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The aim of this study is to question in what sense the hermeneutic thought that emerged in the context of critics of positivism can be related to Islamic thought or in which channel the paths of these two ways of thinking can intersect.... more
This book falls within the limits of academic research, certified by the order of the Romanian Ministry of Education, no. 5766 / December 15, 2021. The book represents the author's doctoral thesis modified according to the format and... more
RESUMEN La relación interna entre filosofía, literatura y arte permite examinar con propiedad qué significan la pluralidad y complejidad en los usos de la razón. Posibilita la aproximación a esos usos y figuras desde un ángulo... more
This article looks at a specific case of intellectual exchange by approaching Luís Pereira Barreto (1840–1923), a Brazilian medic who, having studied in Brussels in the 1850s, came into contact with Comte's positivism and with the ideas... more
What social conditions produce positivism? One position, common to both positivists and some of their major critics, suggests that positivism is an "ideology" or "worldview" of industrial capitalism. Positivism therefore resonates with... more
This article is an attempt to understand the historical origins of the conceptual distinction between "ethics" and "morals" -as we can find it, for instance, in Habermas. I show also how such a distinction works on the... more
The purpose of this paper is to question the standards of scholarship now current in the discipline of organization studies. It does so through a close-reading of a paper which has a fair claim to seminal status, since it is widely cited... more
Gradually, action research (AR) is becoming one of the major methods employed in education research inquiries. Many researchers and practitioners are enjoying the convenient and flexible dimensions of this relatively new... more
Lorsqu’on évoque le « socialisme », on croit savoir de quoi il est question, alors même qu’aujourd’hui tout repère se dérobe qui pourrait nous aider à préciser le sens attaché à ce mot. L’épuisement de l’élan réformiste, tout comme... more
Fundada na primeira metade do século XIX pelo francês Augusto Comte (1798-1857), o positivismo, apesar das suas limitações, representou um avanço às ciências sociais. Na Europa, as origens, o desenvolvimento e a consolidação da referida... more
This study analyses theoretical problems in the study of tourism and reviews some major thoughts and literature as well as tourism as an emerging discipline. Tourism as a scientific discipline still does not haveits own and established... more
We have recently witnessed a growing, if still arguably marginal, interest in `Critical Management Studies' (CMS). Our aim in this paper is to reflect upon the popularization of CMS; more specifically, we propose to examine the... more
È l’alba del nuovo secolo. Nella semioscurità di un salotto della Roma nobiliare, tante mani si stringono attorno a un tavolo: a capo di questo, il medium convoglia le energie per mettere in contatto le anime del “di là” con i... more
In naturalist novels, social and biological determinism is imposed on the fate of an individual located in a specific environment. This environment is decisive for the main theme of any literary text which follows this aesthetics. In... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
Kitchin, R. (2015) Positivistic geography.  In Aitken, S. and Valentine, G. (eds) Approaches in Human Geography, 2nd edition.  Sage, London, pp. 23-34.
This paper explores the association between postmodernism and interpretivism. The paper’s objective is to show that the interpretivist research paradigm shows very clear postmodernist traits. After defining the two concepts the paper... more
We examine how the authors who represent ‘New Atheism’ refer to science, and we compare these references to how science was viewed in earlier Continental forms of atheism, namely in Ernst Haeckel’s writings and his Monist movement. We... more
Luigi Capuana believed in the immortality of the soul as conceived by theosophical theories, as well as in the perceptibility of the manifestations of the spirits. At the same time, his short stories and essays reflect his faith in the... more
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up.  Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness?  If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
This paper explores the intellectual influences that Auguste Comte and Harriet Taylor Mill had on John Stuart Mill's work, the essay "The Subjection of Women" in particular. Also discussed is the impact of Positivism on Mill's thought and... more
In this study, scientific research paradigms that lead social sciences research were inquired. Definitions, sorts and classifications (positivist, constructivist, critical) of paradigms were discussed. As the theories and epistemologies... more
Introduzione La figura di Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749-1827) non ha bisogno di molte presentazioni. Di fronte ai contributi forniti alle discipline fisiche e matematiche da parte del-lo scienziato francese, gli storici della scienza... more
This chapter examines the constitution and evolution of reflexivity in International Relations (IR) in the wider socio-epistemic context of the history of reflexive thought. This dual reading of the genealogy of reflexivity aims to... more
Hans Morgenthau’s Scientific Man vs. Power Politics appeared one year after he received tenure at the University of Chicago. Thus, the monograph demarcates the beginning of Morgenthau’s career in the United States, to which he had... more
*Volumen intermedio EL DISCURSO SOBRE EL ESPIRITU POSITIVO, publicado en 1844 como introducción a un «Tratado filosófico de astronomía popular», es una incomparable exposición, a la vez densa y clara, del pensamiento de AUGUSTO COMTE... more
งานชิ้นนี้ศึกษาถึงการนำเอาแนวคิดปฎิฐานนิยม มาใช้มองสิ่งที่เรียกว่า ผี ในสังคมไทย
O ensaio apresenta uma síntese histórica do positivismo jurídico. Visita seus principais autores, com especial ênfase na oposição entre positivismo jurídico e jusnaturalismo. Palavras chave: Positivismo jurídico. História. Teoria do... more
Published in L. McIntyre & A. Rosenberg (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science, Oxford: Routledge, 2017, p. 7-17.
En este capítulo se reconstruye el argumento del filósofo mexicano Antonio Caso en contra del positivismo. Caso sugiere una relación antagónica entre dos planos de la existencia: el plano de las ciencias positivas y el plano de la... more