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Background: Peer physical examination (PPE) is an efficient and practical educational approach whereby students can practise their examination skills on each other before commencing clinical practice with actual patients. Little is known... more
In the panorama of scientific literature, there is a paucity of literature on how to palpate the heart area in the osteopathic setting and relevant indications on which palpatory sensations the clinician should perceive during the... more
Australian Health Review - Submitted: 3 February 2016 Accepted: 12 May 2016 Published online: 11 August 2016 Background In 2015, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services commissioned the... more
Objectives. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the attitudes, beliefs, and preferences of Italian osteopaths regarding the management of transgender patients through a content analysis of emergent data from semi-structured... more
La nouvelle édition critique de l'Autobiographie de A.T. Still établie par Jean-Marie Gueullette bénéficie des recherches historiques menées depuis la traduction pionnière de Pierre Tricot et de l'expertise de l'École de traduction et... more
- L'ostéopathie, prévention et soins dès la naissance Page :13, Fabien Collombelle Avant-propos Déclaration de liens d’intérêts - Les bienfaits de l'ostéopathie pour le bébé Page... more
Excerpt from Chapter 1: Copyright © 2004-2021 by Dr Alex Vasquez. Published most recently in Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition ( and Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine. All rights reserved... more
The interdisciplinary approach is becoming more widely used by modern Russian dentistry. This approach covers both dentistry disciplines and general medical field. It often leads to hyper diagnostics and inadequate treatment, with results... more
Tout prête à croire à une inflammation : une main ou un pied rouge, enflé, réellement plus chaud, des sensations de brûlures cuisantes à l’intérieur de l’articulation. Autant de symptômes d’un syndrome effroyable, laissant, au petit... more
Mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy is a common injury in sporting populations. There is conflicting evidence about the best approach to conservative management. This report focuses on the rehabilitation of an Achilles tendinopathy... more
There is limited understanding of how osteopaths make decisions in relation to clinical practice. The aim of this research was to construct an explanatory theory of the clinical decision-making and therapeutic approaches of experienced... more Le groupe E.C.O. (Emergence Complexité Ostéopathie) est un groupe de recherche qui travaille à... more
Transcript from Presentation #1 on "Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease" by Dr Alex Vasquez.  Audio-video accompaniment (excerpt/sample) is available at:
Objective: To compare changes in pressure pain threshold (PPT) following spinal high-velocity low-amplitude thrust manipulation (HVLAT) and spinal mobilisation. Design: Fifty asymptomatic subjects (mean age 27 (6) years; 29 males and... more
Inflammation Mastery / Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 (2014, updated and expanded in 2016). This work is the culmination of several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez's many years of clinical experience and... more
Comparative analysis between orthopaedic manual therapy and osteopathy : focus on the Belgian situation Summary : Orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT) and osteopathy have been coexisting since a long time in Belgium to manage musculoskeletal... more
Document relocated to following failed attempts to upload a new document with a corrected hyperlink (previous website was restructured).
Abstract: L’argomento di questa tesi nasce dall'esperienza congiunta di rievocazione storica ed archeologia sperimentale che ho maturato con gli anni. Appassionato di rievocazione dal 2007, ho praticato (e continuo tuttora a praticare)... more
Tesi Diploma Scuola di Osteopatia • Il Trattamento Manipolativo Osteopatico (OMT) nella Sindrome Dolorosa Regionale Complessa (CRPS) - Case Report
"This thesis examines the extent to which the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive processing. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 review, respectively, the literature on the... more
INTRODUCTION: The term Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) describes all of the clinical consequences emerging from a cerebral vessels lesion, whether there is one or more affected. The patient can experiment a diversity of problems in those... more
Recent studies are showing that lymph stasis causes cancer by reducing immune function. This article draws on these studies to further explain how constriction from tight bras results in lymphatic impairment in the breasts and an... more
Infographics: D3 dose size determines clinical effect: Modest physiologic doses (demonstrated above) follow first-order pharmacokinetics characterized by a dose-response relationship that is predictable and also which does not result in... more
The Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles (ECOP) annually renews and reviews the fundamental osteopathic principles that Dr. Still left behind for osteopathic medicine (OM). These tenets represent a guide and rationale for the... more
This article reviews and discusses the biological and psychological mechanisms that may be responsible for therapeutic effect in an osteopathic therapeutic encounter. Although many of the reviewed mechanisms require additional... more
The inspiration of this thesis comes from two severe cases that took place in the Netherlands during the past seven years. In 2005, a baby died in the hospital after treatment by a Cranio Sacral therapist. In 2009, a baby of three months,... more
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Integrating Functional and Naturopathic Medicine Concepts and Therapeutics into Medical Practice for Common Primary Care and Specialty Conditions: Key Concepts and Paradigm Shifts in Clinical Care, 2020 May;... more
The biopsychosocial mechanisms for therapeutic effect in an osteopathic treatment encounter for people with somatic pain were reviewed and discussed in Part 1 of this article. The author argued that both biological and psychosocial... more
Réalisatrice - Monteuse L'enquête d'anthropologie visuelle effectuée dans le cadre de mon travail de thèse "L'apprentissage de l'ostéopathie en France" (2008) a donné lieu à seize films documentaires et cinq documents filmiques... more
STUDY DESIGN: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. OBJECTIVE: IN SYMPTOMATIC SUBJECTS TO: (1) examine the effects of a single session of joint mobilization on pain at rest and with most painful movement, and (2) compare the... more
This paper is offered as an introduction to qualitative research, with the hope that it informs and stimulates osteopaths and researchers who are unfamiliar with this area of research. This paper discusses the potential contribution of... more
Rotator cuff dysfunction is common in athletes involved with overhead sports. Secondary subacromial impingement is a common cause of pain for patients with rotator cuff dysfunction. Exercise rehabilitation and manual therapy can be used... more
Abnormal uterine bleeding is characterized by painful and/or excessive menor-rhea, chronic pelvic pain due to the endometriosis (Em). Osteopathic treatment is commonly used in the gynecological dysfunctions. The aim of the present case... more
Each year the American Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) pays over 10 billion dollars for Graduate Medical Education in the USA (1). Up until now there has been lack of evidence based research on the effectiveness of how American... more
Background Chronic pain remains an unresolved issue in clinical practice despite the extensive research investigating its behavioural and neural correlates. Evidence demonstrates that chronic pain results in altered representation of the... more
Krishna's Kinetikinetic Manual Therapy® (KKMT®) is the latest school of thought in manual therapy founded by Dr. Krishna N. Sharma, a Physiotherapist from India. KKMT® Joint Mobilization is a part of KKMT® as a whole. The KKMT® protocol... more