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This study explored the personal narratives of six AFAB (“assigned female at birth”) singers – three cis and three trans/non-binary performers of varying ages, ethnicities and locales – to understand how their experiences informed their... more
The argument of this paper is that, despite their limits, gender 'proliferations' like non-binary and genderqueer are the most effective and pragmatic approaches to overcoming or dismantling the gender binary whilst also expanding the... more
This resource guide provides information, advice, considerations, and reference materials for the inclusion and protection of the Trans*, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming community in higher education. The guide is based, in part, on... more
Recently, discussions of non-binary gender identity have been increasingly featured in U.S. American mainstream print media, particularly mass market magazines, advertising and business editorials, and marketing reports from consumer... more
L'intento di questo elaborato è quello di esplorare la costruzione socio-culturale del binarismo di genere e la sua messa in discussione. Per fare ciò la dissertazione inizia con un capitolo introduttivo, utile per comprendere al meglio... more
This report provides the main analytical results of a survey distributed to gender minority students (i.e. transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming) in Irish higher education (Third-Level Programmes). The survey touched upon... more
Abstract "Normal Abnormalities" Intersex and the Psychology of a two-sex system. "Perhaps Adults just don't take childhood seriously" This is a qualitative study involving intersex people and their parents. It asks them to talk about... more
Collective memory work allows participants to recall, examine, and analyze their memories and experiences within a broader cultural context to see how their individual experiences link to collective, shared experiences of similar and/or... more
Transgender and gender diverse people often experience voice-gender incongruence, which is inversely correlated with health and quality of life. Such incongruence could be reduced with voice and communication training, but... more
Young people often feel social pressure to conform to binary masculine/feminine roles, which are assumed to be 'normal', and may adopt binary gender identities without exploring other gender expressions (Richards, et al., 2016). This can... more
This article argues for a new approach to the intersection of fat/trans identities that moves beyond “additive” accounts or those that simply highlight parallel struggles. The analysis addresses the divergent accounts of the... more
Algunas personas sienten que su identidad sexual o de género no encaja en las categorías binarias disponibles, sus vidas están invisibilizadas y sus necesidades no están suficientemente exploradas. A través de entrevistas... more
Video here: Please cite as: Walsh, R. and Einstein, G. (2016). (Trans)Feminism, Bodily Autonomy, and Situated Neuroscience: Separating Gender from Genitalia in Medicine and Feminism to Move... more
The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in shaping the history of psychological science. In recent years, serious... more
Sexual configurations theory (SCT) is a trans-inclusive theory, model, and measure of gender/sex and partnered sexuality that destabilizes ideas of universal gender truths and recognizes individuals’ authority to self-define. SCT makes... more
As a research team focused on vulnerable youth, we increasingly need to find ways to acknowledge non-binary genders in health research. Youth have become more vocal about expanding notions of gender beyond traditional categories of... more
Übersicht: Das Modell der Informierten Zustimmung bietet Trans*-Men-schen einen alternativen Zugang zur gegengeschlechtlichen Hormonbehandlung. Um die gegengeschlechtliche Hormonbehandlung beginnen zu können, muss nach Maßgabe dieses... more
The last few years have seen an increased visibility of non-binary persons who are publicly claiming their identities and pronouns beyond the gender binary in both English and French. While the singular “they” has gained favor among many... more
Considering that everything is political, this paper attempts to establish a typology of adaptive writing strategies for different larps and design purposes.
Claude Cahun fue uno de los surrealistas fundadores en París, compañero de Bataille y su entorno. Antes de llamarse públicamente Claude Cahun como poeta, fotógrafo, y ensayista, (​ Claude siendo un nombre masculino muy típico en Francia),... more
This study adds to the growing body of knowledge on gender nonconformity aspects of heteronormativity by examining its impact on the life course of hijras and their access to fundamental human rights in Pakistan. Drawing on 50... more
Based on in‐depth interviews, we explore how people who do not identify exclusively or consistently as either women or men (i.e., nonbinary people) navigate a culture that bifurcates people into women or men. Using an interactionist... more
On June 15, 2017, Bill C-16, an amendment to add “gender identity and gender expression” to Canada’s Federal Human Rights Act and Criminal Code, passed the Senate. This article argues that Bill C-16 is a necessary step towards... more
"Avant-propos", dans Vinay Swamy et Louisa Mackenzie, Devenir non-binaire en fançais contemporain.
Introduced with an account of how the work of academic trans theorists opened up many gender possibilities for trans people, this chapter looks at how the law has failed to keep step with these new gendered ways of being. Though there has... more
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO), a program of Sherbourne Health, led a needs assessment to learn about ongoing concerns and challenges faced by trans and non-binary children and youth; their parents and caregivers; and their service... more
Postgraduate dissertation awarded as Outstanding (A+). Abstract follows below. I hope you all enjoy. "The gender binary is a socially constructed system that classifies people by sex into two distinct, disconnected, polarised... more
As more students identify as transgender and genderqueer, it is essential that staff at college counseling centers are knowledgeable about gender diversity. This article provides a template for intake and initial assessment with... more
Few fields of identity are as widely misrepresented or wilfully misunderstood as those gathered under the label ‘transgender’ – the umbrella term for individuals who socially, legally, or medically transition away from the gender they... more
Throughout the world, early cultures have recognized multiple human genders beyond the male-female binary. In North America, historical documentation reflects third and fourth genders among over 150 Native American tribes (Roscoe 7). Many... more
La "transessualità" descritta in un'ottica costruzionista. Nelle prime sezioni del lavoro si presentano differenti configurazioni identitarie gender bender (dal transessualismo al crossdressing, dalle identità queer a quelle transgender)... more
Nonbinary trans identities have historically referred to a range of gender non-normative embodiments and self-making practices that stand on the outside of, or sometimes in di­ rect opposition to, the Western binary classifications of... more
An increase in visibility in the francophone world of people whose social gender sits or fluctuates outside the gender binary has prompted the question of how and why we must create a French language that accommodates them. The aim of... more
The subject of reflection will be the extension of the meaning of the lexeme osoba as an example of a new type of linguistic semantic change. Due to the growing need to express non-binary on the verbal level, it turned out that there is a... more
In their distinct speci c discursivity, the “bodies and pleasures” evoked by Foucault at the end of The Will to Knowledge seem to articulate the programmatic line for psychoanalysis to escape the deployment of sexuality Foucault reduced... more
Гендерная нейтрализация в русском и некоторых других славянских языках — это не вопрос внедрения новой лексики, а пересмотр грамматических норм, задающих определенное видение пола и гендера. Дискуссия затрагивает некоторые аспекты... more
La presente ricerca si propone di analizzare otto interviste rivolte a performer drag, persone transessuali e persone transgender/queer e, conseguentemente, di verificare se la loro esperienza di genere si ponga come conferma oppure come... more
This article looks into the cultural and legal milieu that has been made possible and has perpetuated the so-called trans* panic defense through dual means: the employment of the deception trope and a reliance upon a societal... more
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αποτελεί σχολιασμένη μετάφραση αποσπασμάτων από το μυθιστόρημα Sphinx της Anne F. Garréta, από τα γαλλικά στα ελληνικά. Σκοπός της είναι να παρουσιαστεί το έργο της Anne Garréta, η γλώσσα του μυθιστορήματος... more
La presente investigación establecerá una relación entre la retórica del diseño de indumentaria y la construcción de identidades de género no binario en las colecciones de diseñadores/as emergentes; si se tiene en cuenta que estas... more
Many reject the theory that gender or biological sex is a social construct. But given that biological sex is determined by the biology other problems arise. What reason is there biologically for holding to the binary gender distinction... more
A lo largo del siglo XX y principios del siglo XXI, los estándares de belleza, salud y bienestar referidos al cuerpo han variado mucho; pero sobre todo la industria de la moda ha dejado claro que las siluetas delgadas son las que deben... more