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Phoenician language – twin brother of Hebrew" – Phoenician and hebrew are very similar languages if one compares phonetics, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. We can conclude that this are not two separate lenguages, but dialects of... more
According to generally accepted estimates, the corpus of Phoenician-Punic inscriptions comprises about 10,000 inscriptions from all the countries of the Mediterranean region. The sheer quantity and scattered nature of the documents,... more
In what is now called the “Laurita Necropolis” —one of the burial grounds for a settlement on the southern Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, in Almuñécar (Granada)— a Phoenician text painted on the outside of an alabaster urn... more
The term «neopunic» was chosen by epigraphists for epigraphical purposes: to name and distinguish a writing system and the inscriptions written adopting it. This paper analyses features and problems related to this writing system and to... more
This new study of two bilingual inscriptions from Tamassos (ICS 265; ICS 215) provides information on the political status of this Cypriot city-state in the fourth century BC. In these years, Tamassos had remained independent, before king... more
The inscriptions of King Bodashtart of Sidon constitute a famous epigraphic group, especially important for the study of the Levant history and culture of the middle of the First Millennium BC. The documentation, and consequently its... more
"El llamado solar del “Teatro Cómico”, colindante al Palacio de los Marqueses de Recaño (“Torre Tavira”) se halla en el punto más alto de la isla de Erytheia, la menor del antiguo archipiélago gaditano. Se trata de un lugar de máximo... more
This pioneering volume approaches the languages and scripts of ancient Cyprus from an interdisciplinary point of view, with a primarily linguistic and epigraphic approach supplemented by a consideration of their historical and cultural... more
In Near Eastern texts, mention is made of a goddess ‘ttrt ḫr/‘štrt ḥr which is sometimes rendered as the “Hurrian Astarte.” Until now, the second element * ḫr* has not been satisfactorily explained. In this article, a new etymology of the... more
This Excel file provides a searchable list of Proto-Semitic most stable basic lexicon (as defined in It includes all... more
Book in Italian. This volume deals first with the description of the morpho-syntax of Hamito-Semitic (Afroasiatic) numerals within individual languages​​. Then the question of the "reverse gender agreement" of the numerals from 3 onwards... more
Keywords: Epigraphy. Phoenicians. Punics. Iberian Peninsula. West Mediterranean. Abstract: This article reviews Phoenician and Punic inscriptions found in and around the Iberian Peninsula, which have been discovered or published in... more
During regular excavations in the modern town of Tavira (Portugal) under the direction of Maria and Luis Maia a Phoenician ostracon engraved on the two faces of a sherd (6 x 5 cm) of local pottery was found. The text is not complete and... more
The present contribution reassesses the main aspects of the epigraphic sources found in the so-called tophet in order to demonstrate how they are significant and how they undermine the funerary interpretations of these precincts. The... more
El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistórico de la Cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar) a la luz de los resultados de las recientes campañas de excavación y estudia los materiales cerámicos con... more
"The archaeological site of “Castillo de Doña Blanca” has provided us with abundant Phoenician materials at all its occupation levels. The most ancient, datable at least in the VIII century B.C., include several different ceramic pieces... more
Dans les parlers berbère de la Tunisie, de la Libye, et de l’Egypte, les raisins secs portent encore un nom, reconstruit comme *azəmmuḱ, qui parvient du punique. Un autre emprunt punique probable, plus largement répandu, est askun /... more
L’Université d’été en Langues de l’Orient est une occasion unique d’aborder des langues et des écritures souvent qualifiées de rares, même si elles sont parlées ou ont été parlées par des millions de locuteurs, et ce, sous forme de cours... more
This study discusses different types of textual structure in some Semitic texts. The following types of textual structure are dealt with: grammatical chiasmus (section 1), parallel composition of sentences (sections 2 to 4), and... more
"Dans le cadre d’un accord entre la “Direction Générale des Antiquités” du Liban et le « Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche » (Rome), une équipe composée de spécialistes italiens, libanais et espagnols travaille à la publication des... more
45 contributions: I- HAMITO-SEMITIC, INDO-EUROPEAN, MEDITERRANEAN SUBSTRATUM * Maria Giulia Amadasi "Une inscription archaïque de Byblos" * Alba Fedeli " I manoscritti di Saana: fogli sparsi che diventano Corani" * Sergio Noja Noseda "Un... more
This volume of KUSATU comprises a peer-reviewed selection of papers read at the 12th ‘Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (MICAH) and cognate languages’ which has been held at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany,... more