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The current study addresses doublespeak in the political field. It focuses on the language of politicians from pragmatic point of view, how they use doublespeak in their speeches, their intentions behind using it and non-adherence of... more
(English below) Rechte Intellektuelle berufen sich oft auf Nietzsches Konzept der Sklavenmoral, um damit ihre Kritik an ‚political correctness‘ zu untermauern. Diese Verschaltung von Nietzsches Sklavenmoral und ‚PC‘-Kritik ist zutreffend,... more
The purpose of this study is to analyse the term POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in Web Media in Nigeria from November 2017 to February 2019 with reference to a ternary set of parameters, namely type, topic and connotative meaning. Although Nigeria... more
In what ways is comedy subversive? This vital new book critically considers the importance of comedy in challenging and redefining our relations to race and racism through the lens of political correctness. By viewing comedy as both a... more
Political power is (at least to some extent) based on language, claims Charteris-Black (2011). Therefore, political language is closely related to persuasion and rhetoric. The most successful politicians tell clear-cut and credible... more
Political Correctness and Freedom of Speech (In Hellinger M and Pauwels A (eds.) (2007) Language and communication: Diversity and change (Vol. 9 Handbooks of applied linguistics) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter) The term ‘political... more
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Cieľom tejto knihy je dokázať, že štátna represia voči nenávistným prejavom a verejné protesty proti prejavom vulgárnym či hrubým sú všetko praktiky, ktoré sú zlučiteľné s ústavnou ochranou slobody prejavu. Kniha je písaná ako dielo z... more
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
Both "je dis ça, je dis rien" and "(I’m) just saying" are known as “annoying phrases” in their respective languages, seemingly because of their being commonly overused in oral discourse. For this reason, they are usually assimilated to... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
Эта книга — дневник наблюдений над речевым поведением
нулевых годов XXI века, представленный в форме словарных
Для специалистов и тех, кто изучает русский язык.
"Tabla de contenidos I. Identidades nómadas: la celebración de lo diferente 1. Gianni Vattimo, Posmoderno. ¿Una sociedad transparente? 2. Gilles Lipovetsky, Espacio privado y espacio público en la era posmoderna 3. Michel... more
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
This open letter details how I lost my job, my dignity, and about $5,000 in unpaid wages for using the word "hood" in a CCNY classroom.  And I was quoting the department chair!
Jesu Weherufe - ein Verstoß gegen die political correctness?
Political cartoons constitute a form of media text whose verbal and visual elements have made them an interesting research field across academic disciplines. The 21st century has witnessed a considerable research on political cartoons.... more
There was a consensus among the elite journalists, mainstream politicians and Hillary Clinton supporters around the world: Donald J. Trump is a 'dangerous clown'. Not only is he badly informed; he is a liar, a misogynist, a birther and a... more
This article presents an introduction to the author’s thesis that contemporary western mainstream Orientalism is often more concerned with presenting an apologetic picture of Islam, ad hoc designed to serve current ideological and... more
Adapted from Hall, Goldstein, and Ingram (2016) for a volume on language in the Trump era, this chapter attributes the success of Trump's candidacy in the 2016 Republican primary to its value as comedic entertainment. The chapter builds... more
English has many words that speakers sometimes use in a broad, genus way and sometimes in a narrow, species way. The context allows listeners to know which sense is intended. Sometimes one of the meanings derives from a technical word.... more
Last Friday, fans of both Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Zizek lined up outside together in the rain to find out, shuffling their way into the Sony Centre for Performing Arts in Toronto for what some had promised would be the Debate of the... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
We argue for a procedural approach to ethical critique in CDA based upon the 'argumentative turn' in CDA advocated in our recent publications. This is not a matter of abandoning substantive critique, or abandoning the long-standing... more
Dans cette étude qui traite du traduire et du discours politiquement (in)correct, nous nous intéressons aux expressions « politiquement correctes » qui sont à privilégier, selon les recommandations comprises dans le Glossaire du langage«... more
This paper offers an unorthodox appraisal of empirical research bearing on the question of the low representation of women in philosophy. It contends that fashionable views in the profession concerning implicit bias and stereotype threat... more
The paper explores the political and ideological evolution of the mainstream left thought collective in the West. Heavily influenced by the classical Marxian paradigm prior to the 1950s, this collective gradually shifted to the matters of... more
Political Correctness (PC) is a measure that attempts to prevent all expressions or actions that could offend or marginalize certain people or groups of people. Many of PC’s policies are used to define and correct language. The belief... more
I submit that epistemic progress in key areas of contemporary academic philosophy has been compromised by politically correct (" PC ") ideology. First, guided by an evolutionary account of ideology, results from social and cognitive... more
„Minimale Moral“ ist eine Streitschrift über die sieben politisch-geistigen Todsünden, deren Konsequenzen jeweils realpolitische Missstände sind. In den sieben Kapiteln I. Über Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik: Ent-Täuschungen II. Krisen... more
Black people against white people! What has happened to the colorfulness of our flesh? Are we still able to look at each other carefully? Are we being compelled, in everyday life, to take a stand for or against a specific color? Why the... more
Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage by Michael Rectenwald is an eclectic book that merges a personal academic memoir, a lucid outline of the worldviews behind the rise of “political correctness” and... more