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The Didactic Wall by the artist Mladen Miljanović is a subversive educational installation that focuses on the issue of migrants, refugees, displaced persons and apatrids, and the difficulties they face when moving towards their desired... more
This document, intended as a resource for researchers, is derived from the thesis "The Partisans’ Cemetery in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Implications of the deterioration of a Monument and Site", defended at the Raymond Lemaire... more
The epoch we live in is the era of networking, both virtual and real. In this networking, there is a fluid and fast flow of information that requires an individual to be in the course of all changes. However, the availability of a huge... more
Magistarski rad pod nazivom ''Bihać i okolina u Drugom svjetskom ratu prema izvještajima Komisije za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača'' odbranjen je 12. 10. 2018. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu... more
"Potrebno je zapitati se: Zašto nam je neprihvatljiva ? Odgovor na ovo pitanje je istovremeno vrlo jednostavan, ali komplikovan. Kada je historičar Klaus Rot objašnjavao pojam stereotipa, on ga je opisao kao uvjerenje i znanja iz navika.... more