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Straightforward mapping of detailed heathland habitat patches and their quality using remote sensing is hampered by (1) the intrinsic property of a high heterogeneity in habitat species composition (i.e. high intra-variability), and (2)... more
Resumo - Este ensaio tem como enquadramento uma etnografia sobre a imigração recente de uma família de brasileiros para Portugal. Descreve o papel central das coisas que trouxeram consigo na reconstrução de hábitos, lembranças e status... more
The development of communication technology have motivated the Citizen and the Government to communicate through electronic medium. For successful communication, a multifaceted electronic instrument must act as an interface between the... more
El carácter participativo y el trazado estructural de la Red propician asumirla como repositorio único que reúne álbumes personales convirtiéndose así en depositaria de instantáneas propias y ajenas, en particular si atendemos a criterios... more
This paper summarises the research methodology and most important results of a study which was carried out on flowering plant depictions (representations) in late medieval religious paintings from southern central Europe. This approach... more
Les plaquettes métalliques ornées du dessin d’un ou deux yeux correspondent à un type de matériel cultuel découvert dans une dizaine de sanctuaires préromains de la péninsule Ibérique. Ces objets, généralement considérés comme des ex-voto... more
5th International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (DMA 2019) provides a forum for researchers who address this issue and to present their work in a peer-reviewed forum. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by... more
... The fat and the sugar present in cakes, kato lole and tapu lole are highly appreciated in Tongan culture. ... 10 A matāpule is a man appointed by a chief to carry out mainly ceremonial, but also other duties on behalf of the chief... more
The arrival of the body of King Tāufa‘āhau Tupou IV, in Tonga on 12 September 2006, prompted complex funerary rites modelled on those of the previous monarch, Queen Sālote. Instead of looking at how funerals reinforce kinship ties or what... more
Archaeometallurgy is one of the earliest manifestations of archaeometric research, using science-based approaches to address cultural–historical questions. This review first outlines the extent of the field, defining in some detail the... more
There is a basic structure of real-time action in space lying underneath most of Vito Acconci’s works along his life, being these works categorized as performance, installation, sculpture or landscape design. This basic structure... more
The Virtual Museum is an interactive, electronic museum where users can move from room to room, and select any exhibit in a room for more detailed examination. The exhibits in the museum are educational, encompassing topics such as... more
This paper aims to propose a data treatment method in order to efficiently exploit the major element compositional analyses made on slag inclusions (SI) of ferrous archaeological artefacts. This method is employed to study the... more
We want to explain how any mathematical theory is committed to a pulsation between algebra and topology. 1) Our main aim is to show on one hand how every theory is an algebraic one, according to various notions of an algebraic theory,... more
In this paper, an ancient Indian philosophy of architecture (Vaastu-Shastra) is explained and compared to the work of contemporary philosophers of technology. The knowledge of Vaastu is cognitively understood as the concept of... more
The idea of comparing Whitehead with Bion was born when I first met Whitehead's idea, "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness" (FMC), and felt immediately that I knew it from my knowledge of Bion's work. The paper begins by indicating some... more
Neuropsychologia (2004), 42(5), 597-612. Associative visual agnosia is classically defined as normal visual perception stripped of its meaning (Lissauer, 1890): these patients cannot access to their stored visual memories to categorize... more