ pres€nrarticle. StadtBenin vor 1897 Der Stadtplar und der palastb€ztrk.tine trarro. ::ischeArbeitirnZusamm€nhang mit derEnrwichung undderAmd€hnung .henaligen Kiinigr€ich€s Beninwurd€bereits voreidg€rZet verbffenicht -: & RosE). Die Auiorendesvorli€genden Artik€lssind j€dochder Meinung, o p i 1 4d b d r . o t , , , n e 1 . o a - o a o B o r i .L r l j . . . - ( . e o i r , . p . q o o d -:viertelsjnlchtkonpt€tr wer€.Esjsrb€n€rkemwer! daltsnhd€rCrunddl ;?dt iiberdieJahrhunderr€, bisin die70erJah.e, pdnzipienichlg€and€rt l1eStadt b€st€htaus zweiHttiten,d_n. d€mirnNofd€n geleg€ner Or€nokhua Ogbeim Snden. ]n Or€rokhua befanden sicheirlsrdt€euad€rederBiirgef, rwe*er,verscni€den€r Grupp€n vonSpezialisren undzahheicher Antithr€r. Palastviertel Ogbe,frill€r durcheire brelreAiteevonOrenolhua gerrennr, d e n ( d g 0 . . . . _ . d F h c r " _ , d " \ 4 c u . o " ! v a - .o r o o d r h a r , \ e r L n o fuartiereder€instsehrzahheich€n c€iotgsl€ut€, dietiir denkoniglicnen iharttarigwar€nundverschiedene lxrklion€nausgeiibt nab€n.Dieganze : istvon€inenWallundGmb€nsysrem umgeben, dasaLrs Erdenesiehr. Dar_ <n!€Rtsichim Nordosren €in wei!€res, dhnliches lrdwerk an, dasjedocheir grdlleres G€bi€trmschlie8t.Dort befand€n sjchdje Residenz€n wlch. Aniiihrer md d€r€nceiolgsieure. Beidi€sen Resid€nz€n handelte essichoit 'E:tjlerc DbrlerDieTraditionen d€sc€seltschaftjvsr€ns unddieWelianschau Ic-:ler Bi reilekieren sjchin d€rPlanung undd€mcrunddltd€rHaupstadr. : +e wefd€nim vorlieg€nd€n Artikelaufgezejchner. EAz,ElhnoSrlrchliol.Z 555 2001,s. 555-571 Introductory Thehisloryof theformerKingdomof Beninjs weUknomrandth€reis rcpeatit her€.for informationon the perlod belorethe Poftrguese City in 1485or 1486,w€ dependon th€ rich oral traditionsand archa€ological an€mpts. Thepictrre chang€s \'r'lthth€ adventof more visltorswho lelt a numier of r€portsint€resring in parts.Someof the! containmoreor lessaccurate des$iprionsof B€nincity ior part of i0 palacearea.Ar oneoi Ur€authorshasalrcadypubljsh€d an aUajon Ro-. & Co..)rt wa5 let. !h.r n,w ero rr 5noud oe in da.eoro riil prepannga B€ninCity townmap.anda mapshovlrlng how the palace har€lool<€d aielvhundr€d yearsago.Thepresent acconnt istheftsr tioe desoipuonof th€ layoutoi the Ctty of Beninhasbeenmad€,ln an relate the socialand adminislratl!€ aspectsol the cjry and emphe to iE layout.We think that more lniofmation js probauy avaitabl€,and hoE accouniwill sdmulate othersto fili in rh€mmerousgaps,andcorrecr General remarks Theinpofance of BeninCtty to the kingdomor empireof Beninis the way the city is orga zed and laid out. It h significanth this centralcel€stial worldol slirits wassimilarin lts planard layoutto city oi Benin. It alsowas divided into wards add compoundsof wasthe supremeruler'spalacewith a Largemarketin front of it SDAIoME, 118ft, 160ft, 166ff.jTarBorlI,267t). Theptanof thecity edsts,thechanges thatarelnownto lraveoccun€d in thepastand ard the earlierchanges overih€ centuties,for whichwe haveto reh oraltradiuon,'all contribute to ourunde$randing of thecompl€xit1es oI organzation oftheenpireandthecityitself.Theerhniccomposition, and€conomic importance of the provinces oi the lorm€Ikngdon arc (RoEsE els€where 1994). At lirst glanceJ th€mostprominentfeatlr€on thetov/nmapis the ftstl wall s)stem,surroundlng rhetown.It consists oi an enofmous with ar extemalditch.Th€heightlromrhebonomof thedtt h to the wallvadeslrcm 15io 25mehes.Theareaendosed isapprox.Z5 squaie It is stuabd on a plateauabout80 to 100mehesaboves€alevel., Although declaredto be a monument,which impties that it is AntjqultiesAct lF€b.1956to Dec.1964),the inn€rnostwatl s-ystem disappearlng. provid€suswith the officlaldescription, K. C. MuRruy "22 Thetownwallsol Benjnandthesitethereof,compdsing thetand of BeninClty (l,t Thefirstisaconse flfty feet ol th€ crestof rhe walls on the insideand Mthin one h!,1drcd l Althoqh sone archaeological and - fton the l6b century on Euopeant nananve eridenceis still aailable. 2 Foi more detailssee Ros! 1981. crestoi thewallson the outside:provid€dthat alLexistingbuitdings iifty feetof thecrestol th€wals onth€outsideshatlbedeemed tawtullv longasthey€dst(1.6.61)." Hetuftheradds:"These arerhemost wallsin the souihernparrof Njgeria... Unfortunat€ty, in th€ pasrfew wallshav€be€nextensiv€ly usedasa sourc€ol buildingmat€rtals,' (M f.l. Thissadstorywasstill goingon in the 1970s,th€timeRoese sta)€d at tirebegi.ning0l the 1980swhenhe visitedthe placeagaln. 556 th€ secondis the oi theimpo Nihinron.Al1liv( north west ol the city ine of th€s€ c part of tl and { '&aY\ ,",,8i*' u 1,.,,t,..' \::3 th€ city asit protect€d t mapol BeninCty (Map 1) can b€stbe described as compnsrng iwo foad ms.Th€ihsr is a cons€qlenceoi the iroportanc€ot the ctty wittrtn tt,e fingaom which necessitates a numb€roi roadsl€adilrgout of the cty jn al1directions p-Oputanon cenh€s.Tmdiion has it rhat the city wal had nlne gates,3 gh which .ont,cr !