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Sexual desire is typically measured as a unitary erotic phenomenon and is often assumed by biological and biomedical researchers, as well as the lay public, to be directly connected to physiological parameters like testosterone (T). In... more
""Largely based on pre-theory that ties high testosterone (T) to masculinity, and low T to femininity, high T is mainly studied in relation to aggression, mating, sexuality, and challenge, and low T with parenting. Evidence, however,... more
"Despite the implication of the name, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects not merely the ovaries, but endocrine system function, psychological health, psychosocial and psychosexual development throughout the lifespan. Up to 10% of... more
This paper deals with the current law in England and Wales in relation to Pre Menstrual Syndrome, better known for its medical acronym PMS. The law has been rarely challenged in the jurisdiction, and when applied, has invariably... more
Surprising new findings indicate that many conclusions about sex differences and similarities in cognitive abilities need to be reexamined. Cognitive sex differences are changing, decreasing for some tasks whereas remaining stable or... more
Testosterone is typically understood to contribute to maleness and masculinity, although it also responds to behaviors such as competition. Competition is crucial to evolution and may increase testosterone but also is selectively... more
Sexual desire is typically higher in men than in women, with testosterone (T) thought to account for this difference as well as within-sex variation in desire in both women and men. However, few studies have incorporated both hormonal and... more
This volume targets essentialist sex-gender beliefs in modern society. The book is primarily a philosophical critique of the idea that “biology,” and testosterone (T) in particular, underpin and hence justify “natural” gender differences.
The way you use your voice affects the health of your thyroid. This is because the thyroid gland is stimulated by vocal vibrations, being located adjacent to the voice box. Shouting can over-stimulate the thyroid, just as being too... more
Although the theory of evolution was scientifically formulated only in the second part of the 19th century, the tradition of explaining and understanding humans as a (special, different) kind of animals dates back to the beginning of... more
Studies on the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in adult social Hymenoptera have focused on the regulation of two fundamental aspects of colony organization: reproductive division of labor between queens and workers and age-related division... more
Prior interpretations of the tattoos of nonhuman animals etched upon the preserved human bodies from the Pazyryk archaeological culture of Inner Asia have focused on solely human-generated meanings. This article utilizes an... more
Esports, or competitive video gaming, has rapidly increased in online play and viewing. The popularity of esports such as League of Legends may derive in part because it features skills-based coalitional competition. Whereas a sizable... more
The Challenge Hypothesis (Wingfield et al., 1990) originally focused on adult male avian testosterone elevated in response to same-sex competition in reproductive contexts. The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate how the... more
Research links explicit sexuality (e.g., physical attraction and pleasure) to high testosterone (T) and nurturance (loving contact) to low T. Engaging in sexual fantasy, which can include explicit sexual and nurturant elements, increases... more
RESUMEN. Se analiza la forma en que México aplica la normativa y otras estrategias de manejo, para la protección de los humedales costeros y aves de humedal de la Península de Yucatán según el Plan Estratégico Ramsar 2009-2015,... more
Variation in the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) maps onto a number of behavioral and psychological traits among men (e.g., aggression, unethical behavior, negotiation performance). Importantly, observer judgments of many of these... more
Testosterone (T) is generally theorized within a trade-off framework that contrasts parenting and low T with competitive challenges and high T. Paradoxically, baby cues increase T, prompting questions of whether T or its behavioral... more
Kundalini (adaptation of Kuṇḍalinī, devanagari) is a Sanskrit term originally used in some texts of the Tantric traditions to indicate that aspect of Śakti (śakti, devanāgarī, "energy", "power", in Hinduism, the power of a God to give... more
"Sexual stimuli increase testosterone (T) or cortisol (C) in males of a variety of species, including humans, and just thinking about sex increases T in women. We investigated whether sexual thoughts change T or C in men and whether... more
La investigación que presenta el libro tuvo como objetivo analizar las diferencias entre las decisiones económicas bajo riesgo y en contexto social durante las fases ovulatoria y lútea del ciclo menstrual. El enfoque utilizado fue el... more
Chronotype describes preferences for functioning at different times of the day. At the onset of puberty, a sharp shift towards eveningness starts, reaching its peak at the end of adolescence, followed by a steady shift towards morningness... more
A large body of research links testosterone and cortisol to male-male competition. Yet, little work has explored acute steroid hormone responses to coalitional, physical competition during middle childhood. Here, we investigate... more
Objectives Little psychoneuroendocrine research has focused on steroid hormone responses to non-physical competition in middle childhood. This study sought to observe testosterone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),... more
This is book 3 of a set of 4 that derives and details the process of transmuting a social system from organizational dysfunction to an Enchanted Collective. There are three barriers to be crossed to get to the prize that have eluded... more
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by chronical anovulation and hyperandrogenism which may be present in a different degree of severity. Insulin-resistance and hyperinsulinemia are the main physiopathological basis of this... more
We examined potential changes in salivary DHEA, androstenedione, cortisol, testosterone, and cortisol/DHEA atio in boys in response to soccer practice and soccer match competition. To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore the... more
This paper presents some preliminary findings from Wave 7 of the Innovation Panel (IP7) of Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study. Understanding Society is a major panel survey in the UK. In June... more
Starke Vorbehalte gegenüber biologischen Erklärungsansätzen in der Soziologie und Kriminologie haben lange eine integrierte Auseinandersetzung mit den Phänomenen Aggression und Gewalt (A/G) verhindert. Es gibt eine Vielzahl biologischer... more
La presente ricerca di dottorato è stata condotta in co-tutela tra l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II e l’Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina, attraverso la conduzione di un’indagine empirica qualitativa dedicata... more
Consistent with the hypothesis that some of the psychological, behavioral, and physiological characteristics of morning-and evening-types may represent adaptations to slow and fast life histories, respectively, this study investigated... more
• We model two environmental stressors: a cellular phone call and a mental stress. • Frequent versus sporadic cellular phone users demonstrate different HPA-axis response. • Baseline thyroid hormones predict HPA response to environmental... more
Variation in parental care can lead to important fitness consequences. The endocrine system is known to regulate physiological and behavioral reproductive traits that are important contributors to lifetime reproductive success. However,... more
This study examines day-to-day patterns of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) under baseline conditions and in response to mild stress among 59 children residing in a rural Caribbean village. Cortisol secretion showed the... more
Prescription testosterone sales in the United States have skyrocketed in the last two decades due to an aging population, direct-to-consumer advertising, and prescriber views of the benefits and risks to testosterone, among other factors.... more