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Abstract This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a... more
Diese explorative Kurzstudie, finanziert von der Fraktion der GRÜNEN/EFA im Europäischen Parlament, widmet sich der Informalisierung migrantischer Arbeit in der Schlachtung und Zerlegung am regionalen Beispiel des Oldenburger Münsterlandes.
In this thesis I am examining the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Solidarity’s responses to technological changes at the ArcelorMittal (formerly known as Iron and Steel Corporation of South Africa (Iscor))... more
Es gibt Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass die durch die COVID-19-Pandemie ausgelöste Krise zu strukturellen Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt geführt hat, die in engem Zusammenhang mit Digitalisierungsprozessen stehen. Einige Veränderungen sind in... more
The growth and development of automated teller machine (ATM) in the banking sector contribute tremendously in shaping the perception of customers towards its usage. The usage of the services render by the banking sector through ATM... more
สังคมวิทยาอุตสาหกรรม สังคมวิทยาแรงงาน สังคมวิทยาการทำงาน ฯลฯ
Über das Buch Seit Jahren wird unter der Überschrift Digitalisierung über den sozioökonomischen Strukturwandel und die Zukunft der Arbeit diskutiert. Die Aussagen der Forschung bleiben allerdings oftmals unverbunden und widersprüchlich.... more
ABSTRACT. In this present paper we will analyse, from an epistemological standpoint, the phases of economic and social development in Alvin Toffler’s perspective. In his works, he analyses economy and society at three distinct levels,... more
Il rapporto tra tecnologia, innovazione e lavoro è sempre stato al centro del dibattito economico-sociologico. Dagli economisti classici fino alla teoria più recente si è cercato di individuare le correlazioni positive o negative tra... more
In any organization, human resources stand as vital assets for success; these are to be highly valued in order to achieve the competitive edge. Therefore, human capital policies and practices should be tied to organizational goals. The... more
Globalization has converted the world into a small global village; in which there is an ever high stream of contentions and competitions between organizations. As such, the most effective and beneficial maneuver for any organization is to... more
Privatization and commercialization of Nigeria's public enterprises today faces a lot of objection, criticism and challenges. However, privatization seems to be the alternative method which the government may employ to curb the... more
The Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th Centuries led to the emergence of mechanized factory system and new manufacturing processes. The large scale of operations, modern methods, use of lowercost labour, and the increased... more
Como consecuencia del exitoso proyecto de industrialización puesto en práctica a partir del año 2003, nuestro país se ha poblado de parques industriales, nacidos a partir de la necesidad de gran cantidad de empresas – de todo tipo y... more
Since 1961 the relatively tiny ex-Portuguese Goa has been transformed from a rather forgotten and underdeveloped colonial enclave to a state within the Indian Union with a strong tourism sector and one of the highest per capita-income of... more
This study attempts to explore some of the factors motivating the job performance amongst academic and non-academic staff of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The objectives of the study include to examine the contributions of the... more
This paper seeks to establish the relationships between three job characteristics constructs, namely work engagement, intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction in a workplace notorious for discord and conflict between workers and... more
Die aktuellen Umbrüche in der Arbeitssphäre werfen erneut die Frage nach Entwicklungsdynamik, Widersprüchen und Emanzipationspotentialen in diesem wichtigen sozialen Konfliktfeld auf. In dem Buch wird dieser Frage unter dem Gesichtspunkt... more
Teamwork in the automotive industry varies significantly from plant to plant. This book compares teamwork in four final assembly plants in Germany and the UK: the Opel Eisenach and a Mercedes factory in Germany, and the Vauxhall Luton and... more
The changes in technology in the public transport sector have seen the introduction of new forms of transport service using app technology and platforms. This is bringing to the fore new services and ways of generating value. It is... more
ABSTRACT In Nigeria, sex education is yet to be integrated into the curriculum of secondary school education and many parents are reluctant to discuss sexuality and sexual health... more
In this lecture I have dealt with the classical sociological perspectives on Industrial society.
The study sought to examine the nexus between leadership styles and employees' retention in organizations with a view to ascertaining how leadership styles influence employees' retention and performance, and consequently enhance... more
In retrospect, it can be said that the concept not only helped to forge a compromise between the demands for economic growth on the one hand and for environmental protection and conservation on the other, but also stimulated the exchange... more
Generally, psychologists are not well known in public policy and development circles as experts whose contributions are invited. This has been attributed, at the very least, to the inability of psychologists to communicate what they can... more
Over 90 per cent of the goods we use – from our smartphones to the fuel in our cars – are transported by ships. The cargo shipping industry is the most globalised industry in the world, yet we know very little about the context in which... more
The proliferation of global value chains is portrayed in academic and policy circles as representing new development opportunities for firms and regions in the global south. This article tests these claims by examining original material... more
The Nigerian music industry has witnessed several remarkable changes since its inception and at every phase of its development. The social processes attached to music composition and consumption have equally varied. Although the history... more
This study explores the emerging trends in employee retention strategies in a globalizing economy, with a focus on Nigeria. The paper argues that globalization has enhanced the mobility of labor, and has also accelerated the rate of... more
This research report is about the politics of production and forms of worker responses at the Iscor Vanderbijlpark works in the period 1965 to 1973. Using the notion of politics of production, the research examines a factory regime and... more
Directorate of General Studies, �ederal �niversity of �echnology, Ow-, �ederal �niversity of �echnology, Ow-�ederal �niversity of �echnology, Ow-, Ow-Ow-erri Imo State, Nigeria. Abstract There have been a lot of arguments regarding the... more
This study explores the emerging trends in employee retention strategies in a globalizing economy, with a focus on Nigeria. The paper argues that globalization has enhanced the mobility of labor, and has also accelerated the rate of... more
Abstract One of the key features of industrial restructuring in the current globalized market is the increasing polarization in employment conditions and a growing differentiation in the workforce. One method employed by firms in their... more
Die deutsche Automobilindustrie ist nicht nur eine der Stützen des deutschen Exportsektors, sie ist auch ein Indikator für Veränderungen im deutschen Produktionsmodell. Seit Beginn der achtziger Jahre hatten sich hier entscheidende... more
Technological innovation has had far-reaching implications for labour and for the world of work generally. It has led to job losses, the creation of new jobs, the loss of some skilled positions and the creation of new ones, and an... more
On 16 August 2012, striking miners in Marikana, South Africa were fired upon by the South African Police Service, resulting in the death of 44 mineworkers. For many the incident has signalled a turning point for the country. This paper... more
Tuzla’yı, Davutpaşa’yı, Karadon faciasını, saatli bomba asbestin etkilerini anlamak için kılavuz bir kitap. Usta sosyolog Thébaud-Mony hepimizin bir politika olarak uygulanan güvencesizleştirme ile nasıl sağlık ve canımızı kaybettiğimizi,... more
Staatliche Reglementierungen, die ein humanitäres Arbeiten gewährleisten, wirken heutzutage wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Doch wie kam es zu solchen Eingriffen in die Arbeitswelt? Der Band setzt erstmals die Bemühungen um eine... more