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Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity. The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23... more
The Fourier phase spectrum plays a central role regarding where in an image contours occur, thereby defining the spatial relationship between those structures in the overall scene. Only a handful of studies have demonstrated... more
La radio es uno de los medios de comunicación más propicios para contar historias. Su poder estimulador la ha convertido en un soporte idóneo para hacer soñar al oyente. Pero los relatos de ficción en la radio se han ido perdiendo y por... more
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
Dualist and Reductionist theories of mind disagree about whether or not consciousness can be reduced to a state of or function of the brain. They assume, however, that the contents of consciousness are separate from the external physical... more
The unconscious mind tends to disregard negations in its processing of semantic meaning. Therefore, messages containing negated concepts can ironically prime mental representations and evaluations that are opposite to those intended. We... more
Leibniz’s Arguments for the existence of petites perceptions in his Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain (1704
La radio es voz. A través de ella se expresa y nos reclama. Es la voz del locutor con su amplia gama de recursos expresivos la que hace viva la comunicación y la conduce hasta nosotros. Dominar la locución entonces supone dominar el... more
Quiero ser locutor...o locutora. Cuántas veces a lo largo de los años chicos y chicas ilusionadas por la profesión te confiesan este deseo. Quiero ser locutor...pero no sé por dónde empezar. Generalmente son alumnos que ya han tenido... more
Man, even though he may sometimes dream of being a pure spirit free from all material constraints, actually exists as a body in a world which is itself essentially constructed as a spatialized system of bodies; and in this constructed... more
We discuss the potentially misleading effect of software techniques for elaborating low-contrast images. In particular, we present the example of the stains embedded into one of the most studied archaeological objects in history, the... more
Seguro que a nadie le sorprende en el día a día escuchar a una estrella de Hollywood hablando un perfecto castellano, catalán o gallego. El doblaje forma ya parte de nuestras vidas gracias a la tradición histórica y a la calidad con la... more
La voz del locutor constituye uno de los elementos principales de la comunicación publicitaria en radio por cuanto transporta la carga semántica y formal más relevante del mensaje. Sin embargo, al menos en la publicidad radiofónica... more
En una sociedad influenciada por los medios de comunicación audiovisual y sustentada en la educación formal por la enseñanza del lenguaje escrito y audiovisual, se hace imprescindible recuperar la formación educativa en las estructuras... more
What is space? Why is there space rather than nothing? Nowadays Physics claims to answer these questions without making any reference to the phenomenal space of the subject, and thus in total rupture with respect to its phenomenological... more
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Patient Safety Program Office of the TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) provides training and support for the health-care facilities operated by military services to help strengthen their use of... more
D’Espagnat holds, as the Buddha taught, that sense impressions and sensations are real, as are our sense organs. In sight and color, both the photons or waves as well as the retinal cones are real, and their interactions create our... more
Music is a divine power and universal language that can be understood by non professionals also. Music is one of the most mystical powers that can affect the individual without getting noticed and can hypnotise to act accordingly or can... more
We explored the relation between individual differences in working memory (WM) and color constancy, the phenomenon of color perception that allows us to perceive the color of an object as relatively stable under changes in illumination.... more
One of the fundamental elements to construct a radio fiction product from the point of view of the sound is the denominated point of listening or ‘point icí’ of Souriau. The point of listening represents the space relation existing... more
The study of preconscious versus conscious processing has an extensive history in cognitive psychology, dating back to the writings of William James. Much of the experimental work on this issue has focused on perception, conceived of as... more
Cross-cultural comparisons of color perception and cognition often feature versions of the “similarity sorting” procedure. By interpreting the assignment of two color samples to different groups as an indication that the dis- similarity... more
In cognitive science, there is an ongoing debate about the architecture of the mind: does it consist of a number of mental “organs” each managing a different function in isolation, or is it more of general processor, adaptable to a wide... more
Few studies have investigated the possible role of higher-level cognitive mechanisms in color constancy. Follow- ing up on previous work with successive color constancy [J. Exper. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn. 37, 1014 (2011)], the current... more
Resumen: Introducción. El creciente interés por los déficit cognitivos que presentan los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson ha dado lugar a la proliferación de trabajos sobre este tema durante los últimos años. En el presente artículo... more
Several psychological theories of perception claim that the possible is something we perceive. Typically, the ecological approach holds that perception provides direct access to opportunities for action potentiated by the structures of... more
Countless studies, articles, and opinion pieces have announced that U.S. strategic communication and public diplomacy are in crisis and are inadequate to meet current demand. There is consensus that such capabilities are critical and that... more