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Fren kuvveti uygulanan tekerlek aracın hızına uygun olmayan şekilde yavaş dönerse bu olaya kayma denir. Serbest dönen tekerlek %0 kaymalıdır. Kilitlenmiş olan tekerleğin kayması % 100'dür. En ideal fren durumu tekerleğin durduğu anda... more
Objective: Human body finite element models (FE-HBMs) are available in standard occupant or pedestrian postures. There is a need to have FE-HBMs in the same posture as a crash victim or to be configured in varying postures. Developing FE... more
The state estimation and the analysis of load flow are very important subjects in the analysis and management of Electrical Power Systems (EPS). This article describes the state estimation in EPS using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and... more
Real-time simulations refer to the simulations of a physical system where model equations for one time-step are solved within the same time period as in reality. An FPGA/CPU-based real-time simulation platform is presented in this paper,... more
Published: 1 Sept , 2019 Today most accidents are caused by drivers’ fatigue, drowsiness and losing attention on the road ahead. In this paper, a system is introduced, using RGB-D cameras to automatically identify drowsiness and give... more
Fast charging is an essential stakeholder concern for achieving a deeper penetration of Electric Vehicles (EVs), as optimizing the charging times of conventional vehicles is as yet a bottleneck to be solved. An important drawback of EV’s... more
Global opportunities in the auto industry have resulted in increases in production outside North America. This paper reports the results of a study in which a group of small automotive suppliers assessed the appropriateness of global... more
Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today's development of technology provides the user the access to information about their... more
BMW has never disappointed any of the customer when it comes to dynamic sporty driving experience on the road. It is the car of dreams in every aspect. Powerful engines, dynamic power range, beautiful interior and elegant exterior make it... more