\ds narnldrreowrlh tnp vilagFsdio rowrrs forniig r_lo 0l!. rrp s€.01dis rhFroadsvs.emwiLhindp tnnprciry wait wU.J irl Lp thoseouBlde and are atsoimpofant for thoseli.!,jngwthin the city. Not ail )mpoundsof the important chiefsand oflice holdersarewithin the city wali, 3 Ihere ls sne contsion nighthav€b€en€xpected. Thoseoutsideinclud€the important tingmaters, tlzamaNihinron..Atllive outside,but oftenctoseto, rhemn€rcty wal or 1J7a, garest0 the ctty or to the T]le .rEanizatior.I tho:. rundnBthe state1scort ex, bui lts l:.:' C e s c d b el rdi . f L i a sf o l l D w \T. l r es t a t 3h a sa t i s h e a Ct h e l i n g . ' relatnre!lne ltoLraitne cueer no.h.I a.d the Ed:rlienLcrollr :i lo:lo\vrhellzamaNlIiatr andth. riro! Lzana. Uzal,aNrbie,b::: ch elsth€ICI:erba r'O'. ind lhe n'ror .:riefs.Ihe Ekrnle. en I:. :i hlebo lrrrqJ;r.ard I!ive, who lookafie:theOla!vr:d:04. roci€ties houieiroldanc lrisharem,relpecti€l'i Th.s€ar. cerrlbed ln n0:: : '' Ii noxld ne rtilLloo Uematfe r. go rto d::ail aboutihe dilte'err rgodo.Ubirl, Edo.and!r 1.. : lEodom lnder ile nanres .ii,!. It'xa! ld1o,,1'n Outsidethe inner city wall -qs'he LzamaNrhirtor ll.ieorlsideIlre irmerci I ltaLl io th. r.:: : i t v c . r t r e ,r d . s c i p t i o nc i t h i 5q r o u po l l t l . t . L d 3 r ss e . i s a c : r.iLic:sol Sftieor Kingr:..::: asCoLr Oescrlbed ftel ha'eleenrariousi_i l i r e i r n u n b e ri h e t r . l a i nd i E d c . s c e n il r o mt h . o : i g l i r l e : i . , : lJ l. lh.$ fi're'lr.i a'. Ol i' pr€seridlr'rasq o.ioteaboui12110,\. o - 0 conpries t]r titleholrl€rsOgi.m('en,ILe ard Ogi! tgo. Thel-.:: p l a - r e d : h e . r l c i a l f ai :r]it h . ! d ! a p p e a l l n coel | h e. l t r io f B t n i : : . rheirnameaft{ being.orstlrt.d asan insiitutiorb! lweka l, t.: :he Oba d]'ran-! ih;rr.:ma to polter or tire UzamaNininror.i .::, b.forelhaithevntl. comnorll ktolil] asld one'ibot]le l.acs r: : e.t row krowr asBenin[: tra. !.!ted ani thusfouno.dareset.lem Uza:raNl. rnronlolmecte c.L.ciL.l |heeallas:BenirCjt]_.hieido: t a t h a p F t n eid: : h e l l ' c . r i u r y A .D . i c r u r l ! 9 6 9 5 1 1 1 9 7 2 . : T h e : a c i t l abt i i h € € n do f t r e i n o e l e n C r n t B a r( ii ni g d o ms e x r l e : : t€ lrner.iLYI'rall .n the nolthtesi i|oi : \lhffon hled oLrlside ' a l o r e s a l dl l.l e l t r l r l r a r e r e . I . di r d r . 1 3 r i . c o n t r a C i ic. te tit |he : : it.:imlif,, 1S68.S3l, iu;t at |he dne of thei: s:ruqgre ' lalbrl. fhis lvay,br pr.sirg Ihe lizana \ilhirr.n ou: ol ihe adrirral ceftr., the saoalspaceit. ota ilied t. plolectlinneli ll :.: i : s t s e t i l e r s q l e l e . o r s i i * e dnl o h sei h i g h! o : n .i . ' : : a c i . u n r r h a t t hf e .or.lLrsionthatthe.irfstenlor''Igre"fintheealler:rdie.llonlull: oI r.e so callec":otr : Benh Citr af.r lessar\ioclaiLcLrneages 'iher lEr reads.l.ormlaities r'l'hi.hw.te emblacedbl ihe r:: : _ ' later,in tre coLrs€o: tire BliD'i,'\tl) !S95a, 1t2, 231 ii 2!5 S t e r t h g i f o nt h os o ' ! t hr,h el a o i : t i r g r l a d sl o l e l i r c i o . k . v i : e . r c : ' ' L T oS a p € I i.o r n e r l tkr n o v na sO d el i e b o l i ao r I n . s e l ? l li ,a O l o : a : ,Jilage;n ife Olog .re€L.The routelron lia OloCbouas i: Lsedbt ihe hno$ ltsekii.hiei NanaIor the tran\loft ol pam : lroducero ologlo' tiere it w:s:rkel1lil Ihekii 'aloes t' irade4 : al Cel.: i.l,tr. wnen linan'as leoosecin 1894,his p.otlesseLiled d e .!Lr! a L t O i ! r ' o r t h € o t h { s i i e o l t l a . r e e r w h i c n n ' a s ol 558 - .:: Rcrd O:: : readst0 ri' :::nerl R'': 'r tneOgbl i '"' t':l" tl' : r]rrie'.ai i:i rrri'allr ::]olnr lcr ' : : liltas;l' : :rd ci he ' :r'utrtlr' : l:'lrron ii ' :: alllor:igr: : Cvnio C't' ' Izono tr' ::rarterol i : :::he l!' ': :: himseli : :hiei ld'i: :::'. 18S7,\ -iaatllern : lgsiceth ::r ude lt] r: Lrrul'dti: - L o nS r o i i :g or oba,a:: ' :::n, and urde. constantth€a! lrom Bini raiders.Th€ OlogboBenlnroadwas ]ljsoin lillag€wasjL'stinsideth€citywalls. ::?r th€controlofrheOshodln,bLLt -:: aboriginal quarte$ol rhe lvbioro['childrenof th€ ground"],the supposedly :;:rLe ol B€nin,h€ad€dby chieiEdol€nluramaNihinron)is in thisal€a Oth€r peopleoilhe cily asEfa(B.\DARENo & RoLsE 1998i reierto th€ abodgjnal i:.1. : :enfialRoadlformerlycalledOdeUglor)is nowa minorroad-No infolrnalior o. anyreasonwhy it slould hale beenany I ::ailableon ils lormerimportance, :r:. ihan a mlnorpathto minorvillages. :: Uzama N1l::'- : .o OgbaRoad(Odehhassal,a rcadonLya few mlleslong,but impotanrtoday ogbaFarmandon€ojtheroadsto ::::use i!leadsto theairpon,the Govemment Ar€a.In older daysit may havebe€nlrsedto carry ReseNation -: Co.rernmenr Burtraditionally, -:n fromtheOgbasbean,andJoIbathingandwashingclolh€s. to ddnkwateronly lIOn cisternsand ::rbe$ of th€ royallamill werealLowed ,= r sitedwithin the royalqlaners.On lhe Ogbaroad,bu! outsidefte city wall, :: chiei Elemaluzana Nibiel, and fariherdown th€ roadwas plobablyrhe jor t]1e .,-pound ol chi€lOsuan,wlo, togetherwilh chiefOsa,wasresponsibl€ :::. godsUnwenandOra.North oi lhis loadwereprobablyth€ qrartersol !h€ -r.rii acrobats who usedto perJornon th€ tre€ of the san€ namedurlngfte dedicated !o ogun, lhe godol war andnon. ::iuo festivaL, - .Ie hisrodcally impoftantEkenwanllad€ road(Od€lk€nhuanllink€dBenln ,.i roughotonlGwatol,th€anciertport ofth€ lomer empireof Benin,about20 cam€to visitBelin City ::.s wasalongthlsroadthalrhefirst Europ€ans nost ::: theendolth€ 15dcentnryon.Arldwh€nthe BeninEmpir€flourlsh€d, goods traiilc of in was lhlough Ughoton, so nerchants : rie trad€with European the Ezomo Th€ r€sidence of a v€ry busy lhoroughJare. dlections made lhis ::-a -:ana Njhinronl,calledUzebu,is on this load,just outsid€th€ city walli hele 1oenterthe city, :. ieeioJall forei$€$ w€r€washedbeioretheyw€IealLow€d rvith Lh€Edod€ity?)thetzolno nad€ aI hissacrifices. -: arEbwomisi{id€nticaL :r rhe Gwatocate was the publicceneterywith an