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Pričujoče delo analizira različne načine poročanja o kriznih razmerah, kjer se novinarji in novinarke soočajo z množičnimi kršitvami človekovih pravic. Vsi ti dogodki, o katerih naj bi mediji poročali, imajo skupno točko – od novinarja... more
The Didactic Wall by the artist Mladen Miljanović is a subversive educational installation that focuses on the issue of migrants, refugees, displaced persons and apatrids, and the difficulties they face when moving towards their desired... more
This paper focuses on EU response to humanitarian crises. The history and nature of EU decisionmaking structures are frequent subjects of scholarly treatments, but a paucity of academic literature directly addresses the impact of EU... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse Mohsin Hamid's 2017 Exit West as a literary response to the 2015 migrant crisis. Hamid's fourth novel will be shown as, on the one hand, a formal departure from his previous works, but on the other, a... more
Burna dešavanja na međunarodnoj sceni, koja su obeležila početak novog milenijuma, dovela su do renasanse geopolitičke misli i buđenja interesovanja za klasične geopolitičke teorije. Događaji i procesi poput terorističkog napada na... more
RELIGION AS A GENERATOR OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE ON BALKAN Summary: Religion is like an inexhaustible source of ideas, often due to misconception, the ignitor of irrational behavior, fanatic behavior and extremist action. Our focus will be... more
The stunning defeat of the ‘Remain camp’ in the Brexit referendum in the UK and the surprise ‘discursive dominance’ of Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump throughout the presidential primaries cycle on the other side of the Atlantic have... more
The current migrant crisis and accompanying media panics have drastically altered the dominant image of refugees among Poles from stable to positively negative. Based on data from the European Social Survey, research reports from the... more
The EU foreign policy towards its southern neighbours in North Africa and Near East is pressured internally to deliver on security goals and normative values, while being challenged in the Mediterranean region. Uprisings and instability... more
An analysis of German attitudes & reactions to the 2015 Migrant crisis
This article analyzes, from the perspective of Samuel Huntington’s hypothesis about a “clash of civilizations,” the nature of the mass sexual assaults on women committed by migrants coming from non-European countries on New Year’s Eve... more
In the contemporary world there is an increasing number of reasons for which citizens of a country leave to another one. It is shown that people on the move are an almost inevitable source of social and political shocks, conflicts and... more
Mass migrations in the modern world represent exquisitely significant social, demographic, economic, but security phenomenon. A Migrant crisis has become a very delicate political question, creating an intensive and public debate which... more
The paper analyses communication about the European migrant crisis in East-Central Europe, particularly in the Czech Republic, as it was happening on the Facebook platform. In discussions amongst Czechs, the collective Orientalist... more
The European Union (EU) migrant and refugee crisis present a number of explanatory challenges on Liberal Intergovernmentalism (LI). Since 2015, the EU has been accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees following the relentless unrest... more
The Mediterranean is a complex area, i.e. the crossroad of different religions, cultures and civilizations. Political upheavals on the other side of the Mediterranean affect the stability of the Eastern Mediterranean region and the Balkan... more
This paper sets out to examine and appropriate the concept of precarity within the framework of Europe's migrant crisis. By understanding precarity as an analytic tool that helps structure current conditions of political, economic and... more
This chapter examines how ironic utterances in forums are used for the purpose of collective positioning of the commenting readers in opposition to other groups. Approaching irony as an act of echoic interpretation, the analysis focuses... more
Mediterraneus sum: multiplicis nihil a me alienum puto. Così si potrebbe dare inizio a un itinerario di riscoperta del significato primo di "mediterraneo", non per ricostruire un'archeologia del termine attraverso la riflessione... more
Participation in the Study Day "Écrire la guerre: Artistes et chercheurs face aux crises du Moyen-Orient (Syrie, Liban, Palestine)" Jeudi 27 juin 2018, librairie Mollat, Station Ausone Journée d’étude organisée par Ève de... more
The paper aims at a study of the recent trend of increased militarization of border security in the face of mass migratory influx. The theoretical framework of analysis draws on the findings of the theory of civil-military relations,... more
In the paper authors dealing with the issue how system for biometrics identification are being used to manage the migrant crisis in Europe. Regarding to that, authors underlying problem of identification of migrants, due to the fact that... more
This project is the first step of an ongoing investigation on the so-called refugee crisis from a spatial and legislative point of view: my final aim is NOT to provide a solution but to create awareness on aspects not always taken in... more