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Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
Phoenician language – twin brother of Hebrew" – Phoenician and hebrew are very similar languages if one compares phonetics, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. We can conclude that this are not two separate lenguages, but dialects of... more
Historical sources regarding Hellenistic-period Galilee are few and ambiguous and do not provide a clear picture about the identity of its population. Rich Hellenistic strata were uncovered at sites on the boarders of Galilee – mainly at... more
From its first adoption of writing at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, ancient Cyprus was home to distinctive scripts and writing habits, often setting it apart from other areas of the Mediterranean and Near East. This... more
Dans ce volume sont publiées les inscriptions phéniciennes inédites appartenant à la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban (DGA), retrouvées et identifiées au cours des travaux d’une mission épigraphique... more
This paper is a short review of some of the arguments regarding the relationship between the Proto Semitic / Sinaitic/ Canaanite inscriptions and Paleo Hebrew. It looks at the film of Timothy Mahoney with a disputation between such... more
According to generally accepted estimates, the corpus of Phoenician-Punic inscriptions comprises about 10,000 inscriptions from all the countries of the Mediterranean region. The sheer quantity and scattered nature of the documents,... more
In recent years it has become evident that the origin of the great Punic goddess Tanit is in Phoenicia. Her cult is attested in Palestine from the Persian to the Late Roman periods. Related finds have been discovered mainly, but not only,... more
The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The... more
Short contribution presenting some unpublished etruscan scarabs in the Museum of Grosseto.
The Karatepe inscriptions contain an intriguing image of a woman walking fearlessly with spindles. This image builds on the symbolism of the spindle in the ancient Near East as an emblem of femininity and highlights the gendered language... more
The main purpose of this dissertation is to describe the economic aspects at the beginning of the Phoenician colonization across the Iberian Peninsula. These mercantile characteristics are connected with the primary sector and include... more
Le projet de recherche Police pour les Inscriptions Monétaires (PIM) a pour objectif la création d’outils adaptés pour retranscrire les informations contenues dans les inscriptions monétaires, au-delà de leur contenu sémantique. Les... more
This Phoenician style text dating to 1170 BCE was written in the empire language of Alphabetic Akkadian/Aramaic. Phoenician like all other alphabetic writing derives from the Minoan writing tradition but is a separate lineage from the... more
Publicación divulgativa que explica en imágenes el proceso de la creación del centro Gadir, desde su excavación hasta su musealización. Informative publication that explains in pictures the process of creation of Gadir center since its... more
Este curso de divulgación del año 2012 que hoy comparto, es una introducción a algunas de las lenguas semíticas del Líbano, y ayuda a comprender el camino que tomaron para acabar "fusionadas" en la "lengua libanesa".
The archaeological excavations carried out under the former Teatro Cómico have provided evidences of the earliest Phoenician presence in the city of Cádiz. Under modern and Roman remains, the Phoenician urban layout from the late 9th to... more
In G. Garbati, T. Pedrazzi (eds), Transformations and Crisis in the Mediterranean. "Identity" and Interculturality in the Levant and Phoenician West during the 12th-8th Centuries BCE (Proceedings of the International Conference held in... more
Compared to other Syro-Anatolian city-states, indigenous documents from Iron Age Cilicia are rare. Whereas Karkamish, for example, has provided us with ca. 80 inscriptions (and counting), only five inscriptions thus far come from Cilicia.... more
Researcher and Independent Student ASIN: B07JMY43YX Abstract: This research is about a solution of the figures carved in the famous Inga Stone. Brazilian researchers tell us about indigenous abilities to organize communities and rituals... more
Perhaps no civilization in history is as associated with the sea as the Phoenicians, whose ships and seafaring ability allowed them to travel, trade, and establish colonies across the Mediterranean. Search and survey operations in the... more
A updated version, with the correction of some typos is available here: Abstract: This article is the second of two parts debunking the recent claims of Douglas Petrovich (in a presentation at... more
The present paper is a study on the religious continuities and changes in North Africa from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, therefore from the pre-Roman (“Phoenician-Punic”) to Roman era. Starting from the archaeological and... more
The arid pre-desert lands along the fringe of the Sahara have proven to be an especially fertile source of epigraphic remains from Roman Late Antiquity. In particular, the former Roman region of Tripolitania has yielded a small corpus of... more
Democracy has never been more popular. It is successfully practiced today in a myriad of different ways by people across virtually every cultural, religious or socio-economic context. The forty-five essays collected in this companion... more