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A monograph book published about the Burmese Myanmar painter Aung Kyaw Htet. Written by Shireen Naziree and published by Thavibu Gallery, Bangkok
"The romantic tale of Peter Abelard and Heloise has been widely known for centuries. The legend relates in part to the letters exchanged between the two, years after Abelard had been castrated at the behest of Heloise's vindictive uncle,... more
ATANAZY Z ALEKSANDRII I „KRÓLESTWO PUSTYNI” W JEGO DZIEŁACH (Streszczenie) Prezentowany artykuł ma na celu ukazanie roli św. Atanazego Wielkiego w propagowaniu życia monastycznego w jego dziełach: Żywocie świętego Antoniego, Listach do... more
Because one is made spiritually alive from the dead, baptism into Christ can accurately be described as a spiritual revolution of the heart.
William Wordsworth's poetry reveals his interest in the social model of the Catholic monastery, his sense of this model's vulnerability during political crises, and its potential in addressing the social and environmental concerns of the... more
In the light of a new reading of archaeological data of this site we propose a new hypothesis. It is possible we are facing a monastery specialized in the production of parchment. We examine El Bolavar linking the site with its nearest... more
Figures like Voltaire and Rousseau are sometimes cited as examples of vegetarians in 18th century France. But were they? Poverty and religious requirements certainly compelled some to follow a meatless diet, but was anyone who did so... more
This paper focuses on the theme of the Dormition of monks - hermits and/or cœnobites - as represented in the earliest figurative sources of Byzantine art, and especially in illustrated manuscripts. The study of the material led to the... more
Some neat praises and prayers from the Essenes over at the Salt Sea Academy.

Turned out great!

[enhanced 2nd Edition]
Статтю присвячено розгляду передумов формування колегіуму Товариства Ісуса у Львові в другій половині XVI ст. Аналізуючи студії з історії Товариства єзуїтів, легко зауважити помітний ухил в сторону досліджень їхньої освітньої діяльності,... more
the hermits & other monks of the 3rd-5th centuries or so. (pre-Benedictine or Gregorian. the early days of the spartan Christian monks, in the centuries after Constantine (AD 300-350), and after the Gnostics and Manicheans (AD 75-175... more
Статията спира вниманието върху монасите от така нар. “нео-халкедонизъм” – теологично движение, което възниква след Четвъртият вселенски събор / Халкедонският събор (в малоазийския град Халкедон от 08 октомври до 01 ноември 451 г.).... more
the 2nd book of the Gospel of Truth! The book of the Testimony of Truth is a late Gnostic writing that is basically the last gospel book in the broader Christian canon. The book is from the other 1945 discovery of religious writings,... more
"Closer to Eve: Touch and Typology in the Genesis Illumination of the Stammheim Missal" considers the typological relationship between the Genesis and Assumption illuminations of the Stammheim Missal in order to explain the unusual... more
the Book of Miscellanies of Gnostic Notes, a century and a half of monk's Bible notes, AD 50-200 Renumbers well to 3361-5565, even if a little choppy at times, like a boat Based on the large Letter of Barnabas (and Matthew), to James... more
The third biannual Early Modern British and Irish Catholicism conference, jointly hosted by Durham University and the University of Notre Dame, will concentrate on the relationship between religious orders and British and Irish Catholicism.
For centuries, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania constituted a place of operation of numerous Latin religious observations: monks, mendicant orders as well as canonical and clerical, and its capital – Vilnius – was one of the most important... more
2015-10-02: You find today's update here as well: 2015-04-05: Lay-out changes only. 2014-12-24: Henry Holiday's depiction of the "Broker" in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark"... more
Buddhist monks and Buddhism more generally are often imagined, especially in Western countries, to be inherently nonviolent. While the Buddha certainly never advocated violence, many Buddhists, including Buddhist monks, have variously... more
Looking at modern monasticism and its role in society one can see how traditional monastic concepts or values find their new forms. On the other hand, art and artists willingly, though not always consciously, use or refer to some monastic... more
The exposition at the Rheinisches Landes Museum Bonn (till January 28, 2018) offers a wide range to understand the so called white monks . Their spirituality "pray and work" combined with simplicity and poverty enabled at the same time... more
The majority of people in Thailand are devout Buddhists, with over 95 percent of the country following Buddhism and its entailed traditions and practices. Buddhism therefore, of course, plays an integral part in the culmination of Thai... more
Christian monasticism, a wide spiritual and social movement in Christianity, began at the end of the 3rd century A.C., both in the desert of Egypt and also in Palestine and Syria. The life and culture of its first representatives has... more
Este artigo explora a temática das relações eremíticas e cenobíticas no norte da atual Inglaterra, na Nortúmbria entre os séculos XI e XII. Os dois ideais de vida espiritual não foram dicotômicos e a regra beneditina considerou que alguns... more