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Maria Paola ZANOBONI, Donne al lavoro nell’Italia e nell’Europa medievali (secc.XIII-XV), Milano, Jouvence, 2016 VINCITORE DEL PREMIO ITALIAMEDIEVALE 2017: more
The legal framework of the salt trade in Hungary before the Mongol invasion was different from what we know from the late fourteenth century. Approximately till the end of the eleventh century the production of the Transylvanian salt... more
A lexical overview of architecture in the Nordic countries 500-1000 CE
Впервые в русскоязычной нумизматической литературе публикуется анализ чеканки серебряной монеты в Королевстве Норвегия на протяжении трех столетий – от завершающего этапа эпохи викингов до утери страной государственного суверенитета.... more
Esta obra colectiva pretende responder a varios de los interrogantes que nos plantean las formas de la vida política, socio-económica y cultural de los puertos del sur de la Europa atlántica desde la segunda mitad del siglo XII, cuando la... more
Η μεσαιωνική “οικονομική” σκέψη και νοοτροπία και ο συσχετισμός της με τους οικονομικούς και κοινωνικούς μετασχηματισμούς που συντελούνται κατά τον Ύστερο Μεσαίωνα.
This article is a pioneering first study of the effects of the Great Famine of 1315-22 in Wales, examining, as a case study, the Medieval Marcher Lordship of Dyffryn Clwyd (now central Denbighshire). It concludes that the famine may have... more
The idea that, from the end of the thirteenth century, Pisa underwent a process of inexorable economic decline and progressive subordination to the interests of the Florentines has already been contested by Federigo Melis, Marco... more
As is known, after the Council of Constance, Popes endeavoured to increase the Papal State’s temporal revenues as much as possible through a reorganization of the financial administration, both central and local, at the expense of the... more
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
RISK AND MEDIEVAL ‘NEGOTIUM’ presents how the concepts of risk and responsibility in economic life were described in the medieval texts. The analysed sources belong to the early phase of the medieval reflection on business and... more
This lecture attempted an overview over the area of the present-day states of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland, highlighting the testimony of the Byzantine coins (hoards and stray finds) found there and dated from... more
Resumo: Os manuais de mercadores fazem parte de um gênero literário que começa a se difundir no Ocidente europeu, a partir do século XIII. Neste artigo, apresentamos os principais manuais escritos por mercadores vinculados às grandes... more
La fiscalidad extraordinaria, resultado de la negociación entre el monarca y diversos cuerpos políticos, se convirtió en el siglo XV no solo en un elemento clave del sistema hacendístico castellano sino también en uno de los ejes... more
During the 15th and 16th centuries, the northern Balkans occupied a key position in the copper trade of central and eastern Europe and its distribution to the Mediterranean. Within the territory of the Hungarian Crown, copper was produced... more