imlosingaverueol tall :::s. TheEzomo,thel€redilarytitteholdeloust€dthelyase(premiefllronabou! chiefoJlhe :: iirst qlaner oJ!h€ 18dcenturyascommanderin -: 3ndof the 19" c€nturyrhe Ezomowasa r,lealthyman,wlth a palac€ljkethat :::ie Obahinself.An €arlyEzomoeventefus€dto s€l]any oJ hh slav€sThe Road, :roIOof chielEdohen(UzanaNihinlon)nentionedeadier,on theSapeie . :so sitedh€re on Od€ lkenhLran,and,larth€rout towardsUghotor,is lhe ::rpound of chiefOgieka.The Gwatoroadwas the site of the iamousBenin -jsacre in 1897when all burtwo of a Blilhh politicalnissionwlo inlendedto -j:i r,\eObaarBeninCitywerekiliedbyEdosoldiers. Anonum€nttothemassacl€ ::r.ds alongsidethis road ne Egoro. ,:!i,2 miles.r? to Udo and weshvalds : letr'r€enOdelkenhuanand Od€Udo whlch ploc€eds whichwas j- rku (Siluku), therewasa strelchoiuninhabitedlandcalledUsama, -: cororationgroundrvhereonc€stoodlhe myalresid€nce of the firs! Ob3sup 559 to the l3L and l4': cenruries. andlvasther€tore th€capitatotthe lda :.:: I do, "or' po o ooodol .\ Nihinron.Todo sohe hadto c.ossthe la.d oJa c€rtaintsekherhe ttoa: : olth€ clryl beloredefeating hisopponent. the Ogtanl\Ienll.JzanaNia:: treatywas finallyconcluded at EktOkpagha lse€Map 2t lEcrrslB: r:: Fa.lngUsamaarerhelivingqLarrers otrhe OtoronltizamaNihinro! jmportarirolein cororaiions. Nearblis the hom€oj.hiet Aragwa--:: 0 a o o dd e a o o d . g . . 1i".."g1. .oDo. o: .o.d.!.0d. . 0l time,to obs€rv€larmingseasons, andto tlr{ the daiesoj narker.: : Ughegle, leg€ndhasir tharObatsigtekmother,Idia,hid tron her e::- : n beg'rningoi ine 16, cenru4'lEurn.]l,301. Iurth€r oxr towardsSil]rNots ldunm{runOllha,the r€sidence ,. I of ri. l€ad€rol th€ LizamaNjhjnron,one oi rhe nor prominentot rhe .r: --" -. oldeniimes.Hisdutywasto crownrheting, andhe alonedudngftLra :: : - .-r, is not oblig€dto kn€eibelorethe Oba.He alsowasguardianot th€ ::j, !, ancestors olth€ Uzamachjeh{ld1oUzana)andrvasa t€fftorjallora : : ,[l prorinceadnidst€redbI Ogies.The Olihahadtis owr rna&etcal.r : 14 Beyondthe secondclrywall lii'e{t.hiel Errbogida. 6. Be veenlhe Udo Roadandrhe Useh ioad thereis ai areaforne: ::::,c by torestandfa.msandsparsely inhabted.Theareacaltedtobiecisa r:: : : ! r. resting10rwirchcrait,accordingto legendlD:\NLrr, 1871.ln this ::.: :. r lhogbe,th€royal.hronicl€rs, who worshipfie Oba\ ancestors andac::j -: I "6 ol depanedObas.Theleaderof thisgroupis rhelhama.Toihe nort! , :. .D! areais the palac€of rhe Ehotoniretuzana Nihjnront Alongside OdeUseluis Urrbj, rle Ouanefoi chieftrc ltjzana N:i:.-., hadsone responsibilities lof the rvel bej.g ot rhe queenmother,Lhe ::;- the crown princejth€ ldaiken,who Iircd nearbl as welt as eisui:::,. * passage ol traiflcalongrhisfoad,the inporrantlinklvtrhyorubalanit::.-:. -l was an openspacecalledIlakpa lrhe Iyobai gar€)which led ro Ia::.-:,].t whereihefeis a shrineto OsalAr Osa)andthe narkerEki Usetu i:s. r--l Atler passingnorthwardsthroughrhis walt, tne tFba\ patace(I.qL::- a r lowerlkelu is reached. The remai.sofrhis onceextensive compoura::: :: s€er at ihe old quarterldLLnmwun Oro (!te lame may !e .onn€ci.: -: nlstical bird ord. The lyobais a womanof inporrancein her sDt:.: : nA sxrrounded by womenand daughrers, bur ste neve.s€estne king !::: ,f _ b€er installed,alrhoLrgh sneis asslgned 17villag€sJorwhich sheaci: :. : rheOba.lne palaceofth€ Edaiken, calledlgLrae,$ a]soarupperLrsei:-:: (ode Llselu)proceeds rorth to Us€lu,andrh€ncero ron, Oyoaid \,.-:::f,.r 7 The "waterpath"(OdeAkpaNpara, possibty caledOkhorhojor rhe:.: :. the inn€rcity wall ir oldentinesl leadsto tn€ rlrer Ikpoba(cedun: . :: soL'rce of the cilt* ddnklngrvater.andbeyondio AgborandAJaba.., -j Nig€r lllhinmivil, and alsororrhwads to rhe Ishar counrr,/.Behr.:: :, wall and ikpobaRiveris ihe shrlneAro O.e lore = torvnl.Responsib: :: -.r 560 -=-'='.= ,... t-. theEdopeople. !ftinronj who Ele J: ol the olih., q'"t: of the shrine o.,\ 6'y ,l\ o,twln'u '#6-i^"""^ \1 5t { \ o €nsuring ttr€ E r i1" \\ i.-" $-t\( i $"r a a\\ \ \\'.- ler splendid ! rli \: g\ ,\ '- !': i; .": \@* 'K4 '* \ )t i \ . i e : : \$;Si , G Tnepatacewa o.fBenin 561 carffth' r::: roadwasireldbl ue pdestalgiefaThed'e! Itas blldgedto ':: ba'kgrcunc rnthe app€ar lrhich Hills Hrlls ilkpoba re iheOtegbeni pictur shorn ir Olferllraplefs boo\ LlO68l the or]_!" L Tio roadsor ihe easternsideol llenln Cit.\'brea'hed 'o!i::: rh€ Uthobo io Ugugu 'rrd Ok.glo OdeUhu nwun ieadingda on the Janieso' :: g. The SaDoba Roadlode Uanianlleadslo Sapobai Nntr. lia ih€ nj-.totlcrillageoi_1lgbeL:' lIelamiesorRil?risnaiga:: . x a st h e t € l o r ea i i n p o l t : n r t r a d i n gc e n i r ew r i r i : : : S a o o b aI ,, r ' n l . h ano th'n headloade' r' BeninCr:l trar*orred via caroero Sapoba shfines,olC bullcnrgsano nrsto::: places 3i Ligbekur, man; B,stical 'lbas Thell]o_it'-: ruLin.qdynasltoithe lhe afd Ldo lmoorta;ceIothe palitcaot th' N::i: the ol the renair! lgodo, paiace ol Ogiso rhe lorr.el rleitd nui excludil' r' kirgs aid the iormel\etlement0l tbellido{s of to !!t = dedicated lso are AIo hhri!€ lmDonartshriresard sa.redareas feftili$ to ''l'onenl,OsunU!/liglredeisnlineoedic:::: O;ehe Lensudrg p. .o c Tnisiiri: .oniaifjngrheLltu,ar Ikhinn{'in tree r\Ir!/b'u/dr; laetiil c i t h e w l o l e €nll|e :_: i s r i s i E d; n f i r a l L v b I t h e O b : t t o e r s u l e i e r d l i l l - .. ' Oo. \ 1 R r $ r & R r B ! 9 4 , 5 6 8 i T H . r q1j 9 1 81' 3 8 l fl ' :. 