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We propose a new method for extracting key frames from a motion capture sequence. Our proposed approach consists of two steps. In the first step, we propose a new metric, curve saliency, for motion curves that specifies the important... more
In this paper we respond to the theme of real-time virtual performance that generates ways to increase embodied and spatial knowledge in the contexts of theatre history, scholarship and related performer education. Through discussing a... more
Many causes can be at the origin of hip osteoarthritis (e.g., cam/pincer impingements), but the exact pathogenesis for idiopathic osteoarthritis has not yet been clearly delineated. The aim of the present work is to analyze the... more
Classical film theory topics, such as the divide between live action and animation, the definition of cinematic performance, and the configuration and impact of the star system continue to shape – while also being reshaped by – discourse... more
Abstract. A framework is outlined that can be employed to obtain gender and other characteristics of the agent from human motion patterns and subsequently use this information to synthesize motion with particular, well-defined biological... more
While an actor's performance in a stage play may be seen as a continuous and unmediated form of acting, an actor's performance in a film is constructed through shot framing, editing, effects work, and other cinematic apparatuses. With the... more
This work describes a method that passively assesses basic walker-assisted gait characteristic, including heel strikes, toe-off events, as well as stride time, double support and right & left single support phases using only force-moment... more
The main goal of this research is to develop a mixed reality (MR) application to support motion capture actors. This application allows seeing and exploring a digital environment without occluding the actor’s visual field. A prototype is... more
Limited hip extension mobility has been proposed as a possible cause of both increased anterior pelvic tilt and subsequent exaggerated lumbar lordosis during walking and running. The purpose of the present study was to examine the... more
(from editor's introduction): "...Alla Gadassik continues the focus on new technologies, moving beyond discussing CGI's function in bringing the ghost to (nonorganic) life to explore the way animation is itself, to an ever greater degree,... more
This thesis comprehends the appeal in motion capture animation. The problem in this study is that many books deal only with the definition of the appeal from the perspective of conventional animation, therefore, a phenomenological study... more
It is often postulated that an increased hip to shoulder differential angle (`X-Factor') during the early downswing better utilises the stretch-shorten cycle and improves golf performance. The current study aims to examine the potential... more
The current, system-specific countermeasures to space deconditioning have limited success with the musculoskeletal system in long duration missions. Artificial gravity (AG) that is produced by short radius centrifugation has been... more
In this work we present a novel, robust transition generation technique that can serve as a new tool for 3D animators, based on adversarial recurrent neural networks. The system synthesizes high-quality motions that use temporally-sparse... more
Abstract Background Trunk flexion and extension have already been found to have different characteristics, such as those in lumbopelvic rhythm. Although a more advanced method of quantifying such rhythm, lumbopelvic continuous relative... more
This contribution surveys strategies for analyzing highly coordinated forms of collaborative dance improvisation, based on tango argentino. Specifically, we take interest (a) in micro-coordination at the <1 s timescale in dance elements... more
Performance Capture (PCap) is the process of capturing a continuous recording of an actor's movements and emotions using motion capture technology, typically in a 3D virtual world. This presents a somewhat unique situation for the actor... more