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(from the Introduction) Being the final product of his doctoral studies, Paul Wilkinson’s book, For Zion’s Sake, intends to reveal how John Nelson Darby’s detractors have distorted Christian Zionism while directly challenging academics... more
Poster displaying the emblem of Irgun, the Jewish terror group of Mandate-era Palestine Oded Yinon, whose 1982 paper for Kivunim (Directions) entitled " A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s " , is often used as a reference point for... more
"My paper examines the early history of Zionist thought and practice. To that end, it looks at the role of Theodor Herzl, someone widely considered the founding father of Zionism, in formulating and reifying Zionist thought into a... more
In an earlier article titled 'What Egypt needs now – Part I, Sinai', I suggested a series of measures that the Egyptian government must take immediately to make sure that civil order and concord will prevail in the area and nationwide.... more