46fl.l. Wtthir the inner citY wall 'lIe in tne i7 ::' sates(ljrlol \\'€refiNt des.dbedby lulopeanljslr'ts ('alls oI i' Llr: ' eatth t]le into irc.rporated stlu.tules stout-rvooden 'lbel ryereslardedbv iar, closedat sunsetandopened!r/ dawnntil: th€ mair gates:the r] :: ine folLowirghereditarvrifeholder cortrolLed u P ' o a o " o " p " ; " . " o 'o oD ' O " r ' 1 " AkpalparL'lkpobaRoadto Agbor' ir.;d anotne OkaA,jbiosbe j.rri) lg9lil!! _ righralguirg thitl lorn pLanr':: 0ri.hrLlrr"i; (304l. is undoubteolr_ Tnelatterha' :: arasan imDolrantoulcon€oi urbansoclalder'eloprnenr in the clir/ t:__ r.f!€cled ih€t arC iL\ ou1r of .hrncletlsti. featlres g e n L t I n n . P afFea e r - " o ." . B 02 loorb 0 I €- . B 'ompounos : : bI cor'I]lunal occupied t,u*l t"p.t*"" into 1{ards. ard inr:: : aFfearance thell descdbed scrupulousry diplonai Galllln'al 1893i i: ol Benln the falL lc;tcr:' of rrre on .aw,letalt lut "ue 562 . i : o l d j n g h t h es :: Po!r1!a .::lrywal].o:. - -lourds were inhabltedby exiendedfamiliest]1atforn€d comnunitiesThe was sinil to lhe rural,asrveliasthe innel stluclureol :- socialorganization in and extendedlanilies So lhe cilv r€produced -': relationsin communities societyThe basic commrnal the whole of social olganizaiion r_rarur€ rle oi a socialrole and posiiiont0 a persorihas :-..iol€, that oJinftialassignmeni ::i: pres€N€d1nft€ city. No doubliB€nincilv and ihe Bini llageshouldbe ::rconsid€ratiorinrh€llgltoJtl€lrcontinuity,andnotolopposition(BoNDAIENK0 . :niesor(lgba:r:- _:: lhe determined connunal characteroi the B€ninCity soclalotganization they were agricultulali communities AII the cjty produdive uni15. :. oi uban yamsand :;: Dlotsoutsiderhe ciiy bomdarieswhele lhel memb€IscuLlivated comnunitiesp€opl€.Th€Jactoi :_r:! crolsin rh€samewal aswasdon€by rLLral prodlctionis leallva stumblingblock -: r remenroJtown$oll into agricrdtural is oj its population in nhoseopiniorihe non agriculturalstatus :: .aosescholars ihe agdculiulal characterr€presents ln realiry, Bul ::::rajoi featureof a "tru€'city. :: najorjtyol pte industljalcitl€s,includingthos€of anci€ntandmedielalEurcp€,' !hls,we ale slre thatfie relaivistic olthe Oden| Besides : issical clvilizadons apploachshouldbe appli€dto ftis probl€n r-,:zatlon but not a univeNalizing Alricanlatgeseftlementsi -,:r lron thispointof ew' the agricullural aditionaL nav b€ of Black Alrlcansocieties, ess€nce lrith the comnunal -:xly connected south oJ city ol the coriinem oj lhe autochlhonous Jorm :.r!d€d a civiLization q7 f; BoNDAUNo 1995 a, l,537 ff.i BF"{urFL & SH.{c:rn; Sahara :: lErst\sraDi :'t b,46ff.J. :: socialdivisionoi the clty alsocluclallyinlluenc€dth€ pf€vailingform of El'ery :-:iuciiveunitsin fte c|ait,indudingfanouscourtclaftslikebrasscasting. occupied that had no right to be city commuritv oj a concfet€ r:': rvasa domain sothislorn oi claitploducliteorganuation inhabitanls. -re craftofanoL\eflvard lurop€anguiidsb€ingbas€don lhe kin ::r nothingh conmonwitl medi€vaL by sindentsol Benlnhistory.Th€townspeoplei :=: rhjsis not alwaysunderstood oion€community ::rbe$ offte samecrajtunionw€t€filst ofallkinsfolk,peopLe : \ r d E N ( o1 ! 9 1 ;1 9 S 5a , 1 1 7f f l . w€Ienot onlyaglicultlralandc.alt bxi alsotfad€urjonsaI :: cjtycommunldes -:;am€im€.Inthe I6i centuryspecial app€ared in th€sphere uad€corporations (lcBA't1979,3i ii; 1980,28 rl; RvtiEk 1969'90l ln ::'jadewith the Euiopeans oi polldcal : :ayoutand arclit€ctureBenln Clty also rejlecl€dth€ spec'Jics andrhei. evolution. .=r_iluions -:: hvo parts,Ihe smallerhingi sectorcall€dOgbe,ard ciryof Benincomprises oi signilicanc€ wlich 1sthetownproper'Tound€rstandth€ -: largerOr€nokhua, its polilical oi lhe clly and stuctur€ :: hyout,som€tnowledgeis lequiredol lhe ::rlnis arioniwhich centr€don advlsingand slppoltingth€ Oba.It is pady to a gl€at€Iexlentto two partsoj B€nircityas belonging ::isibleto considerth€ (BoxDAR,\o 1995 thesacFlandDeplolanepartsoilhe LLniv€Is€ :::r€spondingly th€ saffaliivoI the Obaandlhe citv as :23b i.). ln popularnassconsciousness, -. c€n e of ihe univerceweredirectlylrlerrelated{SItiaHoME, 192fl.) 563 ar:-- rl In arlditjonto the UzamaNjhinmnandthe UzamaNibi€mentioned oi:" t!|l th€ imtallation induding custom' guafdians olBenin as responsibility -l' an; ihe amual wonhip ol pleviorrson€s'rhe threeoldersof palacec:-wlthin Ogbelor clos€t0 it) were: Esuaelwhichw€I€accommodat€d Iedbv theUwanguer'-_'r{ palac€ society, ih€ houseof lwebo Thes€nior regatia' a positionwhichled a:' : colal iormal and for tle Oba'swardfobe (especlally wlth Eurcp€an$' irad€ and oJ linance Dowerluloversisht hoxsehold::: ihe houseof tweerae- In chalgeoi the Obahp€rsonaL of lhe Ob: peNonal servants th€ for seLectlng Esercand tesponsibte val€tsand n€ss€ngers swordbear€rs, (!r1e),ied bv rhe =Th€ hors€oi lbiw€ Keep€Isoi th€ Olra\ harem in chalgeol rhe Ob': is actualiv sectionl (head Eluerie of !h€ Oshodin the Obas r:E Jorconducting (lloil and youngchildlen,and responsibLe oi the cioseproximityof their quart€Isto thoseof th€ Oba't= B€canse oders which mad€lp tie lghaevbon'Ogbew€r€ the on€smost = andadminisilation Nith poLitics concelned and€specialLy statematters, ' socialmat!