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'היהדות החרדית והמדינה', כשיהדות פוגשת מדינה (עם ידידיה שטרן, קלמן נוימן, גדעון כ"ץ וניר קידר), הוצאת המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה וידיעות אחרונות, תשע"ה. היהדות החרדית הולכת וכובשת לעצמה מקום ונוכחות בחברה הישראלית. מקהילה קטנה שנתפסה ככת ורק מעטים התעניינו בה היא נהייתה אחת הקהילות המסוקרות והמסקרנות ביותר בארץ. ההצדקות לכך ברורות: קצב הגידול של הקבוצה... more
Survey of the tradition of revolutionary socialist Jewish activists, focusing on S. Africa, Spanish Civil War, and marxist critics of the Israeli state.
'מהתבדלות פוליטית להתבצרות תרבותית: החזון איש וקביעת דרכה של היהודת החרדית בארץ ישראל (תרצ"ג-תשי"ד)', מרדכי בר-און וצבי צמרת (עורכים), שני עברי הגשר, מכון בן-צבי, ירושלים תשס"ב, עמ' 413-364.
1948’de Filistin’de ilan edilen İsrail Devleti’nin kurucu ideolojisi olan Siyonizm, 1890’ların sonunda ortaya çıkışından bugüne kadar sadece Yahudi olmayanların değil, aynı zamanda birçok Yahudinin de sert muhalefetiyle karşılaşmıştır.... more
(from the Introduction) Being the final product of his doctoral studies, Paul Wilkinson’s book, For Zion’s Sake, intends to reveal how John Nelson Darby’s detractors have distorted Christian Zionism while directly challenging academics... more
In the influential 1930 proletarian novel by Mike Gold, Jews without Money, a young narrator travels with his parents to the then suburbs of Brooklyn with a “Zionist leader” to consider the real estate speculator’s offer to buy into... more
A work in political philosophy differentiating civil society from the State to arrive at a constitutional model for the Federation of a bi-national society. For the attention of Palestinian and international colleagues; here attached... more
'"להשכיל את רצון ה' מן המציאות" - הפולמוס על מקומה של ההיסטוריה בקביעת דרכה של היהדות', אבי שגיא ודוב שוורץ (עורכים), מאה שנות ציונות דתית, כרך ג: היבטים רעיוניים, הוצאת אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, רמת גן תשס"ג, עמ' 105-77.
Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah (Zalman Leib) Halberstam, the Rebbe of Sanz-Klausenburg (known as "the Klausenburger"; 1905-1994) was one of the prominent holocaust survivors of the Haredi movement. Considered by many to be a paragon of Hasidic... more
"What Norman Finkelstein has done in exposing the political foregrounding of the Holocaust Industry, what Giorgio Agamben has done in extrapolating the contemporary implications of homo sacer from the horrors of the concentration camps,... more
מאמר ביקורת על מאמרו של גור אלרואי שהתפרסם בכתב העת 'ציון', פ תשע"ה, עמ' 551–581 - אני מודה לאנשי כתב העת 'ציון' והחברה ההיסטורית הישראלית על שיתוף הפעולה הפורה, על עזרתם בניכוש שגגות במאמר והסבת תשומת לבי לסוגיות נוגעות. ------... more
In this article, I discuss a disagreement between two rabbis associated with Hungarian Orthodoxy in the interwar period and during the Holocaust regarding the theological role of Zionism in the messianic drama. The two rabbis are Chaim... more
On the margins of Israeli society, in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, there is a lively and fierce debate over the status of Modern Hebrew. At the beginning of the resistance , the reservations and opposition concerning Hebrew formed... more
Bei der Bewältigung des weitverbreiteten Antisemitismus in Deutschland in der Zeit zwischen 1900 bis 1939 gab es zwei Extreme des Reagierens seitens der Juden auf den „Judenhass“, wie der deutsch-jüdische Schriftsteller und Philosoph... more
This article analyzes a conception of and political approach to antisemitism that, while now defunct, once exercised nearly unrivaled hegemony over American Jewish institutions before imploding in a blaze of communal conflict during the... more
According to Samia Mehrez (1991: 255), a complete decolonisation process must include both the colonised and colonising societies. For the colonisers, decolonisation entails liberation from the hegemonic system of thought and from... more
The article examines how American Jews viewed and represented Israel and Israelis to argue that cultural differences and outright rivalry have played an important role in their attitudes toward the Jewish state. While often masquerading... more
Extreme Orthodoxy is a separatist, anti-modernistic, and anti-Zionist religious ideology adopted by a number of Hasidic and non-Hasidic groups. Many scholars concur that one of the basic characteristics of Orthodoxy is conscious seclusion... more
The first academic treatment of the Satmar Rebbe's radical and anti-Zionist theology. A scholarly analysis of R. Yoel Teitelbaum, zatsal's major works, especially "Va-Yoel Moshe" and "Al ha-Geula ve-al ha-Temurah.
Amos Oz was a giant literary mensch. He was one of my favourite Israeli authors who had tremendous impact on modern Israeli literature. But more than that he was a public intellectual who tried to influence Israel´s public and political... more
Ben Gurion-v5.docx

Ben-Gurion airport interrogation upon entry.
Five proposals have been put forward to resolve the Palestinian-Zionist Israel Issues and bring about an Eternal Peace. Why do Zionist Israel and the United States keep ignoring this proposals? What is this Myth about Netanyahu and... more
Un négationniste «Canada Dry» est un individu lâche mais un tacticien plus ou moins habile. Il ne veut pas apparaître comme un «négationniste» déclaré, un nostalgique du nazisme ou du fascisme. Il dispose donc de différentes techniques... more
We are a movement of Jewish Canadians from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a fundamental commitment to social justice and international human rights. We have therefore resolved to promote the... more
LECTURE, 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, August 11, 2022 Rabbi Israel Eliyahu Weintraub (1932-2010) was a Lithuanian Kabbalist, a disciple of R. Yitzchok Hutner (1906-1980), and an associate of R. Elazar Schach (1899-2001). So... more
How are we to think about the most recent Hamas-Israeli war? Is it simply another example of perpetrator vs. victim, that is, of brute power to control land, water? Is it a demographic struggle about who has more babies? Is it a religious... more
In an earlier article titled 'What Egypt needs now – Part I, Sinai', I suggested a series of measures that the Egyptian government must take immediately to make sure that civil order and concord will prevail in the area and nationwide.... more
This is a critical review of David Patterson's book Anti-Semitism and Its Metaphysical Origins (2015). In this review, I present the author's novel explanation of the roots of anti-Semitism, which he finds in the anti-Semite's desire to... more
Though Zalman Reyzen ended up including just 5 columns about Rabbi Aaron Shmuel Tamares in his 1929 Lexicon of Yiddish literature, Tamares hand-wrote over 76 pages of autobiography for Reyzen to use as a basis for his entry. Part 1 of... more
Though Zalman Reyzen ended up including just 5 columns about Rabbi Aaron Shmuel Tamares in his 1929 Lexicon of Yiddish literature, Tamares hand-wrote over 76 pages of autobiography for Reyzen to use as a basis for his entry. In Part 2 of... more
Extract: Jacqueline Rose’s The Last Resistance is a fascinating, erudite, often dense, frequently insightful work. It is a collection of Rose’s recent public addresses and occasional writings, from periodicals such as the London... more