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"The mausolea of communist leaders, a major component of Stalinist symbolic politics, are still shrouded in mystery. Some are destroyed, like Dimitrov’s in Sofia, Gottwald’s in Prague and Neto’s in Luanda. The Lenin mausoleum in Moscow is... more
Egyptian blue was extensively used throughout the areas surrounding the Mediterranean from early dynastic Egypt until after the Roman Empire ended. A new, easily applied, technique to detect and map this pigment has been developed that... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Le immagini della via Appia, raccolte in questo volume da Andrea Zocchi, non si limitano a costituire una importante documentazione degli aspetti più pittoreschi degli straordinari paesaggi del Suburbio a sud di Roma, esse evocano... more
RESUMEN. Detenido estudio del mausoleo del liberto y augustal Gaius Iulius Successianus, Exsuperanti libertus, excavado en 1994 junto a la «Casa del Anfiteatro» de Mérida por F. Palma y A. Bejarano (de los cuales es la memoria de la... more
This communication collects the Late Roman mausolea in Pannonia, contains an overview of the literature and suggests a division of the mausolea into three main groups.
The chapel of St Peter and Paul in Zagreb`s central cemetery Mirogoj belongs to a group of the most interesting sacral buildings erected in Croatia`s capital at the end of the 19th century. It is one of the first monumental mausoleums... more
Well known as one of the Seven Ancient World's Wonders, the Mausoleum built by Mausolus in Halicarnassus is one of the many lost masterpieces from the past. Its architectural and artistic high quality just left a large bounce of fragments... more
The description of Palladio’s Rotunda at Vicenza appears influenced by the reading of Vitruvius: “The site is the most delightful that you can find: because it is above a hill of easy ascent, and on one side is irrigated by the navigable... more
Mamluk sultans were known for their patronage of the arts and architecture. Their educational institutions were among the wide array of architectural projects that linked them as ruling elites to the religious scholars of their times.... more
The basilical building of Marialba is known from the excavations carried out by researchers of the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid, Helmunt Schlunk and Theodor Hauschild, in 1968-70, who described it as one of the largest... more
Resumen: El siguiente trabajo analiza, tanto desde un punto de vista arqueológico como histórico, ciertos aspectos del poblamiento rural en época bajoimperial romana y tardoantigua entre las localidades de Mérida y Alange (Badajoz). Se... more
The mausoleum map “Lingqin weizhi gongcheng moxing liyangtushi”(TMA 2748 /3443) collected in the Harvard-Yenching Library is an early design Yang shi Lei map of Chongling Feiyuanqin during the Xuantong period. Through the study of the... more
In vernacular architecture, the master-builder was content to rely on inherited knowledge governing building forms and techniques. During the Enlightenment, professional architects emerged to assume the role of coordinator and arbitrator... more
Mausoleion ve Anıtkabir hem yapılış hem de mimari açıdan birbirine çok benzerlikler göstermektedir. Örneğin döneminde önemli bir komutan olan Maussollos için yapılan Mausolleion oldukça gösterişli yapılmış ve dönemin en iyi mimar ve... more
This study aims to establish the history and nature of the preservation work done by Soviet and Czechoslovak physicians on the corpse of Communist leader Klement Gottwald from the day of autopsy on 15 March 1953 to the cremation of the... more
The Cangelari Mausoleum at Halki island of the Princes Islands (Heybeliada, Kizil Adalar) is an octagonal construction in Gothic style erected in 1866 at the entrance of the Greek-Orthodox Monastery of St George of the Precipice by... more
The project ʺMilano Archeologiaʺ concerning the ancient remains of the city of Milan in Roman age was based on specific methods and tools, such as the collection of data through the previous archive research, and the feedback of... more
This paper deals with the mausoleum of Klement Gottwald, the first communist president of Czechoslovakia, whose embalmed body was on display in the National Memorial on the Vítkov Hill in Prague for almost nine years (late 1953–early... more
Apresentam-se as estruturas de um mausoléu em forma de altar com pulvinos, descobertas em recentes escavações efectuadas no lugar da Quinta da Fórnea II (Belmonte). O achado deste tipo de monumentos funerários, possivelmente... more
The paper addresses the organization and staffing of a division which was created in December 1953 within the Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior for a special purpose. It was the task of this unit to ensure security of Gottwald’s... more
Сколько анекдотов про вождя перемололи языки и зубы. Казалось бы —окончательные анекдоты, которые должны были прикончить культ этого вождя, всего семь лет верховодившего в России — с 1917 по 1924. От трехспальной кровати «Ленин с нами» до... more
A rescue excavation undertaken in 2011-2012 in Jaunay-Clan (Vienne) revealed a Late Antique funerary area consisting of a pyre, a mausoleum and a large masonry building. The pyre yielded significant accompanying goods, and is associated... more
The aim of this paper is to unite all information on readable inscriptions from the site of Majary and ones presumably produced in this city including disappeared now and known only by pictures. There are some publications on the theme,... more
U čalnku se najprije daje povijesna analiza nastanka grobne kapele sagrađene za podgoračkoga grofa Pavla Pejačevića, a potom slijedi stilska analiza objekta kao iznimnog primjera kasnohistoricističke arhitekture na ruralnome području.
Low efficiency of architectural constructions by geophysical methods provokes necessity of the other methods application. The absence here of modern rural buildings and simple way to identify the traces of latest land-utilization ensure... more
Indian woman since ancient days had played an important role in the socio-cultural and philosophical development of the country. Especially in Medieval India, the royal ladies of the Mughal court were almost as remarkable as their male... more
In 2010, an archaeological excavation was conducted by INRAP on the site of Cougourlude (Lattes, Hérault, Languedoc-Roussillon). Located on the side of an ancient villa, the site gave a road and some buildings of the imperial age with the... more
Riječ je o poglavlju u knjizi u publikaciji Put u vječnost objavljenoj u povodu istoimene izložbe u Klovićevim dvorima u Zagrebu (otvorena od 26. 8. do 6. 11. 2016.). U tekstu se govori o arhitekturi i prostornom uređenju groblja u... more