€rs.Ov€r a dozenothel Stat€Councilshad r€sponsibilitie' q'c:s palac€sanctiii€Is, Iecorders' worshippers' doctors,divin€Is,ancestor of lands,police,towncders'buliersoi:' of earthlygods,conmission€Is nakers' leatherbox fifeplayers, dtummers, bards, bmsisniths,carvers, lictims, etc' lol sacdficing r€rs andthos€responsible also createq and were tltLes of irdividual flrmber A lary€ .distribuied abov€andoth€IsThisplovwasadol:= of th€grorpsmentioned members the pow€Iof r=l cenlurv)'to h€lpov€rcom€ iourthOba,Ewedo113'h/14'r slructured power'An elaborat€ bidfor suprem€ Nihinronin hissuccesstul oJJicials}r'asdev€lop€d,wlth a r18idhi€Iarchyof seniority and impoltar{: th€ controloi the Obahims€]f,who couldanddid addindivldualtrtlesa:ln cortFst to the Otu Eguae,whose lesponsibilitieswefe focusedon O! the w€ll beingof the Oba,L\erewasa $oup oi town chiehof rhe Beni' councrl'ledbJ'ih€ lv""'.t:lp"t: n'ore - Therxecutiv€ Egha;vbo j\ 1!: :een mary conJlictsbel! -!z; :erd€d to live liv€sco ln::rined thlough ihe tlde r..::ding on his divine king r!::I dynasty,the legenoa and tt--.:ft€ lyase,OLogbos€ to I: role rvas logban\ r r€dning harmonyand Pe trl -: d€adeldersol rhePeo :.siival, whilst lhe uzan thelsogban : rrl€stwas :'j own poweibas€.Th€ co : lor L\e Ologbosel bu *€relikeIJep€ers, phv :: citY.Latervisito$, a - r g s a n pd h o t o g l a P h i:ility ol th€ bllild€$ to ( :om a tall tlee in "Bro ro ihe ItpobaH :: fie city foUow!a ve I; constlaininginiluenc r- Cliy never was Pac d$ €anto$ns.lnst€ad, paLms or vege :r€es, --oso", rf . o., n._b"t of I oras " O . o g b or-.e | 0 . , O o g o o .o F"' I o b a o' |, i orarLa'B q . q n a r o O J m d r r l r , ,qio..rr Osuma. bvOza'Arala' supported ninorl ]€dbv Edogrn, lkaiwe(Egha€vbo ldamaza. fanilies'Lloseoi the to$r chiefsw€Ie long€stablish€d whilst the paLace mor€selfmad€menvrhohadplolitedbvl? who lived; Or€nokhuaw€re war Th€n responslbilitieswere confined to affairs exl€mal to L\€ cirl of areasfarth€Iaway'includingth€ collectionol taxesl administralion soldiersard resolvingvillag€/cilv conllkts and dhagr€ementsTh€ seid chiel was the lyase,the leaderoi the lxecutive Corncil and command€t{ ol the armv.Th; Ivaselostcommandol the armyto thein the lzono l8= 3 of tle peopleOv€Ithe centr:fE asthe spokesman He was alsodescdbed 564 wasca =an Olganrauon r a p , a n dt h a to l t i e t 300 400 yea$ agoae, the loYalquarters,i L\e royal haremlrie ". arclrolers, and,besid€ ns along the mal !.i: in the generaldircc a palac€chieh i)were: beenmany conjlicts b€tiveenthe reigning Oba and the lyase,indeed many tendedto live livesconfinedwithin their palace,thet authoritybeing through th€ tiil€ systemand increasingdependenceon ritual, and on his dtvine-hngship basedon his descentfrom the foundef of the dlmasty, lheieeendary Oranmiyan. urelyase,Ologlos€andImala]rwereoltenawaylromthecityoncampalgns, Esosban\rol€ was to takecareoi the town andDerformhis tuncnonof Hewasinvolvedin rituals hafmonyandpeacelor ihe Edopeoples. of rhe oba the deadeldersoi the peopLe.Th€ Obawai regard€dasrepres€ntinga ioreign by a s€riesoi sacrilices especially duringthe with whomhe communed of the Oba's Olra, these festival,whilst the Uzamachiefscommunedwith thet ancestors,lhe ldion and lhe .ownch ah rFpe.err"d rhe ordl arv peopleof the ol\ whose priestwasthe Esoglan.Thustherewas colJlict betweenthree iadions, €ach its own powerbase.The Eghaevbon'Ore, despitehavingno hereditarytiUes lor the Ologboselcould not be d€posedby the Oba whilst th€y lved, so werelike life peers,bulwarksagainstanytlrainy by theOba. phv broadandstraight, rheinnercitywalls,thenatnst€€tsareveryLong, 1rponfavourably by someof theearliestof lurop€anvisltors commented city. Latervisitors,abouta 100yearsago,commentthat cont€mporary andphotographsoverenphasizethe staightnessoi the streeb,and doubt suchstralghlllnes.Thetlvopublhhed aiility of thebuildersto constuctaLong one a photo$aph (?l and the other a sketchand both daled 1897,view the hon a tall treein "BroadSir€€tr,lookingtowardsthenofth'eastacrossOde to rhelkpobaHilb in th€ distance(RoIH,178f.) However,th€ inner of the city folLowsa v€ry irregularpath,with the n€al€stapproxinationto d€spit€theabs€nce onlyln thew€sterncomerneartheOba'spalace, constraining inJluenc€ of soll or g€omorphology. Clty neverwas packedtiddy with oovrdedhors€slik€ contemporary werein compounds, separat€d byopenground towns.Instead, dv/elllngs h€esJpalms or vegetablegard€ns.BacoNdescrlbedthe city in 1897 ihe warr "Beninis an irregularstugglingtownformedby groupsol houses a mileanda halJlong tuomeachotherby patches of bush.It is pertraps eastto w€s! anda mile from northto south"(86).It is evenpossibleto Ara1a, Edaz. as separatevillagesd]e compoundsol important chieis, as well as the and working quartersol ffaltsmen, groups oI palacesefmnts and others. anorganiationwascalledldunmmin,Idum.lIt ls fairto saythatthepresent map, and thal of the palacearea,r€ilect iatly accuratelyth€ situation that 300400yearsago.Thetowncanbedividedinto: th€royalquarters,aisothekings sector,wjth thepalaceEguaeor lguae' theroyalharemErie,etc.Thisalsohousedthe palacechlefs the tdwrl proper, occupledby the towli chiefs,craftsmen,etc., and and, besldesthesetwo substantialparts, also alongthe najor roadswhrcharc pnncipallyto the lvestandnorth. in thegenemldirectionof theciiy'sgrowthfromthetjmeit wasiounded. 565 societylbiwe, lor hstdce, li RoaddividesOgbeirom OI€:::'* The "BroadStre€i"or Oroglhlolodin -ir _ o ' b d e r ' ' d dz r a ' B i / l d l h..loer I "n"\ rn"e: d* r, o0 -. /, o u D ' n D ' ' n 1 6 0 2 \ 4 , " ',r0.....5E l ,' -; -; ^. ,- ;- ; i , c ouno"db\"r'g\w'':-;'rr n , " r " " no e o '" o ' ' -w , , - ' , " - " " . , : ." t * ^ " e b " o v M ' l l - ' ' d a D o o b d r :. D= rongA sk€tc' - t'l 500vards being st€et", ii" i.'