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Due to its electoral performance in the 2012 general elections, SYRIZA, a previously unknown Greek political formation of the radical left, gained unprecedented visibility within the European public sphere. How is this strong showing and... more
Organizing Against Democracy investigates some of the most important challenges modern democracies face, filling a distinctive gap in the literature, both empirically and theoretically. Ellinas examines the attempts of three of the most... more
The Great Recession triggered an unprecedented level of political turmoil in Greece, leading to a major readjustment of the party system and the near disappearance of the once mighty socialists of PASOK. Gradually, SYRIZA – a... more
This article examines the evolution of patron–client relationships in Greece, Spain, and Turkey through the prism of the rural–urban divide. It traces which modes of clientelism (rural or urban) are more evident in these countries today,... more
Governments led by technocrats remain a nebulous category in political science literature, with little clarity about how they differ from party governments, how many have existed and how we can differentiate between them. This article... more
Following the signing of the Prespa Agreement in June 2018, the Macedonian name issue became the most prominent topic on the Greek political agenda, catalysing an exceptional political confrontation and contributing to the realignment of... more
This article problematizes how non-spatial factors facilitate the formation of extraordinary ideologically mismatched government coalitions. An intensive case study analysis of the SYRIZA-ANEL governments in Greece (2015-2019) suggests... more
The onset of the economic crisis and the austerity measures outlined in the EU\IMF bailout were followed by a series of large-scale protests in Greece. The continuous mobilization, for several weeks, of the Indignant Citizens was a... more
This paper attempts to make a contribution to the study and understanding of the phenomenon of globalization and its interplay with national politico-economic systems. How did globalization resonate and/or dominate in different national... more
Which factors account for successful policy reform and what role does discourse play in the process? This article examines this empirical puzzle with reference to the timely issue of Greek reform failure. A matched comparison with Italy... more
How do citizens in countries with weak institutions and highly disrupted media landscapes navigate news? We examine a typical South European case, Greece, via cross-national data sets. Combining data from a pool of different surveys, we... more
"Tormented by History" is the first comparative study of nationalism in Greece and Turkey. Grounded in an extensive critical review of the popular and scholarly historiography and literature on Greek and Turkish nationalisms, it traces... more
The 2015 elections in Greece signalled a change in the country's government. SYRIZA, the main party of the new coalition, was elected on the promise of clashing with the European and international institutions to alleviate the burden of... more
Economic reforms face a collective action problem: they trigger the reaction of groups that expect significant losses, while the government must forge a support coalition among those who anticipate gains. This problem may exhibit a... more
Amidst the burgeoning literature on the use social media in electoral politics, there are still relatively few studies that seek to understand developments in digital campaigning from the inside. Drawing on nine semi-structured interviews... more
This article argues for the analytical potentials of the concept of spontaneity in our effort to understand critically the socio-spatial dynamics of Athens, but especially the contemporary collective protest actions in the city. Such... more
This article argues that the conventional conceptualization in political science of politics is problematic, that it is overly narrow and constrained. This is because it excludes a range of actions like satire and humour which have come... more
How do children encounter and relate to public life? Drawing on evidence from ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2014 and 2016 for the ERC-funded Connectors Study on the relationship between childhood and public life, this paper... more
Interrogating available indexes from a discourse-theoretical point of view, this paper utilizes a reformulated populism index in order to identify populist parties. In particular, the index is applied in a candidate survey carried out in... more
How should one understand the influence of Europeanization on social partnership? This article examines the impact of the European Employment Strategy (EES) on Greek social partnership and the role of employers and unions in the... more
The rise of Costas Simitis and his ‘modernizers’ faction to the leadership of PASOK in January 1996 brought certain changes to Greece's foreign policy. Contrary to the widespread belief that Simitis's impact has steered Greece away from... more
The past few years have seen an unexpected resurgence of street-level protest movements around the world, from the rise of anti-austerity protests in Spain, Greece, and Israel to the global spread of the Occupy movement. This collection... more
The economic crisis has meant that radical left parties in Europe have been faced with changing socio-economic environments. In this study we deal with the questions of how European radical left parties have responded to the crisis in... more
By adopting a neorealist approach to alliance formation this paper examines the trilateral partnership of Israel, Cyprus and Greece. It argues that since its inception in 2011 it has developed into a (‘comfortable’) quasi-alliance – a... more
Since the 1980s, the countries of the (then) European Community (EC) 1 engaged in joint policymaking in an area that was not initially an EC competence 2 : policies on various aspects of immigration by third-country nationals (i.e.,... more
Populism has often been conceptualised as a ‘necessary evil’, a phenomenon that is at odds with core elements of representative democracy while also fulfilling a functional role.While the literature on populism has seen a healthy growth,... more
The results achieved by the Ecologists-Greens between 2007 and 2009 represented the strongest ever electoral performance of any Greek ecological party. Was the rapid electoral rise of the Greek Green party a product of growing public... more
In the 1990s a flow of ethnic Greek immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Greece created several challenges for the Greek state, which attempted to assist in their settlement and social integration, and for the immigrants themselves,... more
The aim of this article is to investigate “antipopulism” as a distinct discursive repertoire that marginalizes “the people” as the legitimizing cornerstone of democracy. After providing an account of the Greek post-democratic transition... more
The July 2019 parliamentary election was the first national election since Greece officially exited the eight-year bailout programmes in August 2018. It was preceded by three ballots on European Parliament, regional and munici- pal... more
This paper aims at exploring the state of centre-left politics in Greece and Turkey by focusing on the transformation of the two leading centre-left parties in the two countries, the Greek Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Panellinio... more
In this paper the views of a sample of 74 Greek Members of Parliament (MPs) on European integration and the handling of the economic crisis by the EU are discussed and interpreted. The survey of MPs, which was conducted in 2014, is a... more
This article argues that the origins of the Greek malaise are primarily political rather than economic and rooted in the delay, postponement, and half-hearted implementation of public policy reforms that preceded the crisis. The 2007-08... more
In this paper we present the findings of research designed to test if and how populist attitudes among political elites as well as voters (supply and demand) can be measured by including a battery of items in a survey questionnaire... more
BOOK ABSTRACT: Party Patronage and Party Government in European Democracies brings together insights from the worlds of party politics and public administration in order to analyze the role of political parties in public appointments... more
Published in Alexandros Kioupkiolis & Giorgos Katsambekis (eds) Radical Democracy and Collective Movements Today: The Biopolitics of the Multitude versus the Hegemony of the People, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, pp. 169-190.
This book examines the present crisis of Greece’s political economy as a crisis of stateness, tackling the domestic as well as the international dimensions. It represents the first attempt by Greek academics to put forward a... more