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Resumen En este artículo pretendemos buscar los aspectos que confluyen en el ámbito de la musicoterapia y el arteterapia, comenzando por su definición y orígenes y siguiendo con los modelos teóricos más importantes. Al analizar los... more
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is commonly associated with motor symptoms; however, many patients with PD exhibit decline in executive functions. Executive functions refer to a broad array of generalized cognitive abilities such as cognitive... more
Three experiments assessed the hypothesis that cognitive benefits associated with exposure to music only occur when the perceived emotion expression of the music and the participant’s affective state match. Experiment 1 revealed an... more
Link is thrust into his destiny of having to defeat evil by collecting items and tools throughout Hyrule, proving himself a hero and eventually leading to a showdown with a villain. However, his journey is not as simple as defeating evil... more
Music listening is one of the most enigmatic of human behaviours and one of the most popular leisure activities. Music is a ubiquitous companion to people's everyday lives. Throughout history, scholars of various stripes have pondered the... more
Aangezien je nu present bent op de muziekwebsite Noisey ga ik er voor het gemak van uit dat je – net als wij – muziek reteleuk vindt. Het maakt een feestje, het maakt je dag en het helpt je over die ex heen te komen. Maar wat gebeurt er... more
This report evaluates the impact of live music in two hospitals in Nottingham, UK, as provided by Wellspring Music CIC. Observations and surveys showed positive responses among patients, which were also in line with what staff and... more
Research has shown that not only do young athletes purposively use music to manage their emotional state (Bishop, Karageorghis, & Loizou, 2007), but also that brief periods of music listening may facilitate their subsequent reactive... more
As COVID-19 infections surge in Europe, I publish the letter below in the hope of facilitating the freer and more personally liberating discussion of the causes and "cures" of this disease that I believe the Getty Conservation Institute... more
This literature review seeks to find out, if the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) could be a useful instrument in an inclusive scholastic context when music therapy-based interventions are applied. The aim is to compare studies in which... more
Music has cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral and motor benefits for people with neurological disorders such as dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Here we discuss seven properties or ‘capac- ities’ of... more
“Music for Affect Regulation”: music listening in group receptive music therapy in the treatment of depression Meertine M.J. Laansma, and P.M. Judith Haffmans Department of Mood Disorders, PsyQ Haaglanden, The Hague, The Netherlands In... more
l volume raccoglie contributi pluridisciplinari inerenti alla dimensione terapeutica della musica con particolare attenzione agli aspetti clinici, neurofisiologici e psicologici. Sono illustrate le molteplici prospettive dell'intervento... more
Introduzione Quanto ci appartiene un suono? Capita a tutti di sentire un suono o una canzone e immediatamente ricordarsi una persona o una situazione. Nei setting di musicoterapia un suono, un intervallo di due note o una sequenza di... more
The aim of this study is to present the fundamentals of Community Drum Circle, verify its immediate benefits and to analyze Drum Circle as a system according to the Music Therapy Theory using Benenzon’s concepts and Bruscia’s... more
Streszczenie: Artykuł podejmuje temat opieki w kontekście muzykoterapii. Jego celem jest określenie podobieństw i różnic pomiędzy opieką, a psychoterapią, której rodzajem jest również muzykoterapia. Artykuł wskazuje również na zawód... more
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
Background: Although it is true that adolescence is a stage of evolutionary development in which there are innumerable windows of opportunity, it is also the peak age at which some psychiatric disorders may appear. On the other hand,... more
In recent decades, the relationship between music, emotions, health and well-being has become a hot topic. Scientific research and new neuro-imaging technologies have provided extraordinary new insights into how music affects our brains... more
Assessment and clinical evaluation in music therapy are increasingly addressed as a topic of research from a theoretical and methodological perspective. At the beginning of the 21st century there is a considerable amount of music therapy... more
RESUMO O presente documento propõe-se a instigar uma reflexão sobre a música, e discutir os seus contributos no cotidiano da vida e da saúde dos indivíduos em diversos contextos; procura aproximar a música, como um meio terapéutico para... more
