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Use of the word "art," or "arts," should be understood to broadly include all specialties associated with the scholarship of art and design, even if other distinctions are necessary for specific inquiries.
Draft of material I'm using in my upcoming book. I pulled this together for a friend of mine. If you find it useful, please let me know.
Capital campaigns are intense efforts to build the financial assets of an institution in a specified amount of time. This study provides an empirical view of how changes in leadership affected concomitant capital campaigns at ten colleges... more
An exoploration and investigation into possible Graduate Art and Design Degree plans.

Uploaded: 04-15-2018 @ 11:27 AM, Mountain Time
Mentoring students has become so much more important in higher education. But, the why, how, and what of mentoring is often unaddressed. I've written this guide to assist faculty. If you don't want to read the guide, skip to page 53 and... more
This is the first course in the series. If you write me at " " from your ".edu" institutional email address, I'll send you all three courses, including editable documents, the course map, syllabus,... more
This paper analyses the Art Markets between the former Netherlands and Spain during the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. With regards to the transport and marketing of the art works, documents held in Spanish... more
The contribution uncovers a net of kinship bounds of P. Jan Alexius Čapek who served as the Arch-dean of Pilsen between 1671 and 1682. Sequentially it marks some of the signifi cant relatives both from paternal and maternal line, while... more
Background Administrators, executives, faculty, and staff working in higher education have risen valiantly with the challenge of temporarily closing down our campuses and moving to online educational delivery systems in response to the... more
Trends in student persistence and retention capture the attention of academic administrators, but it is in each faculty member's classroom where the greatest opportunity for supporting students' success occurs. This guide presents... more
Networked governance integrates distributed capacities for problem solving and policy-making. For policy problems harboring a given level of complexity, the higher the level of social capital within an identified governance network, the... more
Q: What do you WISH was talked about openly regarding career paths after college? A: How to file taxes as a small business, how to write practical contracts for everyday gigs, and how to make cold calls for a broad variety of gigs. Turns... more
Faculty, staff, and administrators each play a key role in university cultures, but these groups are not coequal in status or authority when compared to one another or within each subgroup, which complicates matters of collegiality and... more
These materials are part and parcel of a book I'm writing. Should you use these materials, please cite me. Thank you! Why do 4o% of those who enroll in higher education fail to complete their degrees? Higher education is not known for... more
Adopting a proactive mindset in higher education is essential!  This draft is part-1 of 3 installments on the subject.  Should you use the information, please drop me a note!
This student guide grew from my personal experiences as a student and as the parent of college students, grounded in my work as a faculty member, academic administrator, and scholar of teaching and learning. My goal is to empower you to... more
ACTIVE LEARNING: A LESSON (can be used in conjunction with any discipline) #activelearning #learning #studystrategies #curriculum #curriculumdevelopment #curriculumdesign #teaching #teachingandlearning #teachbetter #teachsmarter... more Since data proves that Liberal Arts majors will earn more over a professional lifetime than most other disciplines, why not embrace the instrumental capabilities of the discipline with a professional... more
Now more than ever, we need first principles thinking rather than reasoning by analogy to rise with the challenges in higher education.
RESEARCH EXPANDED: Combining Boyer's Model with the S M A R T method for planning will help you expand and plan your research.
This is the second course in the series. If you write me at " " from your ".edu" institutional email address, I'll send you all three courses, including editable documents, the course map, syllabus,... more
The consensus of data shows that Visual Arts education must change. Because, if you change nothing, nothing will change.
Laburpena: Ikerkuntza ezberdinak Behe Erdi Aroko Donostian probestutzak izan zuen garrantziaz aritu dira. Oraindik baina, hainbat esparruk guztiz argitu gabe diraute. Horietako bat karguak XIII-XIV. mendeetan izan zuen oinordetza da, Mans... more
Skills required for a 21st century profession. This lesson cab be taught in conjunction with any discipline. First in a series of lessons to come.
Trends in student persistence and retention capture the attention of academic administrators, but the greatest opportunity for supporting students' success occurs in each faculty member's classroom. This guide presents an overview of... more
The phrase "engaged learning" broadly indicates any situation in which students actively participate in their own acquisition of knowledge or skill. Collaborative learning methods such as problem-based or project-based learning can be... more
This is the fourth document in a series I'm writing. Please look at this document along with: ~Creating a Culture of Care (for which the ppt was made) ~Mentoring ~Mentorship: the New Master - Apprentice Model in Higher Education... more
A perpetual debate exists in higher education, with forces on one side continuing to advocate for the intrinsic value of a liberal arts education pitted against equally vocal opponents demanding increased emphasis on career preparation.... more
A lesson about problem-solving able to be taught in any discipline
Preparing to Pivot: Strategies and Best Practices for Flexible Teaching
Simply telling students how to do something or lecturing about knowledge we expect them to acquire is rarely enough to foster lasting learning. Guided instruction provides a solution, incorporating sufficient opportunities for practice of... more
The operational capability that got us "here" is not the transformational capability we need to get us "there." Data informs us. Data can and, often does, provide us with direction - if we are brave enough to let it...
This is the third course in the series. If you write me at " " from your ".edu" institutional email address, I'll send you all three courses, including editable documents, the course map, syllabus,... more
Part of the book I'm finishing titled, "Art by Design: the Future of Art, Design, and Higher Education."
Every discipline taught in higher education-bar none-has a potential impact on our students' abilities to achieve productive careers. Our fields of study are not only valuable for their own sakes. They also have practical application in... more
Consolidations and closures in higher education continue to mount. As such, it's best to begin considering such logistical decisions, and their accomplishment. This is not a definitive contribution. Nevertheless, if it should cause others... more
I really didn't enjoy putting this one together. Nevertheless, I suppose it's good to know for informational purposes. The need to consider closing programs is one of the most challenging situations that an institution of higher learning... more