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Abstract This work presents the effect, in terms of travel distance and material handling time reductions, of an optimal rather than a uniform item allocation in one-block picking warehouses, both with and without the use of a simple... more
Energy efficiency is one of the most cost effective ways to enhance security of energy supply, and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The EU Commission has proposed that all Member States establish a national... more
The International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2016 will take place in Poland, from September 29th till October 1st 2016, hosted by the Faculty of Management, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and... more
Control of almost any system implies to design a close-loop that has, in front of the plant model a controller. The main role of this controller is to reduce the error, which represents the difference between the set point (the desired... more
This paper represents the design, implementation, and experimental results of RF based wireless control of a distributed PLC Controlled Automated Guided Vehicle , which is known as MTAB ROVER. It was designed in-house as a general purpose... more
Implementing automated material handling system improve the productivity and profitability of a company. Despite these advantages, implementing such a system implies investments thus the increase of the product’s cost. Thus, it is... more
Textile mill consumes a huge amount of raw material for conversion of raw material to final products. The mills are using a large number of machines and processes. During conversion of raw material to end product; material moves from one... more
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Increase in the Productivity is the important factor for the organization to achieve the maximum output in required time. In today's world different types of plastic bags are used like carrying, security and for storage purpose. In... more
Wooden boxes of size 300 x 500 x 250mm weighing 200 kgs are to be conveyed by a gravity roller conveyor up to a distance of approximately 4 meters. At the entry end, the boxes are loaded by a crane with tong mechanism, at the roller top... more
An Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) is a set of cooperative driverless vehicle, used on manufacturing floor and coordinated by a centralized or distributed computer-based control system. AGVs-based Material Handling Systems (MHSs) are... more
This project presents the idea of using programmable logic controller (PLC) in industrial automation. The use of PLC is a major factor. A digital computer used for automation of typical industrial electro-mechanical processes such as... more
The problem statement for the above said project is elaborated as, Using proper knowledge of Mechanical Engineering; the cycle time for the post manufacture machining is to be reduced drastically. The project preferably must employ use of... more
This paper presents an automation of packaging and material handling using a programmable logic controller. The idea is to automate the process of placing the materials inside a box, detecting good and bad items in terms of weight, and... more
In recent years, the continuous increase of greenhouse gas emissions has led many companies to investigate the activities that have the greatest impact on the environment. Recent studies estimate that around 10% of worldwide CO 2... more
The concrete slabs used for drainage purpose are of heavy weight. Concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Concrete Slab Lifting Device (CSLD) makes it possible for an individual to lift these slabs without much... more
Abstract Given the increasingly significant impact of an efficient product-location strategy on warehouses’ performance from a service level and operational costs perspective, this paper presents a possible operations research-oriented... more
The common driver of the 'green-warehouse' strategy is based on the reduction of energy consumption. In warehouses with 'picker-to-part' operations the minimization of energy due to material handling activities can be achieved by means of... more
Devinisi Material Handling adalah salah satu jenis transportasi yang digunakan untuk kegiatan mengangkat, mengangkut dan meletakkan bahan-bahan/barang-barang dalam perusahaan industri, dimulai sejak bahan-bahan masuk atau diterima di... more
Tata letak fasilitas merupakan pengaturan untuk menetapkan letak fasilitas dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kepentingan, aliran pemindahan bahan, luas area dan sebagainya. Hasil pengamatan langsung di unit usaha Indra Loka, Yogyakarta... more
Material handling process is the process of movement of raw material, semi-finished goods, finished goods through various stages of production and warehousing. It has been seen that forklift equipment is widely used in many industries... more
Assignment for Agricultural Process Engineering subject. Describe on machine used for mechanical handling of agricultural products.
Lojistik, değer akışında önemli bir rol oynayan, müşteri hizmet düzeyini maksimize eden ve maliyetler üzerinde önemli düzeyde etkisi olan bir fonksiyondur. Bu fonksiyonun etkili ve verimli olarak icrası için ürün ve bilgi akışlarının... more
Steelmaking is the method of developing steel from iron ore (usually haematite) and scrap. The impurities such as nitrogen, sulphur, silicon, phosphorus and excess carbon are separated out from the raw iron and alloying elements such as... more
This paper presents the design criteria for a software tool able to support warehouse planning, minimizing both the overall required space and internal travel times. The tool allows what-if analysis on different slot-product allocations... more
Transporting patients in hospital beds is a physically demanding activity performed by healthcare workers and bed design may moderate the risk of injury. Nine healthcare workers participated in a study to investigate how brake pedal... more
Hand Pallet merupakan peralatan angkut yang digunakan dalam kegiatan operasional suatu perusahaan untuk memindahkan hasil produksi maupun beban lainnya dengan kapasitas besar. Secara umum terdapat dua jenis hand pallet yaitu hand pallet... more
Pneumatics is one of the most used systems in these days. Today equipment and system use this type of actuating because it is a very safe, economic and ease to implement. Another advantage that recommends this type of actuating is the... more
In this study, using Harfang Code 32 device, the slag catcher pipelines in one of the South Pars phases were tested. In radiography method of these lines, no clear defect was observed in radiographic films due to the high thickness of 40... more
Manual materials handling is a known risk in industry period. There should be no argument. Manual handling task are responsible for a large proportion of work related injuries and long term health problems amongst... more
Manufacturing Firms sometimes suffers from Productivity, Low Production rate and Delivery problems. Production time is the top priority at every manufacturing firm, and each firm wants to minimize it as much as possible to deliver their... more
LESEPROBE unter: CD-ROM (ISBN 3000421963): Uebersetzungshilfe fuer Betriebsanleitungen + Datenblaetter: Technik-Texte finden (deutsch-english) + Mechatronik-Woerterbuch CD-ROM -... more