.*io"ii'iJ* wall',call€::=iC'' "*;oI'g 164)Thelewasa s€cond i"' ,"r",.i"dint",-too' o tPa'!"''a 0o'. t. ;'.";.. '.'r'o'' *"' :. :,;:st was Etj : : v r s i o ntgL so-" , ' "o"o""'.'"1""io.-f.".t""1"::"":l: lg*i,"'..,: are:: : theirexactpositions mapb€cause l*. tai.""o i":t" ":",;; "* .''Jj-o"l.i'ie,'"g. "",lt€ tha!dso'i€mavb€id€nti::l**:* tp*.rate andupl'z'l' l'rlrhobao:::= : ,g, lmausor€umr iiJjiJ'ii;".""i,,tr ol15!i certlryl. ruliY:t tl:"= ritualand ii" p"r"."rI.1''r*t, be* thehuborth€ d ' r € d i re f 'n" 3 aa lTALBo oba o, n,€ ''g o' , ,. ;.:;;'; " "' a " 'q" " ' " 4 ! v v " - 0 " c " ' r d g ei d o l a d " r : l t a r0 ' , ' ' ' , " . " , ,,; -r bvhununsandihecelestial iitt ,i'".'"ii"'li'" n""ntal inhabited and.'n!1lll wasonrhe€arth sprrisrneparace oi ile ancestors' ' o '!r ' i"' 4' j .".-" ;,- :,'., ,',0 '' iuo,r,i"""" go? "'o'qdro tt.4 \" or r'" .o a , '%.\orn- dona'"'": "t!-::":.-. n " f o: r - : : ' o o o 2l o o q q2 s " --l8' , *1:". "1" ] ; ; ; : ; , i . ; [ o " . r o o ' " , .. ":.-.r_ o- | o 'rv'nao Lj:' ;\;-,; ",' ',s .h" " , , . wolldoutlookwas " ' rn" dr"i's socio ' B€ noc.T:c r: - . l o o o . . -. . . 8 ) . : B o ".i n n".0",*"oa'n"r". i " - , _ ' :, . , r . . , e ' 0 s , : ,; ' , : * \' roo7d.7' Bq'n,'rhos\' .8. 1 t ' " ' : 1' p"o- , " 1o^! e' "r ^t ""-:E- ' : n,1.- a '\e e . ", j p - :" 1 " * i;t-' ' o ' o r o o r o e w o a u ' ' v eo v r p p o r ' o - r ': i", ,'-"...r th"e oirheirsocletv' i"' ,n"'"u, ,nnt"g,neovoparrs i"', 'r.i".., T1L:9.i:= "t mindii$t of ail-wthoutsucces-:r irt. Ol^ -o"A t" tneBinis' : .. impossible s€emed *at beinsoJhissubjects [1oi"iti" ,n" o* -.those-.--':r: tuars "" te, t,203 rr'lrh€important iqiil, oir, iqq: ", ol tha!supeli:L I *€I,i ait*,tv aimedai th€destination ii" *ri* olmalo::iiui\.1i ' ;"""' ' ;o*,n" .o o,'t*.an." ii"ii"' ' ' " - " ,'r'" ' a f":::f:"= ra-a1: ' r € d ' l e ' A r o dl€ t a } L o oda. ) z e ' r e" ' " "" ,0F ! B l 1 ! ' l l - . " that " . , the . " "par:= ".. sltirptonatic it looks *itrt ,r't" ii""""*.ti"" "t"tesa1d' ':9119"1-i:.lli,,9lil_ *r,"*-"*" *",*"*"1 p pD r ar i ' 4v o r ' oB'rioDo o "1",ii"." ".,y i".t'""""r'*""gtgon'r !d 1 o,,la ;;.i;;; 5 The 1897eridencesee B A . o N , 8f7 , '" i,s roo a o o ' q a ' e dJ ' I to becone'" a. ttt"*r o*nranmwenhadbeenallowed in" the-traditional !a: r€llaced He ""ir." a"'t-p.;iti imrr: peftaps an iron "."a"mbatior' conugated "".p" with r#'"iii" p"l,i" l"tLo"s 566 ,:ac ( i. -' .t32 .:gh wall lhous:--r :ra ny DENxLi :- : :,lr, t87).Th: -r . 'th Oba OhE:.: l _::€s olrhe Edojbutmucn pjcturesqu€ less to Eufopean eyes.Atihetim€otthe (18q71, !-r massacr€ rhe king\ compoxndwas d€scribed as ,,...consisting ol ::,:i.g\ houseJ patav€r house,ju fuhous€sandcompounds andlivinghous;for .i r:ng\ p€opl€,aho rutn€dhouses, probablytheburjatptac€s of foiner notable ''.::1. (RorH,1711. The nain Jronng€otrh€ palacefac€d,,Broad Sbe€t,,Iritha -.1 :r€dt€walt some7 m hjgh. 1: westrvasEkiOba,an oid narkei,suil in usetodayand,posslbty the guesr -:j: ior visitingElfopeans. By the l6d cenlrry (i. e. ar the b€ginninS oi rh€ !i:: luropeanr|adepedodltv/ocirynarkersharesloooouiagansta i€w other. -:0i ft€setwo wassituated in Orenoknua. tkj Obawas!h€ nost disringuisned ::::.:?i.Possib$t mal be calledthe stai€mafk€t.And due to just Eii.Oba :ii:.d tradersfrcmthe ov€rs€as io. aderctations with turop€answereofticialty ::-rpolised by the oba. And i$ menriontn celtmt episodes of toll srodes, tale; :: ?gends isevidence oi notody economical butalso!h€socioculrurat imponance :<i Oba (TArBorllr, 962).Aho 10 rhe west tronr of the patace,at;ng Ode -:: hlotodir,was ihe iamous Emotanrj€e {lodayreplacedby a fematebronze -rr.l. Emotanwasa markerwomanwho hadsavedObafwuare\ lif€in rhemid ;. ?ntLry, andthe rr€ewasan uruhelpterocaryus nitdbrredtl.Accofdingto.l. ':,roMsk-r,the shdnesof wa. lirmo,rurl and ot d€athlaroagiul.ttu) had beer, :::::oned a! od€ orog(hlorodin, but onvrhjchsldejs not cl€af{N.\iD.Msr.?, 431. {::s lhe foadis Iden\ grave;sh€ wasthewite of Obalwuatpe, wlo sacriticeO :=-:li ar the b€ginningoi rhe tSr,certury(EBoHoN,55t. -:: raln entiance(UrhoOlp€r€l to rhe pataceareawas rh.oughlargecaN€d -:- lchlorophonexcetsa\ doorsiacedwith brassptaqLres, in rhe ceni.eof th€ :-::"{a11.-lhear€ain trontoithe mainentrance, roday\Kngsquare,wascall€d ::rgua. On ent€dngrhe compound therewere6votargettrrJconpounds cov€red r_: gnssand largeenougnto hold sev€ratthousandpeople.In 1897 tnis area -.i iuilt up with 31 l7gnas eachwith ar altarro a torm€rking.Ar {mausol€umg, :::crrm €ndundercolerlverealtars,rais€dptaforms abouta m€tretall adorned :-::ass neaosjeachsupporring a caryedelephantttuskandd€dicared to former :::j. TherewereahocaNedstaffsla,thdrne)ard otherrmpr€m€nls. all oJ\rhich e:: coveredwith th€ blood oi sacdficialvjcrims,both aninal and human. i:rlding to DEliN r {1871,tn€ agnasweresiirar€dro rhe northwes!oi Ogb€. -:.f!€r, som€may tuv€ be€nmorero th€ cenrrchee wals at ogbel. tn ihe -.s compo|ndw€r€ tiye/ut! ar€aswirh altarsbearingoffedngs,and pits to ::::nnodate !h€bodj€soI rhesacriticjat victins.BehindtheluTjrplac€s;re the -:uaver house"and the king\ hous€lEgua€Obal,a largenuitd;ngv/hoseroof .:r openin nl€ centrcro !h€ air, and nearbywere rhe quare.sot rhe patac€ i::iy l$/egua€. Tn€r€mainsot ihe iormerpatace, sullctearlyvjsibiein lQi8, afe ' i 4 a o t d t t - n a p! , m . p L T h e ; - o u . p o r a . g o o a od s o . o w r ; . . c a e q .er...., : u o qo - o u o .o " " . d n e d . b.ri :: iwaiseand the lbo, the royalphysicians ard divilers. ,:::tirom tne mainenrrance, UrhoOkpere,therehavebe€noth€rgatesaswell r__:rngthem ar€ "... Urho Eho,ulough which tne Ewaisepassedon special :::asions,UrhoOghunmr,run, th€ prisonef's gat€,Urto Enene,UrtroOvto,Urlo :i:€ Br€ka L, UrhoUzamotonN'oghinoba,Ufio Ogiso(s) and Ufho Edaiken' : : : i . r v s A1 9 5 2 1 , 8t ) . 567 The northw€* Dartol th€ palaceal€aandsometo me easl,wasocci: :: r D _f,rOsbokawho caredfol the Oba\ iilst bornuntilh€ wasmad€ldaiken I:: (th€€unuchs, who lootedaltel tn€ har€mliwercalsoqua'teredin ri ='! Lr soulhoi theC::::ii.". (Ede) is sitedsomewayfrordthemainbuildings, lar€m t , a ' m o ^ e .t ' l € a a q - ,' o l € b ' 4 p q , e . : _ : The harem had a semicirculal \dall consideledso sacled Llal no c:_i_- alowedto touchit on painol d€atl. TIe Obaandlis yorn€ sor$n':: = andi_'5 ?: allowedto enlerih€ har€miits dallo dayadm'nistration maLes had son';therefore r €nnuchs Th€ eunuchs cale ol in tle doorsw€re 15 th€yk]1ewwhichofihe oba\ sonswaslilst bor'becaus€ succession probablv ait€IObaEzoii(lareli-:5 southempartisanareacaltedOgb€zoli, qualt€rs, Eti Okpagha'=s. royal th€ Fu$her€astwas the mark€twitiin namedaflel Cprison Ew€do, and the Eson, lat€rcortolled by chi€l Orenothua:H€rethe najol sueetsNithin the city walLa to run ai'=T areaSeveraltend arean€artoiandto the eastoi,the paLace and larall€]Io:3= fron lhe "BroadStI€e!"in a northeasterhdireciioni exc€ptwhentheychangedirectiontowardsthe citv gatesandth€ roa-: livein thisalea,asw€ll Ll€i andlfor. ManyoltheninolpalaceolJiclaLs Iocaledin sp€cificwards,which s€Nethe kr! grildsandassoclatior$, in the nost southernpart of tle clit wilhh lie lnner \\rau' is the qE:= to the westoJwhlchwasthe cor;'tr! lklokoan.a v€rvancientsettl€nen!, paiac;ol the Oshodin,h€adoJ the lruerie sectiorof ihe palacesoczr tle quaf€I ol the ls::: for the har€m.To tre north-eastwas ;€sponsibl€ th€ Oba'sbodygualdT" iormed gtorp also This thipublic€xecutioners. Th€ywere royal Road Oliha neal loday\ to lve us€d lwoki ol ihe ':-E keele$ oJthe king'scannonard gunsand leatherbox maken The with the lwoki,andihe!: = mark€don the mapmayhaveb€enassociat€d AIo Esigiellol Oba and Ughavan b€enothershrinesheresuchasAro thelovalsic:: theAmagizemi, Roadwere the Oliha Northof 16,,century). riagazen the ?ortu$€se tuom l= s"|"' d€Iived mos! c€rtairly Thel name the loyalbardswhosing;r: th€learl€Iofthe Ogb€laka, Odionwerelvas coronationsand other important i€stivals A Chrhtian clurch' buih : c€ntury,wasprobablysitedr€ar n€re '_:: : to the SalobaRoad,directlvwithh lhe gateis Moving€astwafds (possibly namedaflel lh€ Edohighgodlwhlchhasa tradition0t gr€ai:E ol the SapobaRoadis th€ compoundoi the Ogiamwen,ihe most an'r:'r areamongih€oldestin LL' lamilyoi B€ni! Ciry.Thesulvlvingbuildings declaredlo b€ a monument.MuRuYwrjtes:"21 The hous€and co:l house(265 59) " H€ rultheflemarli B€ninknownaschi€fOgiamwen's syst€noi coll]:i an €laborate housewith of a Beninstyl€ a Jin€exampte housewh'c: chjel's an important being in probably unique is odbv_i!bpw a n o ' r o d f ! ! n o , a 8 0 e , p , d i . j o€oou€ mo$ ol rheclty" (i67l lurfter in ro= at thatt1m€and{ieslroyed occured d L r o D d. . . r d O \ ' ' i " r o n p _ o . op o . d o . l The areato the north oJt\e SapobaRoadvas mainly for€stand occasjc:a until ihe 1950s.On€ exceptionwas the villag€ oI quartelsvalio;r 568 '-:11{ami ulnughunmwun ol -_: : lisos v/ho were the liist d r r: is saidto haveb€er tne si := xere saidto hav€beensi E r€ lkpokParoad,is sa'di E 1: io\\n centr€)lhe mosr L d: ::cing the palacewas pro tl!:1Yun osa wasplobablyna 'ie socailedHoly cross r= Iarl€s in th€ lo'" c€ntu cshereandEbohon(a ge a I oflhenunerousgriid :astersllgunelonmwoD ::j ste€t" wasthecompo j lived th€ Onwinna lL\e Od€Akpakparaar€ the I :!s€ by arethoseof the A ::mission€Is ol lands The :e -h€ oldestin the citY. :aditior indicatesthat rh :ar S[eet"in th€ ]o'" cenn :; He h€adeda glor! of wer€b€ tfa, P. ..- N€a,bY lhe - atth€roYalPalace' nearth€Use :1€rd€athl, ral€rsl. Thelkpemallhe I ard a hostoi othert : dasswlthPdmaIYre -i€fs andotherrmporlan - .\. 1938:Noteson,Altas me Benin, :: . R.H s 1897: TheAtoi Be x, P.1980: j:\L.jD M LAol Pro^o : jl v "predFviopelskiv" p ::!2: MifichesloF i realnol i.ltichno sti. la: I V SrDz:i :rJ a: trecolonialBenin:r\ ,iai.f & M. Lr kd.l, sar p ::.1b: spesifikasotsialno :-hchestee.][ N N.K$N <rrikov, 23 25. VladFostok adaiken. The 0l theoba\ .udu-. Urr r trLr. U-UCJ r d - " j i o € n - . . ru . J l d l € p . . € . r o I . v a f er " f i L d . r a r v p ' o r o a D o u . , , .u . b L-".o,rf J c jir€ t ?cso' Ylo -th is sajdto haveb€enthe sit€ of the pataceof Ogiso Brc.. Tracesof a wal ;;; inrh€rosoi,. y:1stu visibie rr,"qu..".*u"aor.Jol 3,y:?:1"0-:-11'j tneIlpokparoad,js saidro navebeenthesite of theUghoro, ttreOgisoli 'ri€ town -od llar€15s kpagha,whid alt€rOba :0run arrigh! lertreJ the most impo.tanr road was probabtyAkpakpava(tl!oba), p."bably. th€compou;d oi re ryase. ne quarter ::j1l5*,1111:::: NrunOsarrasprobabiy namedaftertheBeninhighgod,andhassomer;taion c.*, supposedri e;hbrjsh€d byporrugues€ ::":""::1:: IilI ':' c1"€dmr, 'n ' 'd\ s '?a 'r" llle o Do or. . j o'a, i'-jl"" l: "' andrbohon la general s€ruine !ndertheEzomol o { , r " , r. , q e r o. g d . . \ o ! j do . o c . . r f r n r \ a € . .I.or1grneranoL) 'r"rs-,,gur " r o n m \ \ oIr. c , d u € b a . k n i . r t g - . " . o r m vo . . e m a l o.l O r rd sr"d' wa).,. comoouna 0,,.a ner gun.eo-oo. o-Lr],o...,.as,er., rro IndlivedtbeOnwrnna lfheroyatcaroerreis. quair€rs orrh€rkperm or royar drummen, l,-o"*,glll1,1 iT.."..',""s crose Dyaretnose oi th€Avbiogbe who announced warandp€ace andact€d the kirg. \ fi€ qlarre. The royal :br ObaEsLgje 1=stor€1. .ommrsslone$ o|ands_TheAgbadomarn€t,fornerlycaltedlkj Ogiso, is said be ft€ old€stin th€ cjtx .a r,.e rddi[o w a . . g r a \ e ] . r fdo ,c t , . { d l m . s o r a . i e . o n ^'ldi...% ,: .i . u 0 ! . " n ! r , . c h i e , d o s u r . . o , p o. . o m d ya r . oa d v F o€er ":' " ';l:.::11:: E::" r"" '* ..r"I ' *" ,",,*" o 'e rs,,d4loo "r I rp.oor, bt" ro. \arbv hpb :lha - tu,prd " d"at.n8wi r br"a hesoI,.ooo. r a f f a r o w p d t r e . F pf b " r ' v . o d - .a s . o . o r _ d f d . . r " . J " r e r a , n ro l s aiterdeaih),nearrheUs€tuRoad,andLh€Isekpotdn (th€royatian ard ieather mal€rs).Thelkpema.{rhe rcyatorummersl analhe rieoesanmwan fhewood a_nosr l,and of otherguitdsnumlering perhapslO r totalmad€up a! crass wth prirnaryrcsponsibility to theOba,butwjth hispermission wort€d €hielsandoth€riroportanr penonitnrougnour fte tirgaom. :o singand built in ttie 4ate is rhe ci greai age_ A . d . . . d B o p r e e o. , n , u n o .L % r, o r " 1. . , > . 0 . r". ,r J . \". l u b " \u": -b.e: l"1 . h " C re bignre o " B . o o dL. o . o o , N p ^ . 0 . l \ . P 1080.TbeArr of Beon London. r"\o D \4 l@r Po^odre,.ar. ot-.4tnauao!rda.dgoood . . . p i o o L \ v s , r . . \ o . a. . d , 0 8 ., o o or ,, ,, b0,o"ro, o, . ; : T l Mifi.heskoye '; , , 1 - :j . : : : i"ealnoye p.u"*t"" 1992: U"ri nJ"rr, p.*rena ne&schenihos!; (ed.l, prostrars&oi rrenya v aknaicheskjt<! kuttuald, ' e . ! 0o,1 , o i B e ri r : \ 4 . - . , o . p n c . + o r i 1 d o r i p J . . . . , , e o dp Soa" ,. L^,ao.r.\D!., & . o ! , e r y,. t o .r \ A , ) , N p , D e r d . .' i."^"^ " j o : & , , 1 ' o . d . ro . D . o i ^ o o\ sp r o . u L . . r n l,-. soloa. qposoJda,eellor obsh!nesre. ln:" N. N. KeDiNLed.l,Ireryadaln4osro;hn: a v a\ o 4 a r t s r ' i o o d v d ' _ o ro. t , 2 ' 2 5 . \ q o r . o t u i 569 : ' * i:! akiov s vevlopet'tsani: Chelo per\Tk! Io 1995 a: Beni! nakaNne TJ"'."",,,.,,,.(\,soooalioD!d^o c : e o , 1 ' eo "c Edvtlleu:: | 1q81: . . : - l i eH i e F r c h ide4 : ' ' r:.:.her Beoba'hEl /usil. - :li. ethnische '- -:n deselemahg': ' ,; ilkerkde.Dresde: ! "" .I +r";::::ii,T:*r,,:"';",ru .,::l;: -::l::;::T1 ;#:,l"Tl"':;: ::;".;ru:: p o $ t s i \ rl ^ ' ' L odIr oa !egi r. !han oPs -r * L : :'i:-l;;,";;.;,. . ' J;i i' ;''.;r:;'.:;;;,; . ; -;i;,," 1.; 5 ;i,'""1; \i '. L. o ; ,. \' '€s f;r' ' , ! - " . ' " . i ' ,0, 2" i ,o". vr oo no. u,, ,^"..r,_ jr. t4l.Mo,tod. ., ,, " - l _ " , ;-.; : . . " " , . " , o . a e, o s od o 4 , . .,. ":::; ::1, ,.:;::r o :' " . ri .,p@r=" : .o" ": . ;i .L .vT ^" ;o s . 11rr . 4" - t , a q 8 . . r " r . . N ,-,.e, o,ord. ." o ooi g ,"":;,: . ," "'q:- ii' , " ; T . ; i l ; - . , " 0o, i : " . . . , ' '',, 1'rrLjtsoA "'":l"i:;^,,".,^, o-2. r i,eo osv r v :"-^',.^" serin lg75 The ArchieologYol 'l' o ": ^ni .H n e R e d o . . .p r. : ' .. " '-r'"" l-: ;*jlj.lll "" '*"" '' " ,.""" oo'"luo \0" . ..:' "; ;,..i:.T._i^T;\r,1oo, ;";"-;i;:;;1: Lordoo wenAhica lliH:l'1";:",--il;^' 1l',,|'!l"i# El,tit,i ' r'r"' ' .. , ,"li ,'.1",'"" : "i-i';''"'"jl- :1 "' "' o"'ro rp3n-''c";,:j .".,.";*= ",. "'''' '.D B,':::lt .,""'" od -: l l' . :u- :I" ; ;'", ; _- i"iil""-# o 5 o ! D ae , b ' o ","",r. "'-* *"..l 'rder $e AntrqunesA(r " lbadar N E e i i a4 / 1 , 1 6 1 ' 1 7 5 ^ [:.::',"i";l.'::::Eo j0j-.8' oo d a' h q.rl n: :'.- - r p , ro^ -e^ -l .a" ,'.ar h p1 eAqr aao ll o o t d,,ot. . . " u ^ - " : * : 1 ,. - " ,n -0 ". q. . ,, 1 e 4) 0 . ol Benn Nigera Ee?nPle 570 \, d (dnigrejchvonBenin.In: benjn €henaligen Anbropos ]enahm dokolohjr- :LYSiroledl.-d :3. Mosh'a- l8&,Die Hiddchie des€:\emalige.KbrtgreichesBenin aus der Sicht zeitger6$ischer s o p < id p B e o b c l F - r . r r o e . A r ! , . . e : j - . . 2 0 | 4 , 2 r . ' . a . t h t p Dr 7 tiaa e1c /.rg,Vewarog.1oq-1 o . r . ,D B e o c dr.g. o e l _roa. svinz€n desehehatigen (bdSreiches Benin(siid;igeriat. In: Abbandl.u. Ba. daad. l!6. Vdlke*de.DEsder18, 157202. Prot D. M. Bondarenko L P V . , 6 . . P P . o o 4A r o d . r s roo, , r g a , r d r . , D r o d L ? . . - e t . , o 4o . Centerlor Civilizariorat , r ^ a' r i . o j . r . f L o g r . t u r , rz " _ lEl n ,. a, .:e - \o' o ;,i t, iJ"[" l" :j€ ; "iil'r'ii: :;r' "' Bpn deAnirsao R{S r:0... o r. o . . . o r d o 1 I r. .l r . L . r - ! or :u{: - b cp r-ma 8 - r . r . . . . . 0 1 . . A . . " . 0 o.d he ! D . . o 0 4 . . . t j 8 ) . . 8 o . t o r d o o ,h r . o \ . b 1,. ... loo, ( o e. o Ue Ben. np.p. Loloon ,b.ddn r D . A 0 2 6 ' t o o o .r F ? o o p o . . o r | n e r i \ g e r i rA . r b- | or 1e.Fi.r.., t.,oogJ Ed |anguageswi 1 an Alsrd oI rhe t92l Census.vol, I. . London. \ . w t o I . q 8 , .r , ' . a p .d . t o . r v a lt s .p " p o -- 5 , . t 4. xvxt'E vol. I-3.) ByT.Shar W6t Su$exBN 163NX Jureys 1964,: Beni!Cty N.W,Sheet298 N.W t;50.000. Lagos. Depadhent Ngeda1948: BeninCtx I:i2.500.Lasos. q re72: BeDin aityr:10.000. Benin city. "l. l"r: r E y:l1'l:111 D i - o . . rl,llll:91 vitu. vo , . d a .L"usins r",.1.,"".g hin Ctl l:0.000.Be0nCrq Lae6. r " ; : , " j ; . ; " : , " . o "j., n s - ; o . . -5,221.247. 5.) 571 View publication stats