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Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the country has been transformed. Among these transformations was the creation of a series of memorials to document, preserve, and commemorate the genocide. In 2016, the National Commission for the... more
On the occasion of the opening in 2020 of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, stylistic trends of modern Orthodox architecture and ecclesiastical art are analyzed. It’s considered the phenomenon of the reconstruction of the... more
Based on the analysis of files from the Department of Defence, and drawing on interviews with veterans and on their associations' press, the article focuses on the Algerian War National Memorial in Paris, its long gestation and... more
During the period of NR/SR Bosnia & Herzegovina (1945-1992) thousands of monuments commemorating the People’s Liberation War, Struggle and Movement (commonly referred to in abbreviated form as NOR, NOB and NOP - henceforth collectively... more
In this course we examine the public remembering and memorialization of historic events that leads to memorials and monuments in the fields of architecture, sculpture and film. We begin by examining the nature of memory, and specifically... more
In: Ariane Eichenberg, Christian Gudehus, Harald Welzer (Hg.): Gedächtnis und Erinnerung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, Stuttgart/Weimar 2010, S. 177-183.
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
The restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on Holocaust commemoration intensified the development of distinct modes of social media memory.
La ricerca indaga gli spazi culturali del ricordo, ovvero quei luoghi dove risiede la memoria collettiva legata ai drammi del Novecento in Europa, nel periodo che va dalla fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale ai conflitti nei Balcani. Questi... more
This chapter examines the phenomenon of forced and undocumented migration by focusing on the heritage produced by the Vietnamese refugee diaspora following the Vietnam War (1955—1975). The analytical sources for this examination are the... more
This research discusses the challenges of establishing a collective memory for gay victims of the Nazi terror in World War II and examines the introduction of gay victimhood into the public sphere through memorialization efforts. While... more
Considered selected examples of contemporary art (Russian and foreign) addressed to the topic of monumentalization / memorialization. Emphasized the problem of “spiritual emptiness” in the public consciousness, as well as the possibility... more
Publié dans la revue "De Cliärrwer Kanton" Edition spéciale 2015 "Liex de mémoire", cet article traite l'instrumentalisation de faits historiques par un groupe politique à 100 des événements. L'article se consacre aux jeux du pouvoir... more
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Design and Heritage provides the first extended study of heritage from the point of view of design history. Exploring the material objects and spaces that contribute to our experience of heritage, the volume also examines the processes... more
Around the same time the political controversy was brewing in the US over the removal of the Confederate statues, a parallel controversy was unfolding in Barcelona around the fate of a monument that was originally erected in 1884 to honor... more
An examination of the Monument Movement in the years after the War Between the States looking at the reasons, meanings, and the monuments erected beginning with the early monuments in the North and the later rise of Southern monuments as... more
'Mechtild Widrich's astonishing and original book connects performance histories, feminist theory and speech act theory to elucidate the "event character" of public art by contemporary artists. With her bracing formulation of the... more
"Because of its design and scale, Menga is an outstanding megalithic monument. As such, it has also had a remarkable biography, dating back to the early part of the 4th millennium BC and spanning all prehistoric and historic periods since... more
Presentation and slides at the commemorative conference "80 years Tertele", organized by the Dersim Cultural Association Berlin (Dersim Kulturgemeinde Berlin) and the Federation of Dersim Associations in Europe (FDG) in Berlin, 6th May,... more
Il corso intende riflettere criticamente, con esempi e casi di studio, sul tema della relazione delle società umane con il passato anche a partire dagli stimoli emersi dal recente movimento di dibattito culturale denominato “cancel... more
"This special issue of "Patrimonio Histórico" (Historical Heritage), the bulletin of the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute, brings together a series of contributions aimed at disseminating the concept of megalithic heritage among... more
The commemoration of disasters is a product of social, cultural, economic, and political forces in human society. Southern California's largely unheard-of St. Francis Dam Disaster of 1928 provides an excellent opportunity to study this... more
The memorial complex of Tsitsernakaberd in Yerevan is analysed as an architectural and symbolic entity in relation to the Armenian national identity in the aftermath of the Armenian genocide. How does this Soviet­ era structure fulfil... more
The megalithic phenomenon is one of the most exciting subjects of study in prehistory. The practice of monumentalising places of special significance by erecting large stones started during the Neolithic period, approximately 10.000 years... more
Vulnerable realism can imply two different understandings: one presenting weak realism as incomplete, and mixed with other literary styles; the other bringing realistic vulnerable experience into narration. The second is the key meaning... more
En: Salamanca, C. y Jaramillo, J. (eds.). Políticas, espacios y prácticas de la memoria. Disputas y tránsitos actuales en Colombia y América Latina. Bogotá: Universidad Javeriana: 149-183
Spätestens seit dem Aufkommen der völkischen PEGIDA und der AfD ist klar, dass politisches System und Gesellschaft der DDR aus dem Kontext des historischen Nationalsozialismus wie des gegenwärtigen Rechtsradikalismus genauso wenig... more
This essay considers the important role played by tombs, contrived historical ruins and artefacts in the landscape painter Hubert Robert's (1733-1808) landscape compositions for aristocratic patrons.
Una infanta castellana ocupó el trono inglés en el siglo XIII, dejando importantes efemerides para la historia del Reino Unido durante su reinado. Los monumentos que el rey Eduardo I ordeno erigir en su memoria, siguen siendo un... more
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
In the context of the huge diversification in the field of cultural heritage, there are nowadays many touristic places whose main appeal lies in the connection with tragic events. Beyond the scope of cultural tourism, it may be confusing... more
Tainted political symbols ought to be confronted, removed, or at least recontextualized. Despite the best efforts to achieve this, however, official actions on tainted symbols often fail to take place. In such cases, I argue that... more