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The present paper entitled “Khoibu Nouns” is an attempt to describe the nouns and its categories of Khoibu, a Tibeto-Burman language being spoken by Khoibu tribe. The literal meaning of this tribe is derived from ‘khoi’ and ‘pu’, where... more
RESUMEN. El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en determinar cómo están constituidos los sintagmas nominales (SSNN) de la obra " Macario " de Juan Rulfo tanto en su versión original en español como en su traducción al francés.... more
A well-known generalization about bare numeral phrases (BNPs) in Mandarin is that they tend to require the existential verb you 'have' when in subject position, but there are some notable exceptions. This paper concentrates on the data... more
У статті на прикладі дослідження іменникових словосполучень висвітлено можливості застосування програмного забезпечення з лінгвістичною метою. Проаналізовано основні засади опису мови для введення лінгвістичної інформації в комп’ютер,... more
Nouns in Chinese-type languages behave differently in several salient ways from those in Germanic and Romance languages. To name a few: Chinese-type nouns do not have obligatory plural markers (-s/es) or articles (a/an/the), but they do... more
This paper reports on a corpus-based description of predicative nouns in a register-diversified financial corpus. Structural linguistics (Chomsky 1981) and register analysis (Biber & Conrad 2009) are the theoretical backgrounds of this... more
Primera aproximación teórica hacia los misterios de las expresiones nominales introducidas por el llamado "artículo determinado o definido" (el/la/los/las), el llamado "artículo indeterminado o indefinido" (un/una/unos/unas) y el aquí... more
This paper reports on a corpus-based description of predicative nouns in a register-diversified financial corpus. Structural linguistics (Chomsky 1981) and register analysis (Biber & Conrad 2009) are the theoretical backgrounds of this... more
This chapter talks about the Island Constraints (Ross, 1967) and its application to the noun phrases in Malay. This universal constraint applies for noun phrases which involved movement. The constraints discussed include complex noun... more
The semantic function of 'together' in adnominal position has generally been considered to be that of preventing a distributive reading of the predicate. On the basis of a new range of data, I will argue that this view is mistaken. The... more
The conditional sentence is the sentence that the conditional device comes first and its occurrence becomes conditional. In this research A critical study of structure of conditional sentence in Arabic grammars, the standpoints of the... more
Modifiers are elements used to modify the meaning of the head of their phrase. They are optional in that they may be removed without changing the syntactic structure of the sentence in which they occur. In AGk, adjectives are typically... more
Using a novel adaptation of the visual world eye-tracking paradigm we investigated children's and adults' online processing of reference in a naturalistic language context. Participants listened to a 5-minute long storybook while wearing... more
ÖZET: Fikir birliğine varılamayan pek çok öbek türü bulunmakla birlikte, bunların içinde en göze çarpanı varlığı dahi tartışma konusu olan takısız/eksiz ad öbeğidir. Bu tür için yapılan tanımlar, bazı öbekleri dışarıda bıraktığı gibi... more
Studies on children’s comprehension of definite DPs suggests that definiteness is difficult to acquire. However, most work has focused on languages with definite determiners and grammaticalized number. Vietnamese realizes number and... more
Статья посвящена анализу английских народных названий зернобобовых культур с целью улучшения качества переводов и формирования навыков владения специализированной лексикой на иностранном языке у будущих специалистов данного направления... more
The present study investigates the structure of of-complement noun phrase in Nigerian English, comparing findings with those of British and Ghanaian varieties. Of-complement is high in frequency and is a typical complement that has... more
The paper presents several techniques for selecting noun phrases for interactive query expansion following pseudo-relevance feedback and a new phrase-based document ranking method. A combined syntactico-statistical method was used for the... more
This study investigates the performance of two Italian nonfluent aphasic patients on noun–adjective agreement in compounds and in noun phrases. A completion, a reading, and a repetition task were administered. Results show that both... more
The study investigated the relationship between the demands for precision which tasks at different levels of referent similarity place on speakers and the use of more advanced nominal structures as measured by: (1) a multi-faceted model... more
In this paper, we present syntactic and semantic arguments that, in at least one articleless language (Lithuanian), bare nouns are able to project either NP or DP structures (cf. Franks & Pereltsvaig 2004, Ajíbóyè 2006, Pereltsveig 2006).... more
We provide an overview of a structural priming study in Turkish and an analysis of the data using logit mixed-effects modeling. As Turkish is an agglutinative language, it constitutes a unique testing ground for the universal and... more