This research project is to implement Music therapy for patients at a local pain management clinic in California to increase patient satisfaction at office visits. A pain treatment plan is most effective when adding in a intervention... more
The capacity for music to function as a therapeutic force for bio-cognitive organization is considered in clinical and everyday contexts. Given the deeply embodied nature of such responses, it is argued that cognitivist approaches may be... more
Lisa Bonnár’s study furnishes opportunies of understanding Norwegian parents’ lullaby singing, a social and musical phenomen that has been hidden, until now, within the confines of private homes. Despite the vast research by psychologists... more
Listening to relaxing music was found to reduce state anxiety and state anger among various populations. Nonetheless, the impact of relaxing music in prisons has not yet been studied. The current study examines the impact of relaxing... more
The PhD study "A technology of well-being" takes on a positive, resource-oriented approach to the research on use of MP3 players. The aim of the study is to explore whether and how the use of MP3 players can function as a medium of... more
Interactions that occur between teacher and student during instrumental music lessons are complex and multifaceted and embrace a full range of promotive and demotive factors that not only underpin effective learning, but also have an... more
In this paper I reviewed two main themes: (1) how music can be used as a tool to increase an individual’s self-awareness (SA) and (2) how music and SA relates to individual and social psychology. To investigate these themes, I searched... more
Resumo: Neste estudo, apresentamos uma reflexão a respeito e relato do uso de técnicas de Musicoterapia na coleta de dados de desenvolvimento linguístico de crianças gêmeas e não gêmeas com desenvolvimento típico. Em específico, relatamos... more
Parkinson's disease is an incurable disease where music therapy appears to be beneficial as a part of patients'​ treatment. Mobility, as well as psychological and emotional changes, affects the quality of life of elderly people as a... more
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the different human tone colours on individuals’ moods. The research design was determined as quasi- experimental design with test control group. In accordance with this purpose, the... more
This paper puts forward a proposal for a major update of the well-established semiotic theory of Lerdahl and Jackendoff. Two modes of comprehension of music: from top-to-bottom and from bottom-to-top - are cross-examined in a number of... more
The purpose of this research was to explore the effects of music on inducing emotion in the listener as well as to explore the relationships between musical preferences and personality. Using vol- untary participants( N=83) and a... more
It is the aim of this study to establish live neonatal nurse and parental infant-directed singing as a potentially efficacious intervention that is beneficial to the health and development of infants in neonatal care and which could... more
El presente texto es un resumen del libro "Paneuritmia, Salud y Bienestar: un modelo Búlgaro de Actividad Física" de Ludmila Chervencova, publicado en 2013, en Sofía, por la Editorial Universitaria “St. Kliment Ohridski” (en búlgaro). El... more
This study investigated applications of mainstream music technology for creative music making by people with disabilities within a person centred music therapy context. The research was undertaken with service users from two Enable... more
It is indisputable that music has the ability to evoke strong emotional responses. This attribute is especially intense when listeners encounter music, which they are familiar with. Previously formatted structural knowledge of the... more
Os benefícios da música para a saúde, em especial, examinando seus efeitos psicológicos e neurológicos, já tem sido bastante documentado, mas a interação entre música, emoção e o sistema imunológico e de qual o papel da Musicoterapia... more
Singing as therapy has received much anecdotal support as a means of lowering stress and invigorating the spirit. These advantages are yet to be substantiated by a broad base of empirical research. To directly investigate psychological... more
Resumen Este artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación que se llevó a cabo con alumnos de ESO participantes en un programa de Musicoterapia. Estos pertenecían a los grupos de 3º y 4º de Diversificación Curricular de un centro... more
Resumo: Os benefícios da música para a saúde, em especial, examinando seus efeitos psicológicos e neurológicos, já têm sido bastante documentados, mas a relação entre música, emoção, estresse e o sistema imunológico e qual